Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Telling someone they aren't welcome in a public forum due to an affiliation with a party that 50% of the country supports is moronic. How about you start enforcing the "equality, tolerance and unity" being preached as paramount by your party, otherwise its pretty hypocritical and there is no argument to be had here at all. An extremist is an extremist whether its right or left.
How about you stop supporting and voting for a fascist movement motivated by fear and hate? The Republican party crossed the line with Trump from being a political party to a fascist movement and political wing of a terrorist movement. A party that betrayed the country and constitution and supported by moral failures. A party with no platform except the whim of a sociopath and deeply damaged individual. You were willing to put the future of America in such hands, not once but twice.

Trump left you with no cover, no excuses, you stand naked in the daylight with a UVC dildo in one hand and a Clorox jug in the other with a million dead from covid at your feet, the most of any place on earth even the poorest countries. You were driving a Cadillac , right into the righthand ditch. What can jerk a persons chain so hard their head pops off? Fear, racism, bigotry and tribalism, people who would vote for republicans might as well have a bone in their nose and carry a spear. J6 was your finest hour and the horned Qanon nut is your mascot.

Now do you understand why decent people think republicans are despicable? 74 million moral failures, are still 74 million moral failures who voted for an open traitor, facts don't matter much to them either, just their fear and hate.
His best buddy Jesus told him to do it, he talks to his imaginary friend daily. It's no big deal, it's religious freedom after all, so was not wearing a mask or getting a vaccine that put others at risk. If he believes bullshit and his imaginary friend told him to do it most people see little wrong with it unfortunately. Believing bullshit gives one special statues in society with more rights than folks who don't believe bullshit, because people who don't believe bullshit are evil! I mean look at the child abuse the Catholic and other churches committed and mostly got away with, until recently.

Mass delusion didn't start with Trump, religion had a lock on it for a long time. With the spread of science and secularism the influence of region has waned, but like the collapse of the Biblical tower of Babble a million demigods and lies took its place for the many morally broken, ignorant and weak minded. Qanon, Trump and flat earth are the new religions for the simple minded or mentally damaged, the internet their bible.
His best buddy Jesus told him to do it, he talks to his imaginary friend daily. It's no big deal, it's religious freedom after all, so was not wearing a mask or getting a vaccine that put others at risk. If he believes bullshit and his imaginary friend told him to do it most people see little wrong with it unfortunately. Believing bullshit gives one special statues in society with more rights than folks who don't believe bullshit, because people who don't believe bullshit are evil! I mean look at the child abuse the Catholic and other churches committed and mostly got away with, until recently.

Mass delusion didn't start with Trump, religion had a lock on it for a long time. With the spread of science and secularism the influence of region has waned, but like the collapse of the Biblical tower of Babble a million demigods and lies took its place for the many morally broken, ignorant and weak minded. Qanon, Trump and flat earth are the new religions for the simple minded or mentally damaged, the internet their bible.

But it has real life consequences on others' lives.
But it has real life consequences on others' lives.
It always did and they were worse than they are today, especially for women, who only had the franchise since 1920 and were considered the property of a man before that, either a father or a husband. Black men had the right to vote in America and the British empire before women did.

Religion always influenced society, the Roman emperors became Gods and one had to pay homage, most European countries including the UK have state religions supported by taxpayers. Yet except for the America, religion has little influence in many developed countries. Religion actually has little influence in America, Trump proved that and the evangelical and born yesterday Christians to be frauds and hypocrites. They are against abortion, are in favor of starving kids, denying them healthcare and locking them in cages and yet are strangely ok with, "grab them by the pussy" and "Russia" are you listening.

This gay person has never entertained such a thought. I generally do not adopt “the culture” where one exists, like gay or motorcycles or weed. Exception: many H-D t-shirts.

My Mato is : If it doesn't involve my "Junk" who gives a shit... Not me.

There is no badge of color in honors that we do the same sex or not! ... Only the mental psychology issue and folks that do not understand they are already cattle in their complex land. Commercials they watch yes?
Trump left you with no cover, no excuses, you stand naked in the daylight with a UVC dildo in one hand and a Clorox jug in the other with a million dead from covid at your feet, the most of any place on earth even the poorest countries.

That is a pretty damn good use of words, shoutout to a poignant sentence.

“ I try not to comment too much on American domestic affairs” @DIY-HP-LED are you fucking kidding lol. Your whole existence here is base on American domestic issues lol.
Just as far as liberal democracy is concerned and right now that fight is in Ukraine most intensely, but it is being waged in America too. When something important on that front happens at home I pay attention to it, like those idiot Truckers or covid. Other than maintaining a liberal democracy, I don't follow American domestic politics that closely except for issues that affect Canada like guns and the spread of fascism. The rise of Trump peeked my interest in American politics, but I have found it a fascinating study in human nature and a very frightening situation. Then of course there was/is covid and the spectacle of mass death and incompetence in America, who just topped 1 million dead. It's a real drama Budley and of course a fundamental human right like a woman's control of her own body are of concern too.

Right now my interest is in the fight for liberal democracy and the changing geopolitical implications of that war, along with the human tragedy and that will only end when the Russians are defeated.
Isn't interfering with the US mails a crime? Oh yeah, DeJoy is still postmaster, he can help crack down on it, not like he's gonna be fired or anything. Postal inspectors can open packages and report abortion pills to the appropriate states, go ahead fire me chicken!
I think they only get their nut off if there some element of shame involved. Idk, I don't get super pro life people...particularly here on a weed message board. We like sex drugs and rock n roll; Jesus freaks always existed in the large weed circle, but the hippie Jesus version that was into feeding the hungry.

This hateful version doesn't belong and needs to get the fuck out. We are trying to have fun fucking without always having babies, and condoms suck. That last the broad conversation is on abortion, but captain Morgan pointed out they are coming after birth control as well.

Kinda going zero tolerance personally. I have just had it with these fucking people. Nothing let feeling stupid each time you try and reach out a hand to come to a common understanding or agreement.
"In an unanimous decision, The Supreme Court struck down a law ensuring a 35-foot “buffer zone” outside abortion clinics, ruling that it violated the first amendment preventing free speech of anti-abortion protesters. Then the Supreme Court erected a fence around itself. Got it."
I will remind everybody, women spend the vast amount to household income in America and are in on all the major purchasing decisions. In many families, women manage the money. Some companies might have to leave red states because of their customers or employees and those who support the GOP will be targeted for boycotts. Don't kid yourself women are real good at social stuff and organizing, that also makes them good at politics and social warfare, if motivated to it.
U.S. companies grapple with response to draft abortion ruling

I think they only get their nut off if there some element of shame involved. Idk, I don't get super pro life people...particularly here on a weed message board. We like sex drugs and rock n roll; Jesus freaks always existed in the large weed circle, but the hippie Jesus version that was into feeding the hungry.

This hateful version doesn't belong and needs to get the fuck out. We are trying to have fun fucking without always having babies, and condoms suck. That last the broad conversation is on abortion, but captain Morgan pointed out they are coming after birth control as well.

Kinda going zero tolerance personally. I have just had it with these fucking people. Nothing let feeling stupid each time you try and reach out a hand to come to a common understanding or agreement.
They are fanatical in their beliefs and many live inside a bubble of not just media, but it makes up a big part of their social life, in many ways rightwing fanaticism centered around abortion has supplanted actual Christianity for many of them. Even then the Southern Baptist roots and theology of evangelicals is bullshit, a religion of slave owners and bigots. Be an asshole all you want, hate brown people, because your thoughts, words and deeds count for nothing, you get into to heaven by blind faith alone.