
Also again who benefits from the war or wars to come that’s the number one reason for war is to make those corporate shareholders big bucks by profiting off of selling weapons, and looting other countries! Follow the money and you’d get your motives. I have to admit America is very very smart at it’s fuckery it bestows upon the world! This country is Europe’s fire power and it belongs to the crown! Hence why the Queen said we could put her name on the ballot and she would run the country!
I can understand why you don't want to see us talk about the illegal war that Putin decided to perpetrate on Ukraine. Russia as we now know it will not survive this disaster.

Putin might launch nukes. Then nobody survives.

Do go on about how bad Amerika is. It's a nice diversion from reality.
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The world will adjust and wean itself off Russian energy.
I had mentioned before that even in the worst shit show there will be a positive to balance the negative,
In this case the upcoming energy crisis (it's just started) will FORCE the innovation & development needed for a zero carbon energy source today, not sometime in the near future
This is the perfect time to develop & expand green energy, which HAS TO BE DONE!!!! or we're ALL FUCKING DEAD!!!!
We only have 30 years or so left or it's adios motherfuckers.
Go totally nuclear/solar/wind, now.
It should be a no brainer.
Well I figured after Trump, it would be cold war 2, I just never figured the destruction of Russia and Vlad would be so quick and complete. I wanted to chop off their internet before this war, they did a pretty good job of it all on their own. No way with 20% of the world's economy could America do this to Russia, they had to do it to themselves, Vlad fucked himself and his entire country with his blunders. The fact that he was allowed pull this hair brained scheme off and has not yet been removed from office for his monumental blunders and the resulting domestic suffering, is testament to the fact he is a dictator on par with Hitler. Imagine if an American president did what Vlad did, drove the country into the great depression overnight and it was all his fault, 100%, even Trump would not survive impeachment and that is saying something! :lol:
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A very bad time to get busted for this, pardoned by Trump once already and a typical traitor. Who else has thousands of nukes pointed at you fool?

dude, you've been completely triggered over the goings on in Ukraine. I'm not criticizing, just saying. I mostly skip over your posts. Posting here is a way to deal with the stress, so have at it.

"Don't provoke him" ? We decide what we will do, not him. We have to be consistent in our words and actions. We must say what we will do and then do what we said. One of the worst mistakes this country made recently is when Obama drew a red line regarding use of chemical weapons in Syria and we didn't follow up when Assad used it. It appears that Vlad didn't think we'd follow up this time either. As I said earlier, the age of appeasement is over. China take note.

Sanctions will gradually accumulate in their effect. They aren't going to stop his actions in Ukraine, which get worse every day. I have no idea how that will turn out. 80 million dollars between 1B and 20B dollars a day is what it costs him to prosecute his war. Sanctions are going to bite harder and harder and he's bleeding out his treasury. After whatever happens in Ukraine happens, give it another two years. Sanctions will stay in place. The world will adjust and wean itself off Russian energy. That revenue will dry up. Eventually, Russia will reach a tipping point. The blow we deliver must be hard enough so that Putin will not be able to fight a war again.
Yeah but again you are applying rational thought to an irrational tyrant. This isn’t going to drag out in some conventional way where sanctions cause Putin to capitulate in a few years. Expect fireworks and to have to adapt daily to the new horrors unfolding.
It’s not going to be an “over there war” for long, it’s coming home
The trains are still running in Ukraine in most places including into Kyiv and they can carry lots of freight into the city and refugees out. There is a line to the south that is open and other lines can bring troops and supplies close to the fighting on the western side of the city too.
Only country he has attacked was Ukraine because he refuses to let NATO reside in his back yard!
It is early, just sat down with a coffee and am having a hard time getting past the first 7 words.

Putin invades Chechnya 1999

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 6.31.16 AM.pngScreen Shot 2022-03-09 at 6.30.54 AM.png

2008 Putin invades Georgia.

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 6.34.03 AM.png

2014 Putin invaded Ukraine with his little green men in Crimea.

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 6.36.24 AM.png

And now Putin is invading Ukraine once again blowing it to hell.
Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 6.55.14 AM.png

Everyone shitted bricks when they were in Cuba with nukes.
There is no nukes pointed at Russia from any of these countries that Putin is crying about. There is not even non defensive missiles on their lands from what I have heard from the experts that I have heard discuss this. Feel free to point me in the right direction if I am wrong, a 'huh-uh' will not do it though.

Come on at least speak facts.
Like the fact that you said Putin has not invaded anyone but Ukraine? You really do yourself no favors coming in here pretending like you know whats up while saying stupid shit like that. It is hard to not get sucked into the trolling, if you are an American like you say (because people can say anything online and there is no real reason just to believe someone is not a paid troll), we are on the same side.

Our nation has been under attack with hateful propaganda spam attempting to drive wedges in our society for decades now, it is worth understanding it so that you don't get stuck in defending bullshit that paid trolls are spamming you with.

If you followed NATO you would see that since the end of ww2 we have moved closer, and closer to China & Russia! That is fact!
That is because China and Russia don't have to be our enemies, we are not the ones picking fights with them (outside of Trump's stupid trade war with China). Unfortunately they don't seem to think the same.

I am curious are you a ESL American citizen? If so mind if I ask what your native language is.

Anyway all it really is Corporations within Corporations controlling the World. They really want to kill off all of common people like me, you, etc… They will let enough of live that can be managed as slaves. Most of our deficit is owed to Social Security and what happens if you kill off a population especially an aged population? Nobody gets to claim their social security benefits because they are dead. There goes all additional money spent on free health care, there goes money that was used for food stamps, the spending budget will go down tremendously! Not to mention free housing, drug programs, incarceration and what’s left intact or better off is the super rich waiting to cease control of the entire world!
Oh Boy.

Trump a Dictator?
Yes. Well, at least a failed dictator.

Just ask Reinhold, someone who Kyle Rittenhouse'd someone that Trump demanded his head on twitter and got it. Oh I guess you can't.

What do you call Biden?
President of the United States of America.

One who is not using his office and twitter account to manufacture violence in our nation.

There is no difference my friend!

I understand though that you might have bought into the lying spam that the hate mongering propgandists have manufactured to make it seem like you have a point, but that doesn't make it true.

You can look at decades of Biden's taxes and easily see that he was not someone who cashed in on his political office while serving the American people.

Trump was born a spoiled rich brat who felt like everyone was there to serve him.

It’s the Corporation the entity with the most money. You think laws are created in the Politicans you vote for? Lmao… No your laws are thought by the rich, presented to your elected officials whom then drafts it into law to be carried out by law enforcement!
Sounds all edgy and all, but this is just more of that right wing propaganda trying like hell to get people to believe their 'both sides' lie.

The Democrats are the first major political party that is truly representative of 100% of our nation, the first time in the world's history really. And those rich you are talking about are trying like hell to keep power in the hands of the Republicans who have been legislating only for them while stopping anything that is designed to help the rest of us.

I referenced Cuba as an example. For you to explain how you’d feel If Russia built a military base there. That was a very simple question! You believe everything the Government tells you! You cannot possibly be that ignorant. All one has to do is read this country’s history and it will tell you all about the people who took it, where their from, and who were their allies which the same Countries are the major players of NATO. Hell the same can be said about the Iraq invasion, the Afghan invasion what happened in Afghan? Right protecting poppi fields! Why? Well the Country needed black budget money, what happened at the beginning and still happening? We went to afghan then boom we have a opioid epidemic bye bye middle class! Bye bye drug dealers! Hello black budget money from the arrests! Or bye bye debt by burning dollars. America can’t talk about invasions or killing kids while at war! Our everyday rights are being stripped away in the name of fear! Our Government is no better than any of the worst regimes you could think of in History!
Do you remember 9/11?
It is early, just sat down with a coffee and am having a hard time getting past the first 7 words.

Putin invades Chechnya 1999

View attachment 5098506View attachment 5098507

2008 Putin invades Georgia.

View attachment 5098508

2014 Putin invaded Ukraine with his little green men in Crimea.

View attachment 5098509

And now Putin is invading Ukraine once again blowing it to hell.
View attachment 5098515

There is no nukes pointed at Russia from any of these countries that Putin is crying about. There is not even non defensive missiles on their lands from what I have heard from the experts that I have heard discuss this. Feel free to point me in the right direction if I am wrong, a 'huh-uh' will not do it though.

Like the fact that you said Putin has not invaded anyone but Ukraine? You really do yourself no favors coming in here pretending like you know whats up while saying stupid shit like that. It is hard to not get sucked into the trolling, if you are an American like you say (because people can say anything online and there is no real reason just to believe someone is not a paid troll), we are on the same side.

Our nation has been under attack with hateful propaganda spam attempting to drive wedges in our society for decades now, it is worth understanding it so that you don't get stuck in defending bullshit that paid trolls are spamming you with.

That is because China and Russia don't have to be our enemies, we are not the ones picking fights with them (outside of Trump's stupid trade war with China). Unfortunately they don't seem to think the same.

I am curious are you a ESL American citizen? If so mind if I ask what your native language is.

Oh Boy.

Yes. Well, at least a failed dictator.

Just ask Reinhold, someone who Kyle Rittenhouse'd someone that Trump demanded his head on twitter and got it. Oh I guess you can't.

President of the United States of America.

One who is not using his office and twitter account to manufacture violence in our nation.


I understand though that you might have bought into the lying spam that the hate mongering propgandists have manufactured to make it seem like you have a point, but that doesn't make it true.

You can look at decades of Biden's taxes and easily see that he was not someone who cashed in on his political office while serving the American people.

Trump was born a spoiled rich brat who felt like everyone was there to serve him.

Sounds all edgy and all, but this is just more of that right wing propaganda trying like hell to get people to believe their 'both sides' lie.

The Democrats are the first major political party that is truly representative of 100% of our nation, the first time in the world's history really. And those rich you are talking about are trying like hell to keep power in the hands of the Republicans who have been legislating only for them while stopping anything that is designed to help the rest of us.

Do you remember 9/11?
So I'm seeing a pattern..... Oh but Qanon said..... It's hard for some to concentrate.
The global free trade system is dead and will not return in our lifetime. Things are returning to regional powers and smaller alliances. The countries that don't have natural resources to stand on their own or a alliance that allows trade for those resources is screwed.
Only country he has attacked was Ukraine because he refuses to let NATO reside in his back yard! Everyone shitted bricks when they were in Cuba with nukes. Come on at least speak facts. If you followed NATO you would see that since the end of ww2 we have moved closer, and closer to China & Russia! That is fact! Anyway all it really is Corporations within Corporations controlling the World. They really want to kill off all of common people like me, you, etc… They will let enough of live that can be managed as slaves. Most of our deficit is owed to Social Security and what happens if you kill off a population especially an aged population? Nobody gets to claim their social security benefits because they are dead. There goes all additional money spent on free health care, there goes money that was used for food stamps, the spending budget will go down tremendously! Not to mention free housing, drug programs, incarceration and what’s left intact or better off is the super rich waiting to cease control of the entire world!

I know, right! Only one country, twice lately. He's only cut off Russians from just one internet. He's only jailed and poisoned just one major reformist political opponent and there is no direct evidence it was Putin using polonium on his opponents or that he personally pushed any opponents out of windows to their death. If Russian citizens would stop antagonizing him with protests they wouldn't be going to jail! Stop pushing his buttons by erecting defenses!
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Yeah but again you are applying rational thought to an irrational tyrant. This isn’t going to drag out in some conventional way where sanctions cause Putin to capitulate in a few years. Expect fireworks and to have to adapt daily to the new horrors unfolding.
It’s not going to be an “over there war” for long, it’s coming home
Yep, he might push the button. Where does this end, Zedd? I'm not the one making the decisions, I just know that democracy and freedom went backwards last decade. We almost lost ours in the US in part because we didn't deal with that guy. The prospect of life in Trump's irrational world was terrifying. This is an existential threat, I agree. Not just the bomb. The people of Ukraine are willing to die before they go under Putin's thumb. Right now, Russia is experiencing a brain drain as people flee that country without any plans for what to do when they make it out. So, I can't tell you what Putin or the people around him will do. I can tell you though that others are risking their lives because they don't see Putin's way as worth living.

I don't have an answer to your concerns other than I understand what NATO is doing. It can work if we have the time. Or it can work if the people around Putin want to live and take steps to remove him. Their prospects are worse than ours.

We missed your deadline, btw, you said earlier that the bomb will be dropped by now.
The mad midget is dropping butterfly mines on Ukraine, children look at them as a toy of some sort and often pick them up, what a evil weapon. They are not made to kill but instead maim by blowing off a arm or leg to slow down fleeing soldiers and civilians.
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I had mentioned before that even in the worst shit show there will be a positive to balance the negative,
In this case the upcoming energy crisis (it's just started) will FORCE the innovation & development needed for a zero carbon energy source today, not sometime in the near future
This is the perfect time to develop & expand green energy, which HAS TO BE DONE!!!! or we're ALL FUCKING DEAD!!!!
We only have 30 years or so left or it's adios motherfuckers.
Go totally nuclear/solar/wind, now.
It should be a no brainer.
nuclear winter has an upside.
I referenced Cuba as an example.
an example of what? Ukraine has been an independent country since 91...they can join what they want, when they want, and fuck russia and every russian in it...
Kruschev sailed across a fucking ocean to try to fuck with us, and we kicked his fucking ass back to russia...
point out the parallels here? an independent sovereign nation contemplates joining an association for defense and is invaded by it's ultra paranoid neighbor....an unfriendly regime on the other side of the world attempts to deliberately provoke a nation by placing missiles within striking range of that nation...
that seems like two very different situations...the only real parallel i can see is that russia is going to fail at both...
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Yep, he might push the button. Where does this end, Zedd? I'm not the one making the decisions, I just know that democracy and freedom went backwards last decade. We almost lost ours in the US in part because we didn't deal with that guy. The prospect of life in Trump's irrational world was terrifying. This is an existential threat, I agree. Not just the bomb. The people of Ukraine are willing to die before they go under Putin's thumb. Right now, Russia is experiencing a brain drain as people flee that country without any plans for what to do when they make it out. So, I can't tell you what Putin or the people around him will do. I can tell you though that others are risking their lives because they don't see Putin's way as worth living.

I don't have an answer to your concerns other than I understand what NATO is doing. It can work if we have the time. Or it can work if the people around Putin want to live and take steps to remove him. Their prospects are worse than ours.

We missed your deadline, btw, you said earlier that the bomb will be dropped by now.
Sorry you missed the two tb bombs already dropped but yes it’s not your fault sorry to bother you with this.
Putin wasn’t going to invade according to you, it was too irrational as he had too much to lose. He did
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Sorry you missed the two tb bombs already dropped but yes it’s not your fault sorry to bother you with this.
Putin wasn’t going to invade according to you, it was too irrational as he had too much to lose. He did
that's a little sanctimonious....
people make errors, lets move past them...
it's hard to predict what an insane person will do. it seems just about everyone was wrong about something, which isn't surprising when you look at the mountain of irrational acts committed by putin. lying to his own men, invading in the worst weather possible, using tissue thin pretext to try to justify his actions, bombing civilians, declaring safe passage lanes and then bombing those trying to use them, bombing nuclear facilities....and a hundred other errors and blunders. the rest of the world needs unity now, we need to focus on this and get it over with. if it goes to the extreme, we need a strategy to minimize damage...
we don't need to be pointing fingers at each other, we need to be pointing them at putin