Romney is running in 2024

Romney alienated himself in his last election by ripping down a 6 million dollar mansion to build a 12 million dollar mansion in its place.

He's done. He'll never run again. I'm actually surprised he made it back to the senate.
I think he's safe in the Senate, since he has a while yet before he runs again. Plus those guys are not as Trumpy as most of the GOP. But you are right. He will never run for anything nationwide.
I think he's safe in the Senate, since he has a while yet before he runs again. Plus those guys are not as Trumpy as most of the GOP. But you are right. He will never run for anything nationwide.
I’m completely *over* letting fake republicans run the nation into the ground...but Romney might be a bellwether. Mormons have been staunchly conservative for generations, but theirs is the older kind of conservative thinking, typically. The fact that Romney has spoken out AT ALL tells me that there’s soul-searching going on in SLC. Could be the first signs of a turning-away from the “republicanism” of the post Nixon period - and a turning toward the Eisenhower republicanism they swore allegiance to so many decades ago. I wouldn’t mind having *REAL* conservative Americans back in our politics, as opposed to the Koch-funded/organized/directed “revolution of the ruling class” we’ve been dealing with (and thank all the gods that we are on the verge of getting wise to them).
It is nice that she ultimately decided to make it all about her :clap: :hump: :hug:

are her parents out of jail yet for being elites that bought their way into a school their daughter didn't qualify for?..gee what happens when you push your way into something that you're not qualified for? anyone?

that's why there is a vetting process.
Romney wouldn't go too far and he certainly won't have the support from his party after the way he voted. He has gained a lot of respect from everybody else however and him a few others will be remembered in the long run for their courage to stand up for what's right.
Nice idea, but they haven’t rebounded from Nixon yet, much less Reagan...”republicans” are *DONE*. NEVER AGAIN!

...And yet he went along, saying nothing: in such a situation, not being braindead just means he knew but he went along and said nothing *ON PURPOSE*. It’s not a brownie point, it’s not a feather in his cap, it doesn’t make him deserving of public’s evidence of collusion.

the german populace went along even when they could see the smoke rising from the forest..they went along.
Anyone else notice how he's out getting as much media coverage as he can and openly going against trump. He's betting that by the time 2024 comes along trump and his bovine dung are just a bad memory for the Republican party. He seems like he's making sure that he was one of the few voices of reason within the party during the dark trump days of chaos, corruption, and conspiracies and wants everyone to know it.

Hopefully the Republican party will return to sanity. This fear of trump and his ilk needs to end.


I've been saying this for 3 months.

I was republican my entire life until "Grab them by the Pussy". Lol.
i guess the blatant racism wasn’t a dealbreaker then

Aw, a sensitive fellow. That's okay, I am too.

Actually the racism was a deal breaker, as I was the victim of a racist hate crime, had to have reconstructive surgery because of it and have lived with PTSD every since. And I take it more seriously than, most of this country/world.

To specifically respond to your comment:

At the time of "Grab them by the Pussy", we were dealing with Clinton's emails which were a threat to National Security and Trump's racism. Sorry, not sorry, but the security of ALL, IS and always will be more important than racism.
I was raised/grew up in Washington DC proper. I have been around politics most of my life.
I was Republican my whole life.
I voted for Clinton in 2016.
I voted for Biden in 2020.

What's good?
Aw, a sensitive fellow. That's okay, I am too.

Actually the racism was a deal breaker, as I was the victim of a racist hate crime, had to have reconstructive surgery because of it and have lived with PTSD every since. And I take it more seriously than, most of this country/world.

To specifically respond to your comment:

At the time of "Grab them by the Pussy", we were dealing with Clinton's emails which were a threat to National Security and Trump's racism. Sorry, not sorry, but the security of ALL, IS and always will be more important than racism.
I was raised/grew up in Washington DC proper. I have been around politics most of my life.
I was Republican my whole life.
I voted for Clinton in 2016.
I voted for Biden in 2020.

What's good?
Looking back does the Clinton email scam look ridiculous?
Yeah its nice that he got hated on by stump and didn't back down.. Wish he'd freaking speak out against all the freaking idiots that decided they couldn't speak out against him.. Pussies! Fuck stump and his rat fuck family and anyone who aligned themselves along or even near his side!!!:finger:
Looking back does the Clinton email scam look ridiculous?

I don't understand the need for your comment?

Looking back, the email scam does not look ridiculous.

Does it look like 1/100th of what Trump has done since attaining office? Absolutely.

I can't see into the future.

In 2016, the "email scam" was not ridiculous at all.

All I know, is I would be able to have the surgery if Clinton had won. I wouldn't of lost my 85k job as a General Manager that I worked 15 years to get to, if Clinton had won. I wouldn't have been in self quarantine (Since March 23rd) minus my dog walks if Clinton had won. And we wouldn't be seeing 3500+ people dying in a day, if Clinton had won.

I voted for Clinton.

What's Good?
I don't understand the need for your comment?

Looking back, the email scam does not look ridiculous.

Does it look like 1/100th of what Trump has done since attaining office? Absolutely.

I can't see into the future.

In 2016, the "email scam" was not ridiculous at all.

All I know, is I would be able to have the surgery if Clinton had won. I wouldn't of lost my 85k job as a General Manager that I worked 15 years to get to, if Clinton had won. I wouldn't have been in self quarantine (Since March 23rd) minus my dog walks if Clinton had won. And we wouldn't be seeing 3500+ people dying in a day, if Clinton had won.

I voted for Clinton.

What's Good?
I was just asking because I was curious and to have the conversation about the email scam that the Republicans pushed and the Russian military amplified to help Trump. Since everything about it is out there now I figured maybe looking back you might see it for what it was.

But I can see you are in defensive mode if you are coming at me with 'I don't understand the need for your comment'. Maybe another time then.
I was just asking because I was curious and to have the conversation about the email scam that the Republicans pushed and the Russian military amplified to help Trump. Since everything about it is out there now I figured maybe looking back you might see it for what it was.

But I can see you are in defensive mode if you are coming at me with 'I don't understand the need for your comment'. Maybe another time then.

Ah, I see. Yeah, maybe you are right about defensive mode, probably the other guys comment that kind of accused me of being racist.

I should probably stick to my own principals and leave politics out of places they shouldn't be spoken, or in this case, typed.

Thanks for clarifying, appreciate you.
I'm going with #5

the german populace went along even when they could see the smoke rising from the forest..they went along.

They were conditioned to believe obedience to authority was a virtue and questioning authority was bad. (just like people in the USA have been)

The German populace was several generations into Government school indoctrination when the holocaust occurred. Damn that Kaiser Wilhelm!

Pretty much the same "education model" that Horace Mann brought to the USA in the mid 1800s and which has corrupted liberty here. IF you are intellectually curious John Taylor Gatto, a former N.Y. State teacher of the year has written several books exposing the origins and rationale behind "government schools" and why they are an immense failure.
. . . . . . . the scope of Mitt Romney’s awkward remarks was wider still, including things like grass color: “Everything seems right here. You know, I come back to Michigan; the trees are the right height. The grass is the right color for this time of year, kind of a brownish-greenish sort of thing. It just feels right.”