When you target civilians, that doesn't serve to create dissatisfaction of their own leadership's war mongering, but rather it galvanizes national collective support against an "external foe". In fact, it has the opposite effect from what you are seemingly trying to achieve.
When thinking of Russia this is the first thing that comes to mind.
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
WTF is this guy to interfere in US foreign policy, the arrogant asshole, doesn't he think the state department and CIA know what they are doing. Maybe instead of calling Putin he should visit Ukraine for a little fact finding.
Pride goeth before the fall and it is the biggest hazard for a "master of the universe", those whom the God's wish to destroy, they first make mad.
One thing to do is continued diplomacy, which the US has seeming refused to practice for some time now. Negotiations were long out of the question, and what you see now is the result.This is a very astute take and the reason my pro-violence takes aren't. That said I'm still stuck in a "well wtf do you do?" point of view.
War isn't moral in any case, it starts with breaking that basic premise of non violence. You have different sides with different views/opinions, but at its core, war as a thing starts with breaking a basic moral principle by someone. I think it's hard to view how you act in that situation through the lense of not being in the situation.
It is the divine right of billionaires, a reductio ad pessimum of Calvinism.WTF is this guy to interfere in US foreign policy, the arrogant asshole, doesn't he think the state department and CIA know what they are doing. Maybe instead of calling Putin he should visit Ukraine for a little fact finding.
Pride goeth before the fall and it is the biggest hazard for a "master of the universe", those whom the God's wish to destroy, they first make mad.
Russia has practice targeting civilians.
coupla those have “your mom joke” written all over them.I figured someone would come up with this, I posted an RC amateur YouTube video of a 3D printed drone that was very similar. You don't need a rocket for a low slow target when something much cheaper will do. A drone fighter to go after bombers and reconnaissance drones.
View attachment 5211007
Here is the 3D printed drone, it could even have a cheap commercial rocket booster to get it up high fast with a full charge and could use the props to stabilize it during boost.
Yeah, send in a SWAT team in to drag him out of the Kremlin and off to court. War is necessary for defense and retaliation is the only justice in war. How one retaliates is important and should have a logical end, attacking infrastructure instead of civilians i retaliation is socially acceptable. however, people will still die as the power of the state and economy is degraded over time with sanctions and the destruction of power grids that people depend on to survive. It isn't as gruesome or counterproductive as civilian dead bodies in the street, but it causes suffering and death, nonetheless.One thing to do is continued diplomacy, which the US has seeming refused to practice for some time now. Negotiations were long out of the question, and what you see now is the result.
That said, if Putin really is a war criminal and the head of a terrorist as described, then the answer is to deal with him and his military force. The answer isn't to rain hell fire down on innocent civilians who are just living their lives in the lands to which they were birthed. How would you like it if some politician who you opposed (Trump perhaps) started a conflict with a foreign nation, and then that foreign nation decided to bomb your local library to get you to turn against your President. I don't see that situation igniting your support for the country who just bombed your town square. Perhaps you see it differently.
Got it. Your idea is to treat people's lives as pawns in your chess game and cannon fodder. My idea is to spare as many lives as possible. At this point, is deescalation even possible?Yeah, send in a SWAT team in to drag him out of the Kremlin and off to court. War is necessary for defense and retaliation is the only justice in war. How one retaliates is important and should have a logical end, attacking infrastructure instead of civilians i retaliation is socially acceptable. however, people will still die as the power of the state and economy is degraded over time with sanctions and the destruction of power grids that people depend on to survive. It isn't as gruesome or counterproductive as civilian dead bodies in the street, but it causes suffering and death, nonetheless.
Same basic argument with chemical weapons, yer just as dead by bullet or explosion, but one is acceptable and the other is not. One is useful to achieving goals and the other is not, the Brits made public films of their poison gas production in WW2 and promised Germany it would fall from allied bombers on German cities if they started using it, they never did.