
A store just opened in Ukraine that sells mockups of military equipment. Just the right thing to get Muscovy to expend some expensive weaponry on fake military equipment.
In the "SmartWar" store, everyone may buy strike unmanned and decorative military
equipment, as well as play simulators
Thought he was referring to some drone add-on.
Not all FCs have a backbox function and data is recorded on micro memory card. If it has a computer and sensors, then a black box is not hard to implement. Here is a typical RC FC with a black box function.

A store just opened in Ukraine that sells mockups of military equipment. Just the right thing to get Muscovy to expend some expensive weaponry on fake military equipment.
In the "SmartWar" store, everyone may buy strike unmanned and decorative military
equipment, as well as play simulators
I see the Russians are still using bunker C to fuel ship steam turbine power plants, at least it looked like bunker C burning. High maintenance costs for steamers, the west switched to diesels for cruising and gas turbines for grunt.

The single biggest problem with the steam plants was maintenance, periodically the plant had to be taken to cold iron and inspected, fireboxes had to be renewed, etc.

Addressing your point about bunker fuel it was and is money cheap, but expensive to use. The standard fuel for the WWII battleships was Bunker C a thick tar-like residual product of petroleum distillation. Problem number one, to get it to flow it had to be warmed to about 250f (140c). Problem number two, it was a very dirty fuel with contaminants like heavy metals, sulfur, etc.

By the 1980’s the Navy had shifted to a cleaner fuel diesel fuel marine (DFM) NATO standard F-75 or F-76. The advantages of F-75/76 are no preheating required for pumping, usable in Diesel and Steam plants.

The principal reasons for the Navy’s shift to lighter fuels are:

  • Economy of scale
  • Economy of storage
  • Reduced maintenance requirements
  • Reduced maintenance time
I see the Russians are still using bunker C to fuel ship steam turbine power plants, at least it looked like bunker C burning. High maintenance costs for steamers, the west switched to diesels for cruising and gas turbines for grunt.

The single biggest problem with the steam plants was maintenance, periodically the plant had to be taken to cold iron and inspected, fireboxes had to be renewed, etc.

Addressing your point about bunker fuel it was and is money cheap, but expensive to use. The standard fuel for the WWII battleships was Bunker C a thick tar-like residual product of petroleum distillation. Problem number one, to get it to flow it had to be warmed to about 250f (140c). Problem number two, it was a very dirty fuel with contaminants like heavy metals, sulfur, etc.

By the 1980’s the Navy had shifted to a cleaner fuel diesel fuel marine (DFM) NATO standard F-75 or F-76. The advantages of F-75/76 are no preheating required for pumping, usable in Diesel and Steam plants.

The principal reasons for the Navy’s shift to lighter fuels are:

  • Economy of scale
  • Economy of storage
  • Reduced maintenance requirements
  • Reduced maintenance time
I don't know what these guys are like for a news source but they're saying a spring offensive may not be so easy for the UA.

I don't know what these guys are like for a news source but they're saying a spring offensive may not be so easy for the UA.

I think your opinion is prudent,while everyone wishes for success on the level of the late summer/fall Ukranian offensive that is not comparable to the present situation,large amounts of Uk. territory was regained as Ukraine totally caught the Russians on the left foot where they attacked,the Russians were poorly prepared and dis-organized leading to a Ukranian steamroller. Russia has reinforced and dug in everywhere logical for this counter attack. Attackers must outnumber defenders at a 3/1 ratio at least. Everything has been mined by the Russians also. The newly formed Brigades using Western APC's and some tanks using NATO tactics is brand new to them and is still lacking any of the air power a NATO assault using combined arms would employ are 12 Brigades of approx. 4k each totaling 48k troops. Time will tell,but unimpressive results of such a highly hyped and anticipated attack will really dampen Western support and Ukraine's morale while really strengthening Putin's narrative that Russia will win thru attrition(a time tested Russian tactic).There is a high degree of probability that THIS will be the climax and turning point of the war.Ukraine needs to split Russian forces in two down to the Sea of Azov,thus isolating supply of Crimea to the lone Kerch bridge which will surely be dealt with if Ukraine achieves success.In the end a complete Russian defeat and retention of ALL Ukranian territory is unlikely,eventually the West will lay weight on Ukraine to negotiate,the big question is from what position of strength that is?
Anybody can buy these from China online at alibaba or aliexpress for about $10K for a basic drone that can be upgraded considerably electronically and mechanically. A new electronics and guidance package along with an electric supercharger for the engine that kicked in on final along with dropping flares and chaff could be a few of them.
