
Vlad had no plan B, he invaded just as the ground thawed and Ukraine will be mud confining the Russians to the roads that are choked with his logistics for months. Plan A failed spectacularly and he not only had no plan B, he had no contingency plans either. Right now it looks like he is panicking, stunned and confused, but soon he will start executing those who ripped off the Russian military budget for 20 years.

Meanwhile the Ukrainians are being armed to the teeth, training and organizing, aside from modern weapons they are getting literally millions of former soviet arms that were in storage. By the time Vlad gets to the start line of Armageddon, the Ukrainians will be ready to welcome him.
The USSR did get us to remove our missiles from Turkey, which was why they came to Cuba in the first place. (the secret part of the deal was the deal)
By the time that happened improvements in technology rendered them obsolete, they were introducing and testing solid fueled missiles by then and ICBM's had a long reach. Polaris was being tested and the subs were probably being built, it was an off ramp for the Russians.
that's a little sanctimonious....
people make errors, lets move past them...
it's hard to predict what an insane person will do. it seems just about everyone was wrong about something, which isn't surprising when you look at the mountain of irrational acts committed by putin. lying to his own men, invading in the worst weather possible, using tissue thin pretext to try to justify his actions, bombing civilians, declaring safe passage lanes and then bombing those trying to use them, bombing nuclear facilities....and a hundred other errors and blunders. the rest of the world needs unity now, we need to focus on this and get it over with. if it goes to the extreme, we need a strategy to minimize damage...
we don't need to be pointing fingers at each other, we need to be pointing them at putin
Thanks I take your point, I’ll be back if it gets worse with some more sanctimonious posts.
Looking at a map of Ukraine, it quickly becomes apparent that the Dnieper river, more a lake in the center of the country, divides Ukraine into two pieces, east and west. It is an easily defensible line and I think it could be Vlad's plan B if he every comes up with one. He will try to take eastern Ukraine while keeping pressure on Kyiv, if he can get eastern Ukraine and the south, he thinks he can squat behind his new iron curtain like Stalin. The Dnieper river makes a good defensive line for a conventional war, limits his objectives to his means of achieving them and allows him to save face at home.
Sorry you missed the two tb bombs already dropped but yes it’s not your fault sorry to bother you with this.
Putin wasn’t going to invade according to you, it was too irrational as he had too much to lose. He did
You are right in that I didn't understand Putin or his rationale. It was a test of my understanding and it highlighted that in the area of understanding psychopaths, I'm not knowledgeable. I can say from recent history that appeasing Putin led us to this point. What do you suggest, we continue to follow a path that leads us to a cliff?

I haven't heard put your chest out and say what should be done. I did see you post the nuclear bomb would be dropped on UK before now and that didn't happen either.

It mattered not that I was wrong. This is a lab where people can test their ideas without chance of causing damage. I'll wear your scorn with pride.

Yeah no imminent risk, but after 48 hours what happens? Starts leaking that’s what’s happening
Nuclear fallout respects no borders. Putin is creating a crisis for the west. They need a cease fire in order to get that facility back on line. What kind of deal does NATO accept?
It is early, just sat down with a coffee and am having a hard time getting past the first 7 words.

Putin invades Chechnya 1999

View attachment 5098506View attachment 5098507

2008 Putin invades Georgia.

View attachment 5098508

2014 Putin invaded Ukraine with his little green men in Crimea.

View attachment 5098509

And now Putin is invading Ukraine once again blowing it to hell.
View attachment 5098515

There is no nukes pointed at Russia from any of these countries that Putin is crying about. There is not even non defensive missiles on their lands from what I have heard from the experts that I have heard discuss this. Feel free to point me in the right direction if I am wrong, a 'huh-uh' will not do it though.

Like the fact that you said Putin has not invaded anyone but Ukraine? You really do yourself no favors coming in here pretending like you know whats up while saying stupid shit like that. It is hard to not get sucked into the trolling, if you are an American like you say (because people can say anything online and there is no real reason just to believe someone is not a paid troll), we are on the same side.

Our nation has been under attack with hateful propaganda spam attempting to drive wedges in our society for decades now, it is worth understanding it so that you don't get stuck in defending bullshit that paid trolls are spamming you with.

That is because China and Russia don't have to be our enemies, we are not the ones picking fights with them (outside of Trump's stupid trade war with China). Unfortunately they don't seem to think the same.

I am curious are you a ESL American citizen? If so mind if I ask what your native language is.

Oh Boy.

Yes. Well, at least a failed dictator.

Just ask Reinhold, someone who Kyle Rittenhouse'd someone that Trump demanded his head on twitter and got it. Oh I guess you can't.

President of the United States of America.

One who is not using his office and twitter account to manufacture violence in our nation.


I understand though that you might have bought into the lying spam that the hate mongering propgandists have manufactured to make it seem like you have a point, but that doesn't make it true.

You can look at decades of Biden's taxes and easily see that he was not someone who cashed in on his political office while serving the American people.

Trump was born a spoiled rich brat who felt like everyone was there to serve him.

Sounds all edgy and all, but this is just more of that right wing propaganda trying like hell to get people to believe their 'both sides' lie.

The Democrats are the first major political party that is truly representative of 100% of our nation, the first time in the world's history really. And those rich you are talking about are trying like hell to keep power in the hands of the Republicans who have been legislating only for them while stopping anything that is designed to help the rest of us.

Do you remember 9/11?
I forgot about those invasions but America still needs to mind it’s own business. It’s cool you want to throw insults, that just lets me know that the truth gets under your skin! Fact is the US always start shit and wants to point the finger! We’ve killed innocent civilians including children to! I ultimately don’t give a shit about Russia or the Ukraine. I do care about America and all the Vets that’s homeless and suffering mental Illness. I care about my rights being stripped away.
Here is a map of Russian troop concentrations and Russia is heavily dependent on it's rail network to transport Troops and supplies. I'll see if I can find an update, but we should be able to see the situation these days from open sources like satellite images and private military institutes and other organizations who collect and evaluate this stuff. This will show us Vlad's future intentions. Forces in country will soon be exhausted if help doesn't arrive and replacements for combat units might be conscripts taken from the rear logistical units. He can't really get more in right now, even if he had it ready, which he does not.

Nuclear fallout respects no borders. Putin is creating a crisis for the west. They need a cease fire in order to get that facility back on line. What kind of deal does NATO accept?
More of one in Belarus and Russia, prevailing winds this time of year will mean they get it too and probably more than the west.
Here in Bucharest will be a charity concert for ukraine. The money from the tickets will be 100% donated, every ukrainian has free entry. Armin van buuren, tom odell some local artists, not my type of music but a drink should be fine, today was the first without any covid restrictions so it’s gonna be a big party->big money:bigjoint: