
looks like someone got ratted out........

This whole idea that they control anyone outside of their borders has to end...
Taiwan was a part of China for hundreds of years and then Japan owned it for fifty years until 1945 when it was given control to the Chinese government. In the 1949 civil war that government transferred to Taiwan and the winners of the civil war got the mainland. So is the island Chinese since it was part of China from 45 to 49?
If the Ukrainians launched one of these from a popping up mig fighter, rocket and all then pitched it at the target at high speed and altitude, it might go much further. The pilot would only need to be roughly on the bearing and pitch angle when he reached the release point, the GPS targeting data was programmed on the ground.

Taiwan was a part of China for hundreds of years and then Japan owned it for fifty years until 1945 when it was given control to the Chinese government. In the 1949 civil war that government transferred to Taiwan and the winners of the civil war got the mainland. So is the island Chinese since it was part of China from 45 to 49?
i don't know...At some point china controlled almost all of Asia...do they own all of it now?
At some point, russia controlled most of Europe, do they own it now?
Great Britian owned the US, Australia, and a lot of Africa...they don't now...
hell, even France under Napoleon owned a lot of shit they no longer own.
They've been independent for over 70 years, with no major problems that china didn't cause to begin with. They're peaceful, prosperous, and pretty cooperative, if approached politely...china could do a hell of a lot worse for both a neighbor and a trading partner, if they'd just take a step back from the petty greed and territorialism.
Taiwan was a part of China for hundreds of years and then Japan owned it for fifty years until 1945 when it was given control to the Chinese government. In the 1949 civil war that government transferred to Taiwan and the winners of the civil war got the mainland. So is the island Chinese since it was part of China from 45 to 49?
America was part of the British empire, so was Canada, we are culturally English, it means nothing. According to the UN it's what the people living there want, if Quebec pulled the pin on Canada, most of the land is native owned and they would have their own say. If Canada is divisible, so too is Quebec, as I recall, back when natives started getting a better deal and mentioned in the constitution.
i don't know...At some point china controlled almost all of Asia...do they own all of it now?
At some point, russia controlled most of Europe, do they own it now?
Great Britian owned the US, Australia, and a lot of Africa...they don't now...
hell, even France under Napoleon owned a lot of shit they no longer own.
They've been independent for over 70 years, with no major problems that china didn't cause to begin with. They're peaceful, prosperous, and pretty cooperative, if approached politely...china could do a hell of a lot worse for both a neighbor and a trading partner, if they'd just take a step back from the petty greed and territorialism.
But that is it, Taiwan is a jewel that they would like to reacquire. Once they have the military might to counter the US they will look at it seriously. Up until now they have not had the ability to take it back. Still milking the rest of the world with cheap goods. Once they do not need the US and Europe to export to they will make their move.
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It's good to see Japan coming to the conclusion that it's pacifism following WW2 no longer is feasible in a world w/looming wolves.Their naval tradition and history of being fierce warriors is a welcome addition to the looming struggle in the Pacific. Don't want China to feel ganged up on but also don't want them thinking there is weakness to be exploited. A resurgent,refocused Japan is a formidable ally that can de counted on to support the US.
China could cause another war for Russia after they are weakened enough, by making Kazakhstan strong and a leader for the other stans south of it, most are rich in gas and oil with minerals too and growing populations and all are former Soviet Republics. Uncle Sam is reaching from the west across the Caspian Sea and China is right next door and they should meet on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Russia will be excluded and there are ethnic Russians in the north of Kazakhstan, remnants of the empire who will cause trouble. Fortunately, many of Vlad's empire loyalists are dying in Ukraine in very large numbers, while even more become disillusioned and cast adrift. There will be minimal support for their cause from Moscow as they try to survive and keep the empire intact.

If China wanted the eastern half of Russia cut off from the European half, there are many ethnic groups and perhaps people in the regions who might want to do the same and shift their center of gravity to their end of Asia. If Vlad has trouble in east Asia, it will temper his ambitions in the west, keep him busy trying to keep the empire together I say. There are groups fighting for Ukraine from those areas and I'm sure they would prove useful to someone who wants to cause shit inside the empire. All they would need would be money and motivation, bribes can buy them everything they need including a truckload of military explosive from the local base after bribing a mobik.
China could cause another war for Russia after they are weakened enough, by making Kazakhstan strong and a leader for the other stans south of it, most are rich in gas and oil with minerals too and growing populations and all are former Soviet Republics. Uncle Sam is reaching from the west across the Caspian Sea and China is right next door and they should meet on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Russia will be excluded and there are ethnic Russians in the north of Kazakhstan, remnants of the empire who will cause trouble. Fortunately, many of Vlad's empire loyalists are dying in Ukraine in very large numbers, while even more become disillusioned and cast adrift. There will be minimal support for their cause from Moscow as they try to survive and keep the empire intact.

If China wanted the eastern half of Russia cut off from the European half, there are many ethnic groups and perhaps people in the regions who might want to do the same and shift their center of gravity to their end of Asia. If Vlad has trouble in east Asia, it will temper his ambitions in the west, keep him busy trying to keep the empire together I say. There are groups fighting for Ukraine from those areas and I'm sure they would prove useful to someone who wants to cause shit inside the empire. All they would need would be money and motivation, bribes can buy them everything they need including a truckload of military explosive from the local base after bribing a mobik.
China wants to piggyback on Russia for the North Pole resources. They want Russia as a vassal state, No need to care for the civilians or keep up the infrastructure, only take what they need. Also with an "independent Russia" it can be used as a thorn in the US's side.
But that is it, Taiwan is a jewel that they would like to reacquire. Once they have the military might to counter the Us they will look at it seriously. Up until now they have not had the ability to take it back. Still milking the rest of the world with cheap goods. Once they do not need the US and Europe to export to they will make their move.
They may, but recent events have given Xi pause and presented unexpected opportunities in central Asia and in the future disintegrating Russian empire. Xi will be gone and policy could change, right now and for the next almost decade Tiawan chip production is just too important to everybody, including China. These facilities would be destroyed by war and the valuable staff dislocated to chip fabs springing up in NA and the EU. As long as the world is dependent on advanced Taiwanese microchips, they will be a vital national security concern for many countries and attacking Taiwan would mean instant war with more than America.

Perhaps if the imperial ambition persists in a decade and diplomatic conditions are right, but it is hard for China's neighbors not to arm and ally with each other and us, if the Chinese act like lawless pricks run by a whimsical emperor. Imperial ambitions are rapidly going out of fashion in the world and many former imperial colonies are beginning to realize this when it comes to Russia and China. When imperialism is explained to them along with the UN charter, because living under European Imperialism at one time doesn't appear to be enough for them. They should be able to recognize it when they see it, particularly India and oppose it.