I don't consider a drunk driver to be evil, I consider them to have made a terrible mistake. If anyone is evil in that situation, is is the alcohol manufacturer, who knowingly mades and sells poisen to the masses, which invariably cause them to make such terrible mistakes. My grandfather killed my grandmother before I was born in a terrible drunk-driving accident. He ended up drinking himself to death for another 15 years or so. I don't think he was evil, but he did fuck up big time, and suffered the consequences.Just keeping up with the cherrypicker.
But a drunk driver is evil.
A terrorist in a cockpit is also evil.
One is more evil than the other, if you believe John Stuart Mill.
It is not the zero/one concept you are promoting.
Humans like to argue about where the moral divide lies. The disagreement on the boundary between good and evil has spawned thousands of religions, philosophies, denominations, schools, cults. So to be ethically complete, you would need to provide a hermetic and immutable moral compass. (giggle) good luck with that.
Jesuitry.I don't consider a drunk driver to be evil, I consider them to have made a terrible mistake. If anyone is evil in that situation, is is the alcohol manufacturer, who knowingly mades and sells poisen to the masses, which invariably cause them to make such terrible mistakes. My grandfather killed my grandmother before I was born in a terrible drunk-driving accident. He ended up drinking himself to death for another 15 years or so. I don't think he was evil, but he did fuck up big time, and suffered the consequences.
Do you have children? Do you leave them unattended without rules or consequences to 'self determine'? THAT would be absurd.
Clearly there is an American epidemic of 'violating another persons right to peacefully run their own life' in the form of removing life from them. How does your utopia deal with Uvalde? Sandy Hook? Columbine?
Why would you not want a society that takes care of sick and injured people? That’s awful fucking selfish and childish.
Ahhh yes! The gotcha of if I don’t take YOUR word as the absolute truth I’ve been bamboozled by the system thereby proving your proof of proof. Weak
how do you operate in society at all? do you live in one room,
That's not an argument.
But since you asked politely, no I do not live in one room. I live under your bed and can hear you masturbating at night. Could you please get new porn? And what's with the VCR? All grainy and stained. Tsk tsk.
Omfg what has happened to riu? @rollitup
You better hope so
It’s your only hope
Btw Ape how many times have you actually been fired on
Twice for me and I fared just fine
Bring it
For some the concept of society is difficult.
You are such an alpha.Please define society and what is difficult with the concept.
MeWho triggered the monkey?
Omfg what has happened to riu? @rollitup
to you, getting bitten by a rattle snake is the same as getting bitten by a garden snake...would you rather have a mostly benign liar, who only occasionally lies for his own profit or protection, or a liar who lies so he can gain control of the entire country and then use that control to suppress minorities and force fascist rules upon the rest of the country?Except that it's not a solid concept, unless you are a purveyer and supporter of the "lessor of the two evils" paradigm. To me evil is still evil. Lying to the American public and FBI to in effort to smear your opponent and gain votes in not something to be dismissed or taken lightly. It is evil. Trump is also evil. Glad I didn't vote for either of them in 2016, but then again my vote didn't count sice I live in California and we have the Electoral College. Somehow in 2020 it seemed like it mattered more to bolster the popular vote on Biden's behalf, since Hillary cried for years that the election was stolen from her, which we now know was all predicated on her lies that are now being exposed.
what? you're only happy when you're the only troll?Omfg what has happened to riu? @rollitup