Actually we were doing pretty good until you and Mr.Estrain showed up.This whole thread is created to incite violence and fighting anyway.
Speaks volumes about OP and their mental state.
Geez, I didn't mean this to be a think piece
This whole thread is created to incite violence and fighting anyway.
Speaks volumes about OP and their mental state.
I love this guy his lectures are eye openingWhat TacoMac says it how the kid knows. As far as bad parenting goes, how can that come into it at this age?
There was a good series of lectures bu a Sanford University Prof which should be recommended viewing by anyone before they graduate from high school.
Why a kids develops into what they are are a combination of events and their biology. Being one pound at birth may have had something to do with it.
I never got that. Why did you?This whole thread is created to incite violence and fighting
Exactly my thought when I first read it. Comes off very antagonistic. For no reason other than he's butt hurt over some real life interaction, probably with his sister, and is looking to take his frustrations out on a willing huckleberry.This whole thread is created to incite violence and fighting anyway.
Speaks volumes about OP and their mental state.
Exactly my thought when I first read it. Comes off very antagonistic. For no reason other than he's butt hurt over some real life interaction, probably with his sister, and is looking to take his frustrations out on a willing huckleberry.
It was written with intentional douchiness that was completely unnecessary. Speaks volumes about his mental state to me.
Maybe go for a walk in the forest for awhile op, you're wound so tight you're going pop bud.
No one's triggered in this thread other than the OP. It's right there in the first post.
Juicy Brucey is an asshole. Just a trash human.
You really should not abuse your child. And post it on a forum.Child abuse. Plain and simple. At six years old I barely let my kids pick what they wanted for lunch.
Good job. I’m sure they turned out to be unquestioning, judgmental, ignorant pieces of shit, just like you.Child abuse. Plain and simple. At six years old I barely let my kids pick what they wanted for lunch.
Their mommy had issues...Good job. I’m sure they turned out to be unquestioning, judgmental, ignorant pieces of shit, just like you.
Sock puppet says what?Child abuse. Plain and simple. At six years old I barely let my kids pick what they wanted for lunch.
Yes, a six year old should be having fun and playing. She can now.If your 6 yr old knows what transgender is then you’ve failed.
Hate me all you want but a 6yr old shoukd be worrying about living and having fun not sex/gender.
I don't disagree, but you need to work the word ignorant into itBest term to ever describe the trolls in this thread, deplorables.
Transgender and gay are two separate issues.This guy is such a trash can making posts like this. Figures his kid is all fucked up too.
Try not making your posts about picking fights over gay topics. You liked that pun I'm sure lol.
This whole thread is created to incite violence and fighting anyway.
Speaks volumes about OP and their mental state.
We handled it straight on. I doubt she was grasping it entirely but at least she understood what was happening when it did. She understands much better now and realizes that her actions will often result in hatred toward her. She know why too.Just this past weekend I was reading an article about the indigenous Americans approach to gender identification. They believe people can have “Two-Spirits” and it’s why they wait until children self identify before they are given a name.
Makes you wonder who the real “savages” are.
My only question for you Unclebaldrick, is how do you tell your child that some of her family will not accept her for who she is? I can’t even imagine how you could begin to explain that to a 6 year old.
edit: I looked for the article I was reading to post a link and couldn’t find it. I did find a similar article, though;
The 'two-spirit' people of indigenous North Americans
This week's guest editor, Antony Hegarty, is a fan of the book The Spirit and the Flesh. He asked its author, Walter L Williams, to write a feature for the Guardian/music on the 'two-spirit' tradition in Native American