Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

Yep, tht is why we ended up with The Warran Comission and 9/11 comission reports which were "Flawed", read spun, to absolve the political conspircyies involved. Like the Secrete Service cover up for the Trump Chump Director James Murray et al.
Most State Secrets are coverups.

most state secrets relate to military capabilities
Yep, tht is why we ended up with The Warran Comission and 9/11 comission reports which were "Flawed", read spun, to absolve the political conspircyies involved. Like the Secrete Service cover up for the Trump Chump Director James Murray et al.
Most State Secrets are coverups.
Its the establishment looking after itself.
But back to Guns.
Rodgers wild idea to take guns off everybody wont work. Although it would possibly lead to the succession of states which might not be a bad thing.

Simple federal gun laws will work. We all know it but we all know it won't ever happen.

The Pen used to be mightier than the sword but that may not last for long.
But back to Guns.
Rodgers wild idea to take guns off everybody wont work. Although it would possibly lead to the succession of states which might not be a bad thing.

Simple federal gun laws will work. We all know it but we all know it won't ever happen.

The Pen used to be mightier than the sword but that may not last for long.
The Australian judge has weighed in
But back to Guns.
Rodgers wild idea to take guns off everybody wont work. Although it would possibly lead to the succession of states which might not be a bad thing.

Simple federal gun laws will work. We all know it but we all know it won't ever happen.

The Pen used to be mightier than the sword but that may not last for long.
it's not my idea to take people's guns...people keep asking how would you even do that, and i'm offering insights into how it could occur...IF they change the gun laws, i will comply with them...because i'm not a fucking moron who doesn't know the government is ALREADY in control and doesn't need to do one fucking thing to "gain" control...but until it becomes illegal to own a gun, i'm not giving mine up, and don't expect anyone else to either.
i DO think MUCH MUCH tougher laws and MUCH harsher penalties for breaking those laws are required...and i do think that ALL weapons should be registered, that there should be NO person to person sales allowed anywhere, ever, that there should be no magazines produced or allowed that hold over 5 rounds, and that NO parts for weapons should be sold through the mail, you have to buy them from a licensed dealer, and the addition annotated on your registration. absolutely no sales of ghost gun kits or parts, or parts designed to change a semi auto into a full auto, or in any way change the weapons rate of fire.
but taking away everyone's guns? not unless they make that the law of the land...
oh, and by the way, states aren't seceding, EVERY red state is on the federal government's teat. they CANNOT minister their own finances, and rely upon the federal government to keep their shitty leech states from failing...if any of them seceded, they would be bankrupt in a week or two, even fucking texas, who can't even keep the fucking lights on if there's a storm.
Practically every autoloading pistol holds at least 7 rounds. Old lever action .30-30 rifles hold 10 rounds in it's tubular magazine.
I'd be in favor of limiting REMOVABLE rifle magazines to 5 rounds
then you would have to have a plug installed, like they do for hunting turkey...one that wasn't removable. and they can produce new magazines, that hold however many rounds they want them to hold...like i said, i don't see them going door to door to collect this shit, but do not get caught with it, when i said harsher penalties, i meant it...like losing the right to own any type of guns ever again.
Oregon is taking gun control to the ballot box this year.

The measure would ban large capacity magazines over 10 rounds — except for current owners, law enforcement and the military — and require a permit to purchase any gun. To qualify for a permit, an applicant would need to complete an approved firearm safety course, pay a fee, provide personal information, submit to fingerprinting and photographing and pass a criminal background check.

The very reasonable measures in the initiative are, of course being vilified by the NRA. Check out this statement by the NRA that echo's @bam0813 's fears:

The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action has denounced the initiative, saying on its website that “these anti-gun citizens are coming after YOU, the law-abiding firearm owners of Oregon, and YOUR guns.”

"take yer gunz". No, this measure isn't about taking away people's guns. It's about saving lives by requiring people to learn a few simple safety measures and prevent guns from being sold to criminals. More people will die due to guns this year in the US. Why not, at the very least, ensure people demonstrate they know how to use them safely and create a database similar to automobile drivers?
and require a permit to purchase any gun
So any can be taken away. You got alot of trust in the gov all of a sudden for a lot of old hippies lmao
Oregon is taking gun control to the ballot box this year. How virtuous you oregonians are. Ive been living in agreeance to those and more since 85 when i got my first. Glad you guys are finally getting around to a vote
and require a permit to purchase any gun
So any can be taken away. You got alot of trust in the gov all of a sudden for a lot of old hippies lmao
Oregon is taking gun control to the ballot box this year. How virtuous you oregonians are. Ive been living in agreeance to those and more since 85 when i got my first. Glad you guys are finally getting around to a vote
We're going to make it a requirement for gun owners to have an insurance policy too. It would be very simple to base premiums on violent crime rates. Gun owners in red states would pay more.
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what about these weapons of war? Gone or good to go?
If you were 25 years of age or more, passed a mental health and competency test, a drug test, had a completely clean record, own 20+ acres of land, reside in the state and not within 5 miles of a school, are vaccinated, and you dont have more than one middle name, and or, a suffix on your certificate of birth. Then yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with you owning a 22 cal single shot rifle.
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what about these weapons of war? Gone or good to go?
why in the fuck would a civilian need that? do you need to snipe those pesky deer? are the rabbits coming armed?
if you enjoy long range target shooting, register the weapon, and i'm sure it would be fine. that is certainly not a carbine type assault weapon, that is easily concealed, and it probably doesn't hold more than 4 or 5 rounds, either.