
French ones are way better. Much more modern and up to date. Also a better fit as their are french ports in the region. Have a listen to our ex PM chatting about them.

I don't feel bad at all. I don't want Australia to have nuclear subs at all. They cannot even have nuclear weapons so they are kind of noisy and pointless. Was just a solely political deal for Slo Mo and Biden to announce.
We should be manufacturing hundreds of underwater drones and ordered some of the German hydrogen subs. The 212A. Saved a heap of money and had a better force.
Hey there are other options, so Uncle Sam must have sweetened the deal somehow. You recently had a change of government, so perhaps things will change. Your defense is your concern, unless you are attacked and then I imagine it will be Canada's concern too, along with other liberal democracies.
Hey there are other options, so Uncle Sam must have sweetened the deal somehow. You recently had a change of government, so perhaps things will change. Your defense is your concern, unless you are attacked and then I imagine it will be Canada's concern too, along with other liberal democracies.
Yep the deal didn't save him. New gov has already started making new "interim" submarine plans. Even the Defence white paper is critical of the new but very old nuclear subs as is the former commander of the Submarine force.

I can't see us being invaded unless America does something stupid. Not an easy country to invade and even tougher to control. As we have seen with smaller countries dominating the populations and taking control these days is nearly impossible.

Like most countries we have agreements with liberal democracies and otherwise and the Commonwealth is still fairly powerful. France is still a power in our region and im sure they will also throw their hat into the ring. We have also started to repair the damage the last gov did with Indonesia so that's a great thing and good for our regions stability. Back talking to China to which is a good thing, lets hope that improves after deteriorating under the last Government. Getting on well with the regions superpower and number one economy in the world and our largest trading partner is really important for the regions stability and growth.
If Indonesia, Australia, France and China can work together the region will prosper.
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Yep the deal didn't save him. New gov has already started making new "interim" submarine plans. Even the Defence white paper is critical of the new but very old nuclear subs as is the former commander of the Submarine force.

I can't see us being invaded unless America does something stupid. Not an easy country to invade and even tougher to control. As we have seen with smaller countries dominating the populations and taking control these days is nearly impossible.

Like most countries we have agreements with liberal democracies and otherwise and the Commonwealth is still fairly powerful. France is still a power in our region and im sure they will also throw their hat into the ring. We have also started to repair the damage the last gov did with Indonesia so that's a great thing and good for our regions stability. Back talking to China to which is a good thing, lets hope that improves after deteriorating under the last Government.
You see how China and Russia operate? China tried to control you with iron ore and coal exports, didn't work so well. Russia is attempting to do the same with oil in Europe. These are corrupt kleptocracies and China is headed for financial disaster with it's over built railroads and empty cities. Over the next 30 years their population will crash as their birth rate continues to fall as affluence along with female emancipation grows.

I don't expect China or anybody else to waste a drop of blood on a Goddamned desert! :lol: However there are many growing economies in the region that can buy resources and might find the place useful to break into the English speaking markets by opening offices there. You are moving more to the center of the world, rather than being on the other side of it, as Asia and the pacific develops.
Yep the deal didn't save him. New gov has already started making new "interim" submarine plans. Even the Defence white paper is critical of the new but very old nuclear subs as is the former commander of the Submarine force.

I can't see us being invaded unless America does something stupid. Not an easy country to invade and even tougher to control. As we have seen with smaller countries dominating the populations and taking control these days is nearly impossible.

Like most countries we have agreements with liberal democracies and otherwise and the Commonwealth is still fairly powerful. France is still a power in our region and im sure they will also throw their hat into the ring. We have also started to repair the damage the last gov did with Indonesia so that's a great thing and good for our regions stability. Back talking to China to which is a good thing, lets hope that improves after deteriorating under the last Government. Getting on well with the regions superpower and number one economy in the world and our largest trading partner is really important for the regions stability and growth.
If Indonesia, Australia, France and China can work together the region will prosper.
One implication for Australia of this war is Russia losing power over some of their republics in eastern and central Asia, with China taking a more dominate role and cashing in on the natural resources there. It might cause China's focus to shift to Asia and to the north where there might be richer and easier pickings close to home. You could see less trade with China and more with the other economies in the region.

There might also be less interest it Taiwan after Russia gets it's nuts kicked in Ukraine and their focus shifts to take advantage of Russia's weakness. Vlad showed the way, don't invade, just cause shit and support the new government, use soft and hard power to get them to extract the resources cheap and ship them. Develop the country with spare change, give jobs, supply infrastructure and generally keep everybody happy. There is oil to be had to the east of them in Asia and time zones of forests and minerals just to the north. The biggest beneficiaries of critical rail and road bridges blown up in central Siberia would be China, Russia would be cut in half, if a group of malcontents had some money and training, it might make it possible for some republics to breakaway. People are rediscovering their native cultures and identities all over the world, when they have the freedom to do so and Russia is an empire of conquest.
You see how China and Russia operate? China tried to control you with iron ore and coal exports, didn't work so well. Russia is attempting to do the same with oil in Europe. These are corrupt kleptocracies and China is headed for financial disaster with it's over built railroads and empty cities. Over the next 30 years their population will crash as their birth rate continues to fall as affluence along with female emancipation grows.

I don't expect China or anybody else to waste a drop of blood on a Goddamned desert! :lol: However there are many growing economies in the region that can buy resources and might find the place useful to break into the English speaking markets by opening offices there. You are moving more to the center of the world, rather than being on the other side of it, as Asia and the pacific develops.
Russia is way over there and only a small economy (about the same as ours). Not much trading with them. China got upset over the rhetoric our Prime minister was saying and decided to let us know with tariffs etc. No big deal and not unusual in trade. Remember the Trump tariffs.
China and us have always traded well and in bulk and we have had no military engagements with them unlike Japan and Germany. yes China will soon get steel and other essentials from the "stan" countries with its railroad. It will bring prosperity to those forgotten countries. That's not a bad thing.
I think your views on the rise of China are short sighted and come from propaganda rather than fact. They were the worlds number one economy and a super power many, many decades ago and they are now back- so is France by the way. They don't think so short term as western countries and with a One gov system they can make and deliver very long term plans. Its amazing and commendable how they have dragged so many out of poverty in such a short time.
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China and us have always traded well and in bulk and we have had no military engagements with them unlike Japan and Germany. yes China will soon get steel and other essentials from the "stan" countries with its railroad. It will bring prosperity to those forgotten countries. That's not a bad thing.
I think your views on the rise of China are short sighted and come from propaganda rather than fact. They were the worlds number one economy and a super power many, many decades ago and they are now back- so is France by the way. They don't think so short term as western countries and with a One gov system they can make and deliver very long term plans. Its amazing and commendable how they have dragged so many out of poverty in such a short time.
Oh I'm a Sinophile, the CCP provided responsible government, the ambition and drive of the people did the rest. It finally buried Marxist/Leninist communism with it's experience of 40 years of each economic system! Their development followed the trajectory of other Asian nations with mercantilist economic policies, except faster and bigger. It is also an example of the international system put in place after the second world war to prevent war by economic means. The western system of mutual interdependence became the global system with the inclusion of Russia and China. China is dependent on the rest of the world much more than Russia and likewise for us depending on them. Supply chains are international for damn near everything and make war a major pain in the ass, as Russia is discovering. The more advanced the technology the more international the interdependence. Australia or Canada can produce leading edge weapons and technology by buying specialized components and equipment from around the world.

The CCP will be brought down by corruption along with China, we elect our leaders every few years and look how bad they can be FFS, what chance does China have with a leader for life like Xi? Also bigotry against the non Han Chinese minorities are not a good thing for Muslims or Tibet. China is still an empire too, just like Russia, they are more of an adversary and rival than the Russians, who are clearly enemies of liberal democracy and Putin is essentially a nuked up mafia Don.
The CCP will be brought down by corruption along with China, we elect our leaders every few years and look how bad they can be FFS, what chance does China have with a leader for life like Xi?
Corruption under Xi is very low. He stated clamping down on that when he first was elected to power in 2012.
Judging by China's rapid rise in dragging his population into wealth he seems to be doing a great job.

"Almost all of the top officials have been appointed by Xi's government, so there's a risk that any new [corruption] allegations could rebound on Xi given his responsibility for naming them," said Tomoki Kamo, a professor at Keio University in Tokyo.
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Corruption under Xi is very low. He stated clamping down on that when he first was elected to power in 2012.
Judging by China's rapid rise in dragging his population into wealth he seems to be doing a great job.

"Almost all of the top officials have been appointed by Xi's government, so there's a risk that any new [corruption] allegations could rebound on Xi given his responsibility for naming them," said Tomoki Kamo, a professor at Keio University in Tokyo.
Xi will die and one man rule is never a good idea. Why are the railways in the hole to the point of bringing down the economy and why are there empty cities and a recent real estate collapse? No accountability means corruption, we can't depend on Xi's sterling character. Democracy is a start, it need not be liberal, but they end up that way eventually. Iran is a theocratic democracy, but at least a democracy and that's a start. America is an imperfect democracy, but it has the means to improve itself eventually, China can't, even Russia has the form of a liberal democracy, if not the substance. China would require a revolution for such political change.
Corruption under Xi is very low. He stated clamping down on that when he first was elected to power in 2012.
Judging by China's rapid rise in dragging his population into wealth he seems to be doing a great job.

"Almost all of the top officials have been appointed by Xi's government, so there's a risk that any new [corruption] allegations could rebound on Xi given his responsibility for naming them," said Tomoki Kamo, a professor at Keio University in Tokyo.
Adams said, only responsible government was required for economic growth, not democracy. China had responsible government, until recently, but the generation of the long march party members is gone and their kids are getting long in the tooth too, the idealism is fading and with affluence comes greed. Capitalism always leads to corruption in politics, it always has and it always will, unless held in check by law and a free press. The CCP elected Xi, not the people of China, they have little say in the imperial court of Xi.
Know your enemy and know yourself and you will win every time, know neither and you will lose every time. Vlad didn't know his military's true state and capabilities, or the impact of systemic corruption and he sure as shit didn't know the Ukrainians! I'm sure he thought he had his reasons, oil, power, money, empire a nostalgia for the past and the pernicious influence western liberal democracy would have on the diverse Russian federation, an empire of conquest.

Its amazing and commendable how they have dragged so many out of poverty in such a short time.
yeah, except i firmly believe they do nothing without an agenda behind it...they will build you a railroad, but the will also build themselves a military base on your territory while they're doing it...



yeah, it's wonderful how many they have lifted out of poverty...and they did it by building railroads that put at risk countries in debt to them, and building military bases in those countries as well....and they did it all out of the goodness of their hearts....
they're doing the exact same shit you condemn the U.S. for...empire building. if you think for one second that China is doing any of this without an ulterior motive, you're more naive than everyone you've ever accused of being naive, combined.
yeah, except i firmly believe they do nothing without an agenda behind it...they will build you a railroad, but the will also build themselves a military base on your territory while they're doing it...



yeah, it's wonderful how many they have lifted out of poverty...and they did it by building railroads that put at risk countries in debt to them, and building military bases in those countries as well....and they did it all out of the goodness of their hearts....
they're doing the exact same shit you condemn the U.S. for...empire building. if you think for one second that China is doing any of this without an ulterior motive, you're more naive than everyone you've ever accused of being naive, combined.
North and central Asia are the logical places for them to go, it is their hinterland or will be. Internal lines of communications and material in central Asia are less vulnerable to US naval pressure. If they eventually want Taiwan, this internal rail network through out Asia would insure their basic supplies of oil and grain continue along to access to many of their markets. Power abhors a vacuum and there is one opening up in central Asia and perhaps in north Asia too as Russia is weakened by sanctions over the next couple of years. Their conventional army is being stripped of it's legend and destroyed at the same time in Ukraine and perhaps other future places.

Attacking Taiwan would end the beautiful dream for them and turn it into a nightmare pretty fast as their markets and resources are cut off. Taiwan is only a threat, in that it represents Chinese people living under liberal democracy and shows it works for them too. It's like Russia with Ukraine or Belarus going liberal democratic, it is a threat to the regime and their world view, not to the nation itself, for the nation it represents an example and a contrast of conditions. Liberal democracy would be hard for both China and Russia, they are still empires with a lot of bad history and blood. They would would dissolve, China around the edges and Russia in a serious way, native peoples have been rediscovering their roots and asserting themselves when they have a liberal democracy that gives them the freedom to do so. Look at Scotland and recent independence movements, or the political activism of Native Americas in Canada and south and central America.
A former US Marine officer in the Ukrainian army foreign legion, English speakers fight together as units. All are former military with urban warfare combat experience and many are former special forces, they are making the Russians pay a heavy price in street fighting to take the ruble.
Ukrainians hit “Boyko towers” in the Black Sea
On June 20, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a missile strike on the drilling rigs in the Black Sea, also known as the “Boyko Towers”, which were captured by the Russian occupiers in 2014.
According to him, the blow on the Boyko Towers was inflicted in the morning of June 20. Patrol boats and aircraft of the Russian Defense Ministry are trying to carry out rescue operations.

It should be noted that there was no official confirmation or refutation of this information from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The Boyko Towers are 100 km from Odessa and 150 km from Crimea and were used not only for gas production in the Black Sea, but also for exploration. In 2014, the drilling rigs and other property of the Ukrainian state company “Chornomornaftogaz” were seized by Russia during the occupation of Crimea.

To act not only in "white gloves": the State Duma promised a strike by the Russian Armed Forces on decision-making centers in Ukraine after the attack of platforms in the Black Sea
The State Duma frankly stated that the Ukrainian strike on the production towers (platforms) of the Chernomorneftegaz company in the Black Sea is becoming an action that unties the hands of the Russian Federation in terms of taking retaliatory measures. Recall that earlier information was confirmed about the Ukrainian side delivering strikes on unprotected platforms located in the area of Snake Island. At least a few affected employees of the mining company were reported, as well as missing people. The blow, according to some reports, was delivered using attack aircraft and drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Several enemy strike weapons were eventually shot down. However, this did not prevent the enemy from causing damage to the platforms, which led to casualties, and possibly losses.

Representatives of the Russian legislature, commenting on the situation, note that by such actions the Ukrainian side itself did everything so that the Russian Federation acted "not only in white gloves." In particular, already in the State Duma of the Russian Federation it was announced that the RF Armed Forces would strike at “decision-making centers”.

Recall that one of these strikes was inflicted the day before - on an object in the Dnipropetrovsk region. As a result of that strike, 57 senior and senior officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were planning an operation in the Lisichansko-Severodonetsk direction, were destroyed.

In connection with allegations of attacks on decision-making centers after the Ukrainian attack on the production rigs of Chornomorneftegaz, experts began to express opinions on which objects such strikes could be inflicted. Various options are named, including the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Black Sea regions, as well as political decision-making centers in Kyiv.

In particular, it can be noted that recently the Kyiv regime has begun to feel quite at ease, making sure that the RF Armed Forces strike only at military targets. Zelensky began to travel around the regions, arrange “promenades” around Kyiv and its environs with almost constant accompaniment from one of the European or overseas politicians. Thus, even here, the Kyiv regime is actually using a “human shield” regime - relying on the fact that Russian troops will not attack if there are representatives of the British or EU power elites near Zelensky.

Over 50 high-ranking officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed by the strike of the Caliber missile launcher on the command post of the Alexandria group of forces
The Armed Forces of Ukraine immediately lost a large number of high-ranking officers, including those from the General Staff. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Kalibr cruise missiles hit a Ukrainian army command post in the Dnepropetrovsk region.

According to data published by the military, from Saturday, June 18, at 12:30, Caliber cruise missiles hit the command post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where a meeting of the command staff of the Alexandria operational-strategic group of troops was held. The attacked command post was located near the village of Shirokaya Dacha, Dnepropetrovsk region, the strike was carried out by Caliber cruise missiles from the Black Sea.

As a result of the strike, more than 50 generals and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed, including those from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the command of the Kakhovka group, air assault troops and formations operating in the Nikolaev and Zaporozhye directions

In addition, "Caliber" destroyed ten 155-mm M777 howitzers and up to 20 armored combat vehicles located on the territory of the transformer plant in Nikolaev. As specified, weapons and equipment were being prepared for shipment to the line of contact.

At this, the strikes with high-precision missiles did not stop, the Aerospace Forces entered the business, striking at the military echelon with personnel and military equipment of the 1st battalion of the 14th OMBR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, transferred to the Donbass from the city of Vladimir-Volynsky. The echelon was at the Gubinikha station in the Dnepropetrovsk region. As a result, 100 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed, 30 tanks and armored fighting vehicles. Another strike destroyed up to 200 militants, two MLRS "Grad" and 10 BMP-BTRs of the 56th Specialized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Selidovo area.

"By boats, ropes, swim": on the supply of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine blocked in Severodonetsk
Allied troops advancing in the north of Donbass pressed a large grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which previously controlled Severodonetsk, to the river, locking it in the industrial zone of the Azot plant. Three bridges that connected the city with the opposite bank were destroyed, in connection with which the water crossing became the only way to connect the blocked militants with the outside world.

The correspondent of the British edition of Sky News, John Sparks, visited Lisichansk, where he spoke with the militants, including the neo-Nazi battalion commander Kuzyk:

Now the bridges have been blown up. We are there by boats, ropes, swimming. Heavy logistics.

The correspondent filmed the transportation of goods on an inflatable boat. Judging by the footage, the width of the river is small, and therefore it does not take much time to cross the personnel and light equipment. Another thing is that this way of supply cannot transfer military equipment, however, its acute shortage is also felt on the opposite bank.

We need serious weapons and most of all Tanks. We receive only infantry equipment, which allows us to conduct only a sabotage and guerrilla war

- said the leader of the neo-Nazi unit.

Russian reconnaissance drones are constantly in the airspace over Lisichansk, so the militants are constantly looking at the sky and trying to move in dashes. Attempts to hide in urban buildings do not save from the fire of Russian troops.

The buildings that we occupied yesterday have already been destroyed by artillery today. If they see our positions, they don't attack them, they don't try to capture the buildings. They strike from the horizon
Panic Buying in Kaliningrad as Lithuania Bans Rail Cargo From Russia
A wave of panic buying spread across the Kaliningrad region after a rail blockade imposed by neighboring Lithuania on Saturday threatened to isolate Russia’s strategic Baltic exclave.

One unverified video shared Sunday showed anxious shoppers loading up on cement at a hardware store in the outskirts of the regional capital.

“On the first day [of the ban], everyone ran to buy everything en masse,” Pavel Tatarintsev, a Kaliningrad resident, told The Moscow Times.

“But now everyone has calmed down and are waiting to see how the situation will end.”

Sandwiched between NATO members Poland and Lithuania, Kaliningrad is home to Russia’s Baltic Sea Fleet, as well as an arsenal of nuclear-ready Iskander missiles.

But with no ground connection to the mainland, the region relies on rail links through the Baltic states for the transportation of goods and services.

"We consider this to be a most serious violation ... of the right to free transit into and out of the Kaliningrad region," said Kaliningrad Governor Anton Alikhanov in a video posted to messaging app Telegram on Saturday.

According to Alikhanov, the ban will affect up to 50% of the products that are imported and exported from Russia through Lithuania.

Vilnius’ decision was a delayed implementation of a ban on the import of goods to Russia that was imposed by Western countries in response to the invasion of Ukraine in late February.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Monday that Lithuania’s decision was “illegal.” Senator Andrei Klimov threatened that Russia would look to resolve the issue “by any means,” according to business daily Kommersant.

As well as building materials, consumers also rushed to buy gas, fearing that pipelines that run from Russia to the exclave would be cut off.

Addressing Kaliningrad residents Saturday, Alikhanov said energy supplies would last until at least Aug. 10, and urged people not to panic buy.
Russian Army Has Lost Up to 4% of Soldiers in 4 Months of War – Report
The Russian army is unlikely to return to its full force in the near future after it has incurred significant losses of troops and military equipment during its four-month war in Ukraine, the investigative outlet iStories reported Monday.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, the country’s army was ranked the second-best in the world. As a result of its invasion and ensuing Western sanctions, the Russian military has lost its advantages in both personnel and equipment that will take years to regain, experts say.

“Russian military power as of Feb. 23, 2022, is already an unattainable ideal. It is irreproducible and irreplaceable,” independent military expert Pavel Luzin told iStories.
Russia has lost 2-4% of its military manpower since the start of the war, iStories reported, citing the most recent estimates from British intelligence and the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Between 15,000 and 33,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured in Ukraine, iStories wrote, citing the British and Ukrainian estimates.
“When we see figures that Russia now has more than 33,000 irretrievable losses, it means that about half of them are killed,” Luzin said.

The losses include an estimated 581 generals and high-ranking officers, who take more years and resources to train.
Russia’s Defense Ministry last updated its official death toll in Ukraine on March 25, when it reported 1,351 killed soldiers.
In June, State Duma deputy Andrei Kartopolov said that the number hasn’t been updated since then because Russia “pretty much stopped losing people.”

iStories’ report also assessed that Russia has lost 23-42% of its tanks and up to 14% of its armored vehicles.
Experts told the outlet that it will take years for Russia to recover its losses of materiel, as Western components and technologies used in their manufacture are now off-limits due to sanctions.
No wonder the Ukrainians and a lot of experts are screaming for artillery. The Russian attack puts most of their units in a small area and vulnerable to Ukrainian artillery from the heights across the river, most of the city is in range of a variety of Mortars too. The Ukrainians are probably burning out the guns they have destroying Russian equipment and artillery while drones circle overhead and urban combat experienced Foreign legion fighters in the city decimate Russian infantry under the cover of Ukrainian guns and mortars behind them.

If they had enough guns, they could destroy a lot of the Russian army in this one spot by wearing it away. They are taking causalities, but inflicting far more causalities and destroyed equipment on the Russians. If they had more guns and MLRS the situation for the Russians would be dire in deed. However the Russians think they can still win something and are still attacking, still throwing equipment in, getting worn down and used up, while Ukrainian military power slowly and steadily increases with new equipment and fresh motivated troops trained at home and in Europe.
