

Well-Known Member
I figure nukes are the price for drones, but the holes in the sanction systems are being plugged and it will get harder for them to obtain parts. There have been changes in law, regulations and lately enforcement, Joe recently started a taskforce to plug any holes and allied help is essential. Israel was reluctant to come on board in the war on Ukraine's side, so they might be waiting for evidence of quid pro quo involving nukes. If they find out the Russians are supplying nuclear technology to Iran, I would expect a reaction and more support for Ukraine. If Russia were to arm Iran with nukes, Israel might arm Ukraine likewise, put a knife at our throat and we will put one at yours!
I'm expecting that Israel is quite concerned w/this bromance between Vlad and the Ayatolla and have many assets in Iran to act accordingly, any intervention that occurs inside Iran regarding this "friendship" of convenience will certainly have Mossad fingerprints all over it as they own the Iranian's in the subterfuge game,it's been shown time and time again and w/Bibi back in the big seat,restraint certainly is less of a option. If Iran get's bold he will react boldly.


Well-Known Member

Seems like a race for some, which isn’t a bad thing if it leads to the end of Putin.

2.5 billion may not seem as high to you as it seems to me. Per capita things look very different. Relatively it’s like the US committing almost 50billion at once. Difference is much of that goes back into national weapons and ammo manufacturers. The 2.5billion does not include the billions of support through EU, nor the costs of refugees.…

…well, costs… Check this out: 83% of (the nearly 100k) Ukrainian refugees in NL work. No typo, 80-frigging-3%. 3-4x higher than in other countries around here and a bazillion times more than Syrians and Eritreans. Ok, Ukranians can get a work permit faster, and they integrate easier (partly because they speak english and/or learn dutch) but still 4 times as many are employed compared to other large immigrants groups that have been here for 6-7 years and are naturalized. If that doesn’t sound exceptional enough, the alternative to not working here is free housing and free money. An estimated 25% of Ukrainians want to stay permanently.


Well-Known Member

Seems like a race for some, which isn’t a bad thing if it leads to the end of Putin.

2.5 billion may not seem as high to you as it seems to me. Per capita things look very different. Relatively it’s like the US committing almost 50billion at once. Difference is much of that goes back into national weapons and ammo manufacturers. The 2.5billion does not include the billions of support through EU, nor the costs of refugees.…

…well, costs… Check this out: 83% of (the nearly 100k) Ukrainian refugees in NL work. No typo, 80-frigging-3%. 3-4x higher than in other countries around here and a bazillion times more than Syrians and Eritreans. Ok, Ukranians can get a work permit faster, and they integrate easier (partly because they speak english and/or learn dutch) but still 4 times as many are employed compared to other large immigrants groups that have been here for 6-7 years and are naturalized. If that doesn’t sound exceptional enough, the alternative to not working here is free housing and free money. An estimated 25% of Ukrainians want to stay permanently.
A lot of Ukrainians worked in the EU before the war and a half a million men immediately returned to Ukraine to fight, many leaving good jobs behind.


Well-Known Member
Sure, they have EU neighbors and did a lot of seasonal work across the entire EU. I’m not talking about the EU. The numbers I posted are solely from this year‘s Ukrainian refugees in NL, which is roughly 100x higher than in previous years. In addition to the ~1000 immigrants, there are a couple of thousand seasonal workers per year (mostly agricultural jobs not yet replaced by robots), ie. those who return home regardless. The number of Ukrainians who left their job here in NL (other side of Europe…) to fight in Ukraine is just a tiny fraction of the 100k that came this year and not comparable with that half a million in a relevant manner.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Russia won't negotiate under terms of Zelensky's peace plan, minister of lies, Lavrov says
From CNN’s Irene Nasser and Josh Pennington
Moscow will not negotiate with Kyiv on the basis of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s proposed peace formula, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, according to state-media on Thursday.
Lavrov told state-run RIA Novosti that Zelensky's idea of driving Russian troops out from the Donbas, Crimea, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson with help from the West was "an illusion."
He also dismissed the idea that Kyiv would achieve reparations or that Russia would appear in international courts.
“We will not talk to anyone under such conditions," Lavrov said.
Lavrov stressed however, that Russia remains open to diplomatic solutions to end the war.
Peace plan: Zelensky presented Ukraine’s 10-point peace formula to world leaders at the Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November.
The steps includes a path to nuclear safety, food security, a special tribunal for alleged Russian war crimes, and a final peace treaty with Moscow. He also urged G20 leaders to use all their power to “make Russia abandon nuclear threats” and implement a price cap on energy imported from Moscow.
During his speech to the US Congress last week, Zelensky claimed US President Joe Biden had endorsed the plan.
did we ever really expect russia to negotiate out of good faith? they never have before, why would they start now?
the only way Ukraine will ever get lasting peace is to annihilate russia's ability to practice aggression. so what are we waiting on? let's give them the tools they need to finish the job we don't have the fucking balls to do ourselves...let's give them the missiles they need to reach those airfields, to reach the rocket launchers the russians are using to kill civilians...and lets do it fucking yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Here is an entertaining 5 min video that shows what a racing quad can do. This one uses the new DJI digital video system with hard to jam encrypted HD video transmissions, if the signal fades the picture loses resolution from the edges inward, the center remains clear so you can fly. Here you see a goppro with image stabilization and image stabilized video recorded by the DJI air unit aboard the drone and also recorded by the DJI digital video googles on the ground. It is controlled by a long range TBS crossfire radio system operating on a lower frequency than what is used for racing and close range. This is a 5" racing quad, a larger 7" would probably be required to carry a bomb and the war in Ukraine explains the recent restrictions, regulations and licensing requirements.

Drones under 250 grams don't need a license to fly or be registered and they can fly with a DJI air unit for over 20 minutes and go just as far as this one. You can buy a 7" quad (1-2kg) probably cheaper than $200 USD, if you buy a bunch online and when fitted with a grenade or bomb they can be used as DIY switchblade suicide drones and have a range of several miles depending on terrain. Usually they will use cheaper older analog video equipment for suicide drones since they are killing Russians not taking pictures.

Amazing range test DJI O3 air unit on Armattan beaver (Onetake shoot)


Well-Known Member
Sometimes there is no, fair and balanced, sometimes there are not two sides to the story, sometimes one side is bullshitting themselves and others. Sometimes one side is completely wrong and in violation of established international law, borders and treaties. Sometimes it does not matter what the other side believes, if they believe bullshit, lie and act like assholes.
