
Why does the Pope say otherwise?

The Pope said:
"What we are seeing is the brutality and ferocity with which this war is being carried out by the troops, generally mercenaries, used by the Russians. The Russians prefer to send in Chechen and Syrian mercenaries."

He also said:
"It is also true that the Russians thought it would all be over in a week. But they miscalculated. They encountered a brave people, a people who are struggling to survive and who have a history of struggle."
We're Putin's trolls because we refuse to succumb to war propaganda and psyops. With respect, brother, you're a fucking idiot.
You are the one outing yourself as being Putin's troll it seems. I was giving you the benefit of a doubt to just be a useful idiot for them by believing the paid trolls lying spam.

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How very high minded of you. Vlad is going nowhere. The quicker you come to that realization, the less REEEEing you will do when the fog lifts.

Why does the Pope say otherwise?
Fascist dictators like Putin are going to do what fascist dictators will do.

It is a shame he has hurt the citizens of Russia and the neighboring nations with his brutality so much for so long.
Zell never wore a suit and tie to these meetings, he was in "uniform" and at war. His people and theirs, needed that image and Zell knows his PR! Olaf might be looking for future oil and gas and Ukraine is his and other's best bet, I'm sure something can be arranged for a 2 billion dollar a day future pay off.

The EU is not an empire and there are standards for membership, however having Ukraine as an EU member would mean energy self sufficiency for them and a stable supply of gas to Turkey along with 90% of their grain and traffic for their canal. All the ingredients are in there, the supply and close by markets that are in dire need, with much existing infrastructure already in place.

All that stands between the present and this bright shiny future, is the Russian army in Ukraine, which needs to be destroyed and the Russians driven from the country completely, including Crimea. Crimea and the surrounding waters have huge gas reserves and Crimea is the key to controlling the Black sea. Destroying the Russian army as completely as possible will mean less future trouble from them for Ukraine as it develops it's resources and rebuilds.

So a secure energy and military future depends on defeating Russia and upsetting the status quo in central Europe with a historic military victory, while avoiding getting nuked. There are risks, but there are plenty of rewards too and Vlad's blunder in Ukraine made it all possible. Not nearly as many fear the Russian army as did a year ago, many of Russia's neighbors sense their weakness, now that the legend of their mighty army died on the field's of Ukraine.
Biden told Austin, Blinken to tone down remarks supporting Ukraine: report
President Biden told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken in April to tone down their rhetoric in supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia, NBC News reported Thursday.

The pushback reportedly came after the Pentagon chief said the Biden administration wanted Ukraine to win the war against the Kremlin and that the U.S. wanted a weakened Russia that could not launch another attack. Blinken then publicly aligned himself with Austin’s comments, sparking a flurry of news reports.

“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine,” Austin said at the time after the Cabinet members visited Kyiv.

During a later conference call, Biden told the two officials he thought their remarks went too far and to tone them down, multiple current and former administration officials familiar with the call told NBC.

One unidentified official told the network that Biden was concerned that Austin’s words could set unrealistic goals and up the chance Washington could get pulled into a direct conflict with Moscow.

“Biden was not happy when Blinken and Austin talked about winning in Ukraine,” one of the sources said. “He was not happy with the rhetoric.”

After a mismanaged and chaotic attack on Ukraine beginning on Feb. 24, Russia in mid-April consolidated its forces for an attack on the country’s eastern Donbas region.

The fight has been bloody and is expected to be turn into a protracted war, with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy pleading for more weapons to beat back the incursion and staying firm that that no Ukrainian territory be ceded to Russia.

But U.S. officials are growing more worried that Ukraine’s views are untenable, saying behind the scenes the Ukrainian president should shift his public position and “dial it back a little bit,” one of seven current U.S. officials, former U.S. officials and European officials told NBC.

Experts, U.S. and European officials have voiced a belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin will attempt to claim the Donbas and declare it as Russian territory, with Zelenskyy then having to negotiate for peace to end the conflict.

The Biden administration, meanwhile, has maintained that it will not pressure Kyiv to end the war on any specific terms, and is preparing for a long war.
Not true, the republican base is all in. Citizens fighting for liberty with guns and guts against big guberment has seduced the majority of them. Vlad has the biggest guberment of them all and wants to reestablish the communist evil empire, it's as easy a sell to them as racism, you don't even need a dog whistle.
Hannity's supporters, perhaps, and any fuckwit dumb enough to listen to Graham and the second coming of McCain, to be sure. The rest of us aren't dumb enough to be fooled into another proxy war. Spin this shit all you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're the ones on the side of Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Soros and the billionaires you all supposedly despise so much, and of course the good old MIC.
Biden told Austin, Blinken to tone down remarks supporting Ukraine: report
President Biden told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken in April to tone down their rhetoric in supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia, NBC News reported Thursday.

The pushback reportedly came after the Pentagon chief said the Biden administration wanted Ukraine to win the war against the Kremlin and that the U.S. wanted a weakened Russia that could not launch another attack. Blinken then publicly aligned himself with Austin’s comments, sparking a flurry of news reports.

“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine,” Austin said at the time after the Cabinet members visited Kyiv.

During a later conference call, Biden told the two officials he thought their remarks went too far and to tone them down, multiple current and former administration officials familiar with the call told NBC.

One unidentified official told the network that Biden was concerned that Austin’s words could set unrealistic goals and up the chance Washington could get pulled into a direct conflict with Moscow.

“Biden was not happy when Blinken and Austin talked about winning in Ukraine,” one of the sources said. “He was not happy with the rhetoric.”

After a mismanaged and chaotic attack on Ukraine beginning on Feb. 24, Russia in mid-April consolidated its forces for an attack on the country’s eastern Donbas region.

The fight has been bloody and is expected to be turn into a protracted war, with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy pleading for more weapons to beat back the incursion and staying firm that that no Ukrainian territory be ceded to Russia.

But U.S. officials are growing more worried that Ukraine’s views are untenable, saying behind the scenes the Ukrainian president should shift his public position and “dial it back a little bit,” one of seven current U.S. officials, former U.S. officials and European officials told NBC.

Experts, U.S. and European officials have voiced a belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin will attempt to claim the Donbas and declare it as Russian territory, with Zelenskyy then having to negotiate for peace to end the conflict.

The Biden administration, meanwhile, has maintained that it will not pressure Kyiv to end the war on any specific terms, and is preparing for a long war.
Joe's advice amounts to, "speak softly, but carry a big stick", don't give the Russians stuff they can use in their internal propaganda. We don't need a laundry list of arms going to Ukraine or stating war objectives such as destroying the Russian army, that just makes the Russians cautious! They need to think they can still win something, if they fight hard enough and throw enough equipment in.

It's early days, wait another month or two and see where things stand, the same people were probably saying Ukraine wouldn't last a week when the war began. Holding back arms an allowing the Ukrainians to take a pounding, is a way to bring them to the negotiating table, but I see no reason why Uncle Sam would want to get Vlad's ass out of a jam by throttling the Ukrainians. Poland and the eastern NATO members would be freaking out over such a scheme and if you want to bust up NATO, this would be a good way to do it. As I said before, many don't fear Russia as they once did, their legend died on the fields of Ukraine. Then there is all that gas and oil and developing that in peace is something Russians in Ukraine would not allow, Europe needs that gas badly and unless Russia is defeated decisively on the battle field they won't get any.
How very high minded of you. Vlad is going nowhere. The quicker you come to that realization, the less REEEEing you will do when the fog lifts.

Why does the Pope say otherwise?
Russia signed a non-aggression treaty with Ukraine. Nothing Ukraine did violated that treaty. Russia violated it when Putin decided to invade Ukraine and overthrow it's democratically elected government. You appeasers seem to think that tyrants deserve to be fed whatever country they want. How about giving Australia to him? I'd be good with him invading Australia, except the US has a mutual defense treaty with Australia just like the do with Ukraine. Agreements like that matter. To me they do. Maybe not to you. The days of might makes right and gunboat politics are in 19th and early 20th century. Wars like the one Russia initiated are bad for everybody including Russia. Ukraine is defending itself. The US is not an aggressor here, we are supporting Ukraine as we agreed in 1994 in order to reduce the nuclear threat. Apparently, it was a mistake to think Russia would honor it's side of the bargain.

International leaders called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine illegal immediately after it began, citing a number of international laws and treaties. One of those treaties is the Budapest Memorandum, an agreement made between Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom in 1994.
Hannity's supporters, perhaps, and any fuckwit dumb enough to listen to Graham and the second coming of McCain, to be sure. The rest of us aren't dumb enough to be fooled into another proxy war. Spin this shit all you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're the ones on the side of Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Soros and the billionaires you all supposedly despise so much, and of course the good old MIC.
So it is now a 'proxy war' (congrats on getting me to regurgitate the word you have been spamming like it is being spun into a new troll narrative) to support your allies who are being attacked by a hostile nation's military?

Weird also how other posts from websites that have pushed Russian propaganda are trying to make it sound like Biden is also going too soft on the bloody dictators. It is almost like there is some kind of trolling attack that is throwing everything they can to try to hurt Biden. It really makes me think that he is onto something.
Hannity's supporters, perhaps, and any fuckwit dumb enough to listen to Graham and the second coming of McCain, to be sure. The rest of us aren't dumb enough to be fooled into another proxy war. Spin this shit all you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're the ones on the side of Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Soros and the billionaires you all supposedly despise so much, and of course the good old MIC.
Yes, I side with Obama, the Clintons and Soros.

Republicans suck. As do other authoritarian dictatorships.
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Of course France didn't support the invasion of Iraq. They didn't want the U.S. to know that it illegally provided missiles to Iraq when Iraq was sanctioned.
that's not a joke, luke, some one besides America sold some shady weapons to assholes who used them in a shameful manner....




sorry you can't blame America for everything, gotta spread a little of that haughty sanctimony around...sort of dilutes the righteous indignation, doesn't it?
The only ethnic cleansing going on in the Ukraine is that effected by the Ukrainians against ethnic Russians in the east.
ahh, i see, you're a fucking russia shill...i didn't realize you were a soulless russia supporter who condones raping little girls and old ladies, and carpet bombing apartment buildings, theaters, and maternity hospitals...how dare those fucking Ukrainian nazis elect a Jewish president, and right after having a Jewish prime minister too...because there is nothing nazis do more than elect jews to their governments....and the Ukrainians have only had 30+ years to get to those ethnic russians that are living in their country, if they had wanted them gone, they had plenty of time to get them gone. that's all putin propaganda bullshit and you swallowed it so deep when i take the hook out, you'll swim sideways for a few minutes then float to the top belly up...