TonyGreen's Tortured Beans "Bubble Head" meets the Gavita LED's............

Figure this will be my last post til Monday…….I’ll probably cut a few plants tomorrow, the rest will definitely be completed over the weekend.

Regarding the OKC, the weight is down to 13 oz, and a few grams. It is dry enough to smoke, so I walked over to my pot-head neighbor and gave him a piece to try in his new bong this evening. One pull and I could see a wave of indica happiness come across his face like he just hit the lottery. He’ll give me a detailed description by Sunday night, but I know it rang all his bells, cutting thru his beers for the night.

I’m 100% positive I’ll end up with over 12 oz for those 3 plants, which is a great sign. If I can get 4 oz per plant off of those (which weren’t supposed to be an extreme heavyweight), then the Bubble Head’s will do even better. 100 oz out of the room is now entirely in play, 106 oz. is my record.

Below is the 13 oz of the OKC. Also, no seeds so this strain is very stable.

Lastly, is that purple?

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Well, 8 1/2 hours of cutting 8 plants today, cleaning up now. Any time it takes me 3 days to cut everything, it's been over 100 oz. total. Big, chunky, dense buds with a super sour (tangy) smell. I couldnt be happier at this point, quality looks great too. A few of the plants probably could have gone to 11 weeks, but 10 should be just fine.
Well, 8 1/2 hours of cutting 8 plants today, cleaning up now. Any time it takes me 3 days to cut everything, it's been over 100 oz. total. Big, chunky, dense buds with a super sour (tangy) smell. I couldnt be happier at this point, quality looks great too. A few of the plants probably could have gone to 11 weeks, but 10 should be just fine.
Haha I knew it would be over 100!!
This crop could blow my best number out of the water. Every branch has a super dense and good size cola on the top. I have a number in mind but I’m embarrassed to even mention it, as most people don’t even think 100 oz in a 4 x 8 space is possible. Just finished cleaning, back at it at 10am tomorrow. 13 plants left, maybe another 8-9 tomorrow and the last few on Monday.

I’ll put up a pic of everything hanging from today when I head back downstairs.........
And I haven’t even touched the other side of the room yet. There’s very nice weight on every one of those branches too. And I’ve been telling everyone the yield will be on the lower side this I love it when things go right.........
And I haven’t even touched the other side of the room yet. There’s very nice weight on every one of those branches too. And I’ve been telling everyone the yield will be on the lower side this I love it when things go right.........
I knew not to listen to you on that 1... I knew you'd do above 100 .. it's like your benchmark bro
After 2 years under LED’s, I still can’t guess my numbers for shit. Under hps, I was always within a few oz’s of my guess. Now, I’ve been off as much as 20+ oz’s at times.
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I just did a small piece, it’s all I can handle these days. It’s supposedly mostly indica, but 20 minutes in and it’s all hitting my head. Maybe the indica part comes on later. I tried this because it looks so good, but there isn’t a doubt in my mind the Bubble Head will be wayyyyyyy better.
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Well, another 7+ hours today cutting and still not done. 5 plants left, they’ll be tackled tomorrow. Below is a pic of a bud. This probably could have gone another week, but I’m commercial and 10 weeks is about my limit. I don’t expect it to impact the buzz much.

I’ve been reading reviews on the Bubble Head, mainly at Tony Green’s various threads on different pot sites. Everyone rates it a 9 or 10, and some really nice comments overall.

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