Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Wow!! That’s all I’ve got, just, wow! How the hell did it get so fucked up for you all :(.
When the court got stacked w/lying ass candidates who said they valued precedent in confirmation hearings then did a 180 when seated, court needs to be 3left,3right,and 3moderates,to make fair and insightful decisions,it is now stacked right and who knows what is next,I think late term abortion is gross but I have no problem w/early term,woman know what is best.As far as rape and incest,you've got to be on another planet not to support a woman's right to terminate those pregnancies. The biggest hypocracy I see is the far right is against all abortions but expects the poor to "water down the soup" or "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" type of BS while eliminating programs to help the poor,makes no sense.
I can't imagine a better scenario for democrats. The conservatives showed their power level too early, needed to wait until they won to crow about what they plan to do. I think its great when they are very up front though, it should be clear in terms of what you vote to support.
I can't imagine a better scenario for democrats. The conservatives showed their power level too early, needed to wait until they won to crow about what they plan to do. I think its great when they are very up front though, it should be clear in terms of what you vote to support.
I hope your right but not holding my breath. As Rodger says this could be the tip of the iceberg or the tipping of it :(. The fuckers blaintently lied to get confirmed. I smell a giant red rat in this whole confirmation thing. Fucking hypocrites who call themselves justices.
Will white American women fuck themselves again, like their men? How stupid are Americans? Stay tuned for the next installment of the American National IQ test! Bigotry, disinformation and fear equals power in America, reason, truth or patriotism have little to do with it for many, but the trumped up culture wars are important.
Are White Women The Key To Midterms After Abortion Opinion Leak?

I hope your right but not holding my breath. As Rodger says this could be the tip of the iceberg or the tipping of it :(. The fuckers blaintently lied to get confirmed. I smell a giant red rat in this whole confirmation thing. Fucking hypocrites who call themselves justices.
Hope the potential overturning of Rowe galvinizes voters to turn out big for mid-terms,can't stomach a Rep. congress,House led by McCarthy that shameless invertibrate makes me want to order a case of Tums and McConnell is a shameless brand and power before country pol. from a state that takes way more than it gives, a man from a fairly inconsequental poor state controlling the Senate is a farce,that and his Sup. Court actions are unforgivable:finger: Mitch,hang it up and go hunt squirrels in the hallows.
Hope the potential overturning of Rowe galvinizes voters to turn out big for mid-terms,can't stomach a Rep. congress,House led by McCarthy that shameless invertibrate makes me want to order a case of Tums and McConnell is a shameless brand and power before country pol. from a state that takes way more than it gives, a man from a fairly inconsequental poor state controlling the Senate is a farce,that and his Sup. Court actions are unforgivable:finger: Mitch,hang it up and go hunt squirrels in the hallows.
Stop federal transfers to poor red states from rich blue ones, each state on it's own, they want rights, then take responsibility for them, Texas and Florida can start paying state income taxes too. Individual responsibility is a very republican and libertarian thing to do. They want to wage civil war, the trouble is they never feel any pain for it and when they wage war they need to feel it's pain. Win in November and you can solve most of Americas problems and make it a far better place in a fucking year.
Stop federal transfers to poor red states from rich blue ones, each state on it's own, they want rights, then take responsibility for them, Texas and Florida can start paying state income taxes too. Individual responsibility is a very republican and libertarian thing to do. They want to wage civil war, the trouble is they never feel any pain for it and when they wage war they need to feel it's pain. Win in November and you can solve most of Americas problems and make it a far better place in a fucking year.
I think our founding fathers of the Constitution didn't anticipate such vile characters in the leg. branch and made assumptions that it would be staffed by patriotic politicians who would value the good of the country first and foremost and not their spineless actions to simply maintain their seats.
I think our founding fathers of the Constitution didn't anticipate such vile characters in the leg. branch and made assumptions that it would be staffed by patriotic politicians who would value the good of the country first and foremost and not their spineless actions to simply maintain their seats.
no, they knew that many politicians were crooked fucks, and took steps to deal with them, they just didn't realize how ridiculously, needlessly, stupidly complicated the legal system would become, and how good some criminal fucks would become at manipulating it
Imagine, 53% of American white women voted for a POS like Trump and cutting their own fucking throats. After 4 years of Trump's incompetency and outright treason, with hundreds of thousands dead from covid and the worst record for it on the planet, in the richest country on the planet. Now we have, abortion, the insurrection and his record on Ukraine, with a hot war and division inside the GOP. Will it sway them? I doubt it, unless Trump is pissed off and tells his base of stupid assholes to stay home on election day. So abortion should be no biggy, they cut their own throats regularly. In war sacrifices have to be made after all and your rights along with the truth are often the first victims.
Will white American women fuck themselves again, like their men? How stupid are Americans? Stay tuned for the next installment of the American National IQ test! Bigotry, disinformation and fear equals power in America, reason, truth or patriotism have little to do with it for many, but the trumped up culture wars are important.
Are White Women The Key To Midterms After Abortion Opinion Leak?

Honestly LED,when I see Trump supporters(woman and men) interviewed on the news I want to put my FKN foot through the TV set,so FKN brainwashed and manipulated it's a shame they are Americans,got one fat ass conspiracy Trumper, antivaxer,Covid denialist at work who I'd like to cave his head in. A complete hater,W.Supremist type who is such a poor eg. of the white race the Nazis would gas his sorry ass,which I find alternatingly sad and hillarious.
no, they knew that many politicians were crooked fucks, and took steps to deal with them, they just didn't realize how ridiculously, needlessly, stupidly complicated the legal system would become, and how good some criminal fucks would become at manipulating it
Well,almost 250 yrs ago,I give these men the benefit of the doubt,but I still don't believe they could ascertain then the level of depravity that exists these days.
Honestly LED,when I see Trump supporters(woman and men) interviewed on the news I want to put my FKN foot through the TV set,so FKN brainwashed and manipulated it's a shame they are Americans,got one fat ass conspiracy Trumper, antivaxer,Covid denialist at work who I'd like to cave his head in. A complete hater,W.Supremist type who is such a poor eg. of the white race the Nazis would gas his sorry ass,which I find alternatingly sad and hillarious.
Laugh or cry my friend, they are everywhere I'm afraid, America has no lock on such people, a third of every society are assholes and that's the base numbers, other factors can add to it. I'm not so much talking about the lunatics, but the ones who should know better and for some strange reason don't. The country and constitution are at stake, the enemies are domestic, value neither and hate some Americans more than they love their country while professing a perverted pseudo patriotic performance. Consorting with a hostile foreign power or being their agent(s) and puppets is a non issue for them. A hostile foreign power that has thousands of nukes pointed at you (me too) is in a hot war with an ally that it is losing and who are threatening to incinerate us once a fucking week! Jesus Christ how could any American with a fucking brain vote for such people, it is madness and suicide, if they gain power.
Bill Lee, Republican governor of Tennessee, signed a new law making abortion pills by mail a felony — with a $50K fine.
He will have trouble collecting it from Canada, the meds are cheaper here too. We should advertise the service in national magazines and watch the assholes freak. Maybe DeJoy will inspect every envelope from Canada for them, or halt postal service, they haven't fired the fucker yet, so why not.
no, they knew that many politicians were crooked fucks, and took steps to deal with them, they just didn't realize how ridiculously, needlessly, stupidly complicated the legal system would become, and how good some criminal fucks would become at manipulating it
Back then, it took days or weeks for news to travel from one state capital to the next. Now it takes seconds, and all the usual bullsht barriers have faded away. States’ rights have been turned into a detrimental anachronism.
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"The RNC said absolutely NOTHING when its “pro-life” senior staffer was sentenced to 12 years for baby porn (baby rape was his favorite, he said) But we’re supposed to believe that these same clowns are the champions of babies?"