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‘You are a moron.’ North Carolina county ends Coke vending machine ban after pushback (yahoo.com)

‘You are a moron.’ North Carolina county ends Coke vending machine ban after pushback
https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=James Quincey
County commissioners in North Carolina wanted to send a message to Coke by removing its vending machines from county property after the CEO spoke out against changes to Georgia’s voting laws.

But the machines didn’t belong to the Atlanta-based beverage giant.

The 12 Coke vending machines on Surry County property were owned and operated by Coca-Cola Consolidated, an independent bottling company headquartered in Charlotte. Commissioners voted Monday to rescind the previous vote after company representatives pointed out the error during a public forum in which several residents also voiced their objections.

Alison Patient, vice president of government affairs at Coca-Cola Consolidated, told board members one of its 15 facilities in North Carolina is located in Surry County.

“I’m here tonight because the commission has made a decision that directly impacts our business and the livelihood of the 37 employees and their families that work here in Surry County,” she said. “We’re respectfully asking that you reconsider your actions.”

Surry is on the Virginia border, about 93 miles north of Charlotte.
Patient also clarified Coca-Cola Consolidated is “completely separate” from The Coca-Cola Co. in Atlanta and has “absolutely no control over their opinions or statements about any issue.”

What started the Coke ban
The decision to ban Coke machines in Surry County stems from comments made by James Quincey, chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Co., after Georgia lawmakers passed legislation in March overhauling voting laws in the state.

The legislation contained sweeping changes to voter ID requirements and absentee ballots that The New York Times reported “will limit ballot access, potentially confuse voters and give more power to Republican lawmakers.”

Dozens of corporations issued statements denouncing the law, including Quincey.
“We want to be crystal clear and state unambiguously that we are disappointed in the outcome of the Georgia voting legislation,” Quincey said on April 1.
Trump-loving lawyer Lin Wood loses his lawsuit seeking to halt a psychiatric exam by the State Bar of Georgia - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

Trump-loving lawyer Lin Wood loses his lawsuit seeking to halt a psychiatric exam by the State Bar of Georgia

Lin Wood, a pro-Trump attorney who became infamous for backing QAnon conspiracy theories, has failed in his effort to halt a psychiatric evaluation as required by the Georgia Bar Association.

"Clearly, there is a grievance proceeding in the State Bar against Wood. Wood Argues that because he filed this action before there was a finding of probable cause against him, this factor is not satisfied," said the court documents. "However, he cites no law to support his contention that a probable. He cites no law to support the proposition that he has a property right not to be asked to consent to a mental health evaluation. And, as a Defendants pointed out, he has been provided a notice of the claims against him and will have an opportunity to defend himself and raise any constitutional issues before any public discipline is imposed."

Wood could lose his law license in the state after filing many lawsuits nationwide that spouted unfounded conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Under the Georgia Bar Association rules, a mental illness can be grounds for disbarment.

Reuters reported last month that the mental health assessment isn't the key component to the competency ruling of Wood. It's part the overall examination of him.

"The actions brought against me by the State Bar of Georgia, are frivolous," Wood told Reuters. "They are driven by the political agenda of the elite establishment that presently controls the Georgia bar."

Wisconsin is another state going after Wood.
Another official resigns over censored Memorial Day speech (yahoo.com)

Another official resigns over censored Memorial Day speech

HUDSON, Ohio (AP) — Both organizers of a Memorial Day ceremony have now resigned under pressure after they silenced a retired U.S. Army officer’s microphone while he was talking about how freed Black slaves honored fallen soldiers just after the Civil War.

Cindy Suchan, chair of the Memorial Day parade committee and president of the Hudson American Legion Auxiliary, stepped down nearly a week after the ceremony, the Akron Beacon Journal reported Tuesday.

Suzette Heller, department adjutant for the American Legion Department of Ohio, said she was told Sunday that Suchan had resigned. Jim Garrison, adjutant of American Legion Post 464, resigned last Friday.

The American Legion Department of Ohio said censoring the speech about the role Blacks played in how Memorial Day was premeditated and planned by Garrison and Suchan.

“They knew exactly when to turn the volume down and when to turn it back up,” said Roger Friend, department commander for the Ohio American Legion.

The organizers of the ceremony in Hudson, Ohio, initially defended their decision, saying the section of the speech that was silenced was not relevant to the program’s theme of honoring the city’s veterans.

In the days before the ceremony, Suchan said she reviewed the speech and asked retired Army Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter to remove certain portions. Kemter said he did not see the suggested changes in time to rewrite the speech.

Kemter, who spent 30 years in the Army and served in the Persian Gulf War, said he was disappointed that his microphone was turned off for two minutes.
For those who haven't heard the story.

Kim Jong Un: K-pop is a 'vicious cancer,' merits execution (nypost.com)

Kim Jong Un: K-pop is a ‘vicious cancer’ that merits work camp, execution

Kim Jong Un is cracking down on DPRK-pop fans.

Amid increasing cultural influence from South Korea, the 37-year-old North Korean leader is imposing harsher penalties on citizens caught listening to “perverse” K-pop music.

The secretive anti-K-pop campaign came to light through internal documents smuggled out of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) by the Seoul-based news source Daily NK, the New York Times first reported Friday. These were then made public by South Korean legislators.

The newly slimmed-down DPRK despot had dubbed the southern cultural imports a “vicious cancer” corrupting North Korean youths’ “attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors” à la the dancing in the ’80s movie “Footloose” — but with a much darker bent.

In an apparent bid to launch his own brand of cancel culture, Kim introduced new laws in December stipulating that anyone caught watching or possessing South Korean content could be sentenced to up to 15 years of hard labor. The previous maximum punishment for fans of popular acts such as BTS was five years.

If that wasn’t harsh enough, K-pop smugglers could even face execution while those caught singing, speaking or writing in a “South Korean style” could be sentenced to two years at a work camp, per the smuggled documents.

This past May, a citizen was killed via firing squad for hawking bootleg South Korean music and other entertainment.
Teamsters refused to pay a ransomware attack in 2019
The Teamsters labor union was hit with a ransomware attack in 2019 but refused to pay the seven-figure payment demanded by hackers, despite being advised by the FBI to do so, a Teamsters spokesperson confirmed to The Hill.

The cyberattack, which was first reported by NBC News on Friday, occurred over Labor Day weekend and was not previously revealed to the public.

The Teamsters spokesperson who spoke to The Hill declined to comment beyond what was included in NBC’s article.

NBC reported that attackers had demanded $2.5 million in exchange for restoring the union’s access to its electronic files, which included the personal information of millions of active and retired members.

"These stinkin' Russians are going to shake use down? Don't they know who we are. Fuck them."

As soon as airlines allowed passengers to fly again a group of them 'took a little vacation'.

Russian Immigration - "What is the purpose of your trip?"

Teamsters - "Pleasure."
I don't usually disagree with him as much as with that video. Of course it's not worse than fifty years ago, but it sure as shit is worse than ten years ago. And it is pretty darn popular with republicans, which make up about half the nation. Yeah maybe only 10% of them are really vocal about it, but the other 90% aren't exactly going out of their way to oppose it with any significance.
I don't usually disagree with him as much as with that video. Of course it's not worse than fifty years ago, but it sure as shit is worse than ten years ago. And it is pretty damn (my edit) popular with republicans, which make up about half the nation. Yeah maybe only 10% of them are really vocal about it, but the other 90% aren't exactly going out of their way to oppose it with any significance.
I had a discussion with my brother-in-law about the Midwest "white belt". I was trying,(badly), to point out that by and large they're good people who feel they've been left behind. They feel that the East coast and the "left coast" have taken over society. Telling them how they should live. It's not that they don't want change, they just don't want it rammed down their throats. I said, "They're just simple people living simpler lives than us."
"Right.", he said. "They're Simpletons!"
"No." I replied. "They're scared. They're scared of such drastic, fast change. They need time to adjust."
"They've had time. Plenty of time. Tell them to get used to it."
To an extent he's right. They should have seen the writing on the wall. But the message some how got confused. We have, as a society, left behind the "bread basket" of the world. We've taken them for granted. That as "Simpletons" we will drag them along. Treating them like a crying three year old. Rather than stopping to talk with them. Do our best to help them understand that this IS the progress that IS coming. Where did were did we go wrong to not be able to make this progress happen while still having our right leaning, Republican, Brothers and Sisters walking beside us. They have ideas. Their help is essential in this trip. We are making mistakes. Big ones. This is one of them.

I'll give you what I see as two major examples, actually three of how desperate the right wing base is.
Soy Beans, Steel and Coal.
Dump put tariffs on two.
He destroyed the soy bean industry. His farm base rallied thinking, (hoping), that China would yield. Instead they went looking somewhere else to buy soy beans. Our gov't is still subsidizing that industry. Foreclosures on farms quadrupled and they still supported that fool.
I mean they really held on to the hope that he was doing good for them. Still do. That they were willing to fall on their swords believing he had their best interests in mind by doing this. They never saw that they were only tools. Still don't. And because of our arrogance they won't hear different by us.

Steel industry. Sure foundries loved the tariffs. Gave them a better chance to compete. But prices in steel, aluminum, copper and other special metals,( some we don't even make), jumped and that went right up the production chain. View it as an upside down pyramid. You help tens of thousands of people at the bottom, (foundries in Pennsylvania as an example), produce for the nation but the costs go right up to the tens of millions of people above. Cars, GM talked of layoffs and production slowdowns. The company I work for saw 10 to 15% raw material price increases and we can't pass that on. We are not in a position to be able to do that. A lot of our industry felt that punch.
Thank God our manufacturing niche was hot. We got VERY lucky. We had been upgrading our machine tools. Making components 25 to 100% faster. Buried the costs. It has since leveled out. Nothing gained.

Coal. Dump talked big about renewing coal usage. Roll back environmental restrictions.
Nobody wanted coal any more. Power plants had been shifting to natural gas. They weren't going to shift back. Gas was cheaper and cleaner anyway. Coal production took off and died a fast death. One of the biggest coal mines shut down over night. Literally.

Bill Maher should take a trip out to the midwest. Stay for a week or two at a farm. Take ride in a combine. Break bread with these people. He may not agree with their thought process. I don't. But I've never met kinder, "simpler people" who are willing to give you the shirt off their backs. For some of those who I have met. It was the only one they had.
I had a discussion with my brother-in-law about the Midwest "white belt". I was trying,(badly), to point out that by and large they're good people who feel they've been left behind. They feel that the East coast and the "left coast" have taken over society. Telling them how they should live. It's not that they don't want change, they just don't want it rammed down their throats. I said, "They're just simple people living simpler lives than us."
"Right.", he said. "They're Simpletons!"
"No." I replied. "They're scared. They're scared of such drastic, fast change. They need time to adjust."
"They've had time. Plenty of time. Tell them to get used to it."
To an extent he's right. They should have seen the writing on the wall. But the message some how got confused. We have, as a society, left behind the "bread basket" of the world. We've taken them for granted. That as "Simpletons" we will drag them along. Treating them like a crying three year old. Rather than stopping to talk with them. Do our best to help them understand that this IS the progress that IS coming. Where did were did we go wrong to not be able to make this progress happen while still having our right leaning, Republican, Brothers and Sisters walking beside us. They have ideas. Their help is essential in this trip. We are making mistakes. Big ones. This is one of them.

I'll give you what I see as two major examples, actually three of how desperate the right wing base is.
Soy Beans, Steel and Coal.
Dump put tariffs on two.
He destroyed the soy bean industry. His farm base rallied thinking, (hoping), that China would yield. Instead they went looking somewhere else to buy soy beans. Our gov't is still subsidizing that industry. Foreclosures on farms quadrupled and they still supported that fool.
I mean they really held on to the hope that he was doing good for them. Still do. That they were willing to fall on their swords believing he had their best interests in mind by doing this. They never saw that they were only tools. Still don't. And because of our arrogance they won't hear different by us.

Steel industry. Sure foundries loved the tariffs. Gave them a better chance to compete. But prices in steel, aluminum, copper and other special metals,( some we don't even make), jumped and that went right up the production chain. View it as an upside down pyramid. You help tens of thousands of people at the bottom, (foundries in Pennsylvania as an example), produce for the nation but the costs go right up to the tens of millions of people above. Cars, GM talked of layoffs and production slowdowns. The company I work for saw 10 to 15% raw material price increases and we can't pass that on. We are not in a position to be able to do that. A lot of our industry felt that punch.
Thank God our manufacturing niche was hot. We got VERY lucky. We had been upgrading our machine tools. Making components 25 to 100% faster. Buried the costs. It has since leveled out. Nothing gained.

Coal. Dump talked big about renewing coal usage. Roll back environmental restrictions.
Nobody wanted coal any more. Power plants had been shifting to natural gas. They weren't going to shift back. Gas was cheaper and cleaner anyway. Coal production took off and died a fast death. One of the biggest coal mines shut down over night. Literally.

Bill Maher should take a trip out to the midwest. Stay for a week or two at a farm. Take ride in a combine. Break bread with these people. He may not agree with their thought process. I don't. But I've never met kinder, "simpler people" who are willing to give you the shirt off their backs. For some of those who I have met. It was the only one they had.
That’s all well and fine but how many of the stupid fuckers voted for trump twice?

Anyone who could vote for that piece of shit once, let alone twice, gets no pass from me.
That’s all well and fine but how many of the stupid fuckers voted for trump twice?

Anyone who could vote for that piece of shit once, let alone twice, gets no pass from me.

I get it. Makes perfect sense to me. But that's to my point. They feel that no one else is listening to them except Mr. Sociopath.
As I stated they Will fall on their swords for this Black hole. Also, don't forget, their Reps and Senators are lock step with Dump. That in itself enforces their thinking that they've made a right choice. Even though they're mostly doing it out of cowardice. Peanut balls.
He's a racist, a bigot, a rapist, criminal narcissist that's loved by a large chunk of America. I believe to some degree we're all at fault for letting this Twilight Zone cartoon ruin our lives.
You have to stop and listen to yourself. Your anger is exactly what Dump wants and needs. That attitude will only further his cause. Keeping you and his supporters at each other's throats furthers his cause which is to rule this country as a Fascist.
You bury the hatchet, you bury Dump.
I had a discussion with my brother-in-law about the Midwest "white belt". I was trying,(badly), to point out that by and large they're good people who feel they've been left behind. They feel that the East coast and the "left coast" have taken over society. Telling them how they should live. It's not that they don't want change, they just don't want it rammed down their throats. I said, "They're just simple people living simpler lives than us."
"Right.", he said. "They're Simpletons!"
"No." I replied. "They're scared. They're scared of such drastic, fast change. They need time to adjust."
"They've had time. Plenty of time. Tell them to get used to it."
To an extent he's right. They should have seen the writing on the wall. But the message some how got confused. We have, as a society, left behind the "bread basket" of the world. We've taken them for granted. That as "Simpletons" we will drag them along. Treating them like a crying three year old. Rather than stopping to talk with them. Do our best to help them understand that this IS the progress that IS coming. Where did were did we go wrong to not be able to make this progress happen while still having our right leaning, Republican, Brothers and Sisters walking beside us. They have ideas. Their help is essential in this trip. We are making mistakes. Big ones. This is one of them.

I'll give you what I see as two major examples, actually three of how desperate the right wing base is.
Soy Beans, Steel and Coal.
Dump put tariffs on two.
He destroyed the soy bean industry. His farm base rallied thinking, (hoping), that China would yield. Instead they went looking somewhere else to buy soy beans. Our gov't is still subsidizing that industry. Foreclosures on farms quadrupled and they still supported that fool.
I mean they really held on to the hope that he was doing good for them. Still do. That they were willing to fall on their swords believing he had their best interests in mind by doing this. They never saw that they were only tools. Still don't. And because of our arrogance they won't hear different by us.

Steel industry. Sure foundries loved the tariffs. Gave them a better chance to compete. But prices in steel, aluminum, copper and other special metals,( some we don't even make), jumped and that went right up the production chain. View it as an upside down pyramid. You help tens of thousands of people at the bottom, (foundries in Pennsylvania as an example), produce for the nation but the costs go right up to the tens of millions of people above. Cars, GM talked of layoffs and production slowdowns. The company I work for saw 10 to 15% raw material price increases and we can't pass that on. We are not in a position to be able to do that. A lot of our industry felt that punch.
Thank God our manufacturing niche was hot. We got VERY lucky. We had been upgrading our machine tools. Making components 25 to 100% faster. Buried the costs. It has since leveled out. Nothing gained.

Coal. Dump talked big about renewing coal usage. Roll back environmental restrictions.
Nobody wanted coal any more. Power plants had been shifting to natural gas. They weren't going to shift back. Gas was cheaper and cleaner anyway. Coal production took off and died a fast death. One of the biggest coal mines shut down over night. Literally.

Bill Maher should take a trip out to the midwest. Stay for a week or two at a farm. Take ride in a combine. Break bread with these people. He may not agree with their thought process. I don't. But I've never met kinder, "simpler people" who are willing to give you the shirt off their backs. For some of those who I have met. It was the only one they had.
I have people in my family just like that. Principled, honest people who will assist anyone in need, anytime. Beef ranchers in Colorado. Still, they're gullible and foolish to believe the big lie, and stubborn to admit they were wrong. They keep voting the same way in the hope that they'll be vindicated at some time.
I get it. Makes perfect sense to me. But that's to my point. They feel that no one else is listening to them except Mr. Sociopath.
As I stated they Will fall on their swords for this Black hole. Also, don't forget, their Reps and Senators are lock step with Dump. That in itself enforces their thinking that they've made a right choice. Even though they're mostly doing it out of cowardice. Peanut balls.
He's a racist, a bigot, a rapist, criminal narcissist that's loved by a large chunk of America. I believe to some degree we're all at fault for letting this Twilight Zone cartoon ruin our lives.
You have to stop and listen to yourself. Your anger is exactly what Dump wants and needs. That attitude will only further his cause. Keeping you and his supporters at each other's throats furthers his cause which is to rule this country as a Fascist.
You bury the hatchet, you bury Dump.
I think that it is in large part because they are used to being able to scream into a void at anytime of the day and getting a response (ontop of the almighty listening to them anytime they have something on their mind), that builds up a lot of narcissism and no reasonable amount of time spent on what those particular people want to focus on what it is that they care about can fill that void like the trolls/bots have been, so any real world answer is not satisfying for them.

Trump is the cult leader that everything that the people in his cult are being spammed is his messaging, they are completely immersed in it across any platform (TV/Radio/Internet/Books/papers (like Epoch times)/email spam/etc).
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