

Well-Known Member
I’m assuming the square block with nipple is the takeoff for fuel press, the hole we see is where that U manifold, well, monofold, attaches, and the exhaust is barely visible on the left.
What’s the diagonal bit of open tube for?

… unless the parts are to scale. But connecting the U-tube to the diagonal bit leaves me confused.
I tried to visualize it also and it started to make my head hurt. It might be for a car, the nipple part is correct.


Well-Known Member
These are a lot of planes and I imagine more will be coming from other allies as they convert to the newer stealth fighters. By the time they get them a lot more Russian AA missile batteries and aviation will be destroyed. Russia might not have much of an airforce of obsolete planes by the time the Ukrainians have theirs's rebuilt with western equipment. There are an awful lot of ex-military C130 transports kicking around, and regulations prevent them from being converted to civilian use in Canada and the US and Ukraine could use a dozen of those too. I think the plan is to reduce the Russian air defenses and airforce before reequipping the Ukrainians. If they don't drive them out of Crimea this year, they will isolate them and use the F16s storm shadows, HIMARS and glide bombs to bomb the shit out of Crimea in the winter and spring of next year and drive the Russians to the borders on the mainland of Ukraine. By the end of this year the Russians should be in a lot more trouble than they are now with much of their AA defense gone, and their airforce reduced considerably.

Russia can't build many of the weapon's systems that are being lost in Ukraine, much of it is a legacy from the USSR and cold war. So destroy as much of their equipment as you can because it can't be replaced, and the threat is eliminated. Kill and capture as many mobiks as you can too and attack Moscow and other cities with drones in an effort to cause regime change and confusion in Russia. Ukraine is fighting for its life, and everything is on the table, you would be shocked at what any properly led liberal democracy will do to defend itself and still remain a liberal democracy when it is done, a stronger one in fact.



Well-Known Member
First image shows the number of Russian tanks and the percentage lost, the next topic is a drone surviving an attack by Russian aviation. Tried searching for the post, found it. Clicking the link and I get "Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else." ISEE THE DAMN PAGE IN THE VIDEO! I think Musk is playing dirty.

000000000000Screenshot 2023-09-01 100025.png



Well-Known Member
Those F16s are gonna need something to shoot. I find the timing of all this interesting from a strategic POV and the Russians should have a greatly reduced air defense and airforce when the planes do get there. Suppression of enemy air defenses is what you do before bringing in airpower and that is what the Ukrainians are apparently doing on an increasing basis, paving the way for their new airforce to operate in their own country and around it. Russia has not run out of shit yet but is losing more every week and having to spread it thinner, in 6 months of aggressive attacks from Ukraine they will be forced to use and lose even more. Most of it will have to be used to protect airfields inside European Russia and cities from done attacks and the AA missiles will be attacked too, they would be high priority targets and largely irreplaceable. Next year the new Ukrainian airforce and drone force could attack Russia at will, while the Russians have greatly reduced air defenses and a largely ineffective airforce.

With the F16 radar and these missiles they will be able to kill the Russians four times further than the Russians can see or kill them and they can launch storm shadow and other missiles too. I think F16s will finish the war when they are finally deployed, because the Russians should be fucked by then any way, once they are gone from Ukraine the F16s and best AA defense system in the world will keep them out. If Vlad wants to shoot drones at Ukraine, they can fire 2 or 3 times as many back and actually accurately hit vital targets with them.



Well-Known Member
Maybe this is the reason support for Ukraine has dropped off since Elon took over Twitter? Foxnews is doing its bit too.

Think Elon might be making lots of deadly enemies at home and abroad? Elon looks like a fascist traitor and a narcissistic sociopath to me, sucking Putin's ass and making deals with China. Bad things could happen to Elon if somebody in Ukraine thought he was costing lives and was responsible for deaths. Ukraine is a vital ally and enemy of a traditional foe, so many in the national security and military communities take a dim view of him too. If there was a "deep state" it would want Elons's ass by now.



Well-Known Member
A win for Ukraine is a win for Biden and when they finally kick their asses out of the country next summer and fall it will be even better for Joe going into the election and the magats know it, so do the Russians. Some wars are kind to presidents and this one has been kind to Joe and is splitting the republicans right down the middle like no other issue, even Lindsay stands up to Trump over Ukraine. Most of the republican hawks are now democrats or independents as is the officer corps of the US military, especially since Ukraine.



Well-Known Member
Accurately targeting things in Moscow with drones using conventional GPS was impossible with GPS jamming, but not anymore. The Ukrainians are hitting pinpoint targets that are impleading Russian military production and technology, they might not be able to produce missiles after this strike and strikes on chemical and propellant production facilities slow down the production of artillery rounds and missiles too. Strikes on optical and computer facilities stop war production too and damage their limited production capacity. Ukraine can strike any target within a thousand miles with 30kg of HE and with pinpoint accuracy, including planes, missile launchers, AA radars and helicopters parked on the ground.

When Ukraine gets its new airforce it would be wise to disperse them and if parked in the open covered in commercial fishing net or chain link fence enclosures like hangers as defense against drone attacks. Some radar directed 20mm cannons around them would be nice too, as long as it was sensitive enough and tuned for drones, a conventional air attack being unlikely.



Well-Known Member
Now these will fit the bill of protecting those new planes on the ground, but will be useful for other things first, 160 units is no small amount and means point drone protection for a lot of potential targets. Missiles are too expensive to use on small cheap drones and this is one way to deal with them, not much good for FPV suicide drones, not much is except EW jamming and net cages.



Well-Known Member
A win for Ukraine is a win for Biden and when they finally kick their asses out of the country next summer and fall it will be even better for Joe going into the election and the magats know it, so do the Russians. Some wars are kind to presidents and this one has been kind to Joe and is splitting the republicans right down the middle like no other issue, even Lindsay stands up to Trump over Ukraine. Most of the republican hawks are now democrats or independents as is the officer corps of the US military, especially since Ukraine.

Not a joke. Republicans are proposing a war with Mexico.



Well-Known Member
Another plank wing cheap drone, this one better constructed and designed than Andrew Newtons using foam poster board instead of cardboard. It probably flies like the bigger one and poster board comes in sheets that can make bigger wings and a plane in general than this. The thing is the cuts and grooves on the foam board can be done by machine and the flat pack assembled into an airframe buy low skilled volunteer workers and the other flight components don't cost much at all. 4'x8' sheets could be purchased in the EU cheap and the bigger ones punched out fast, parts are bought in the international market in bulk. For custom electronics, send the PCB design to Tiawan and they will populate it with components, solder it for you and test it too then ship them back by the boxload. The plane is made from common cheap materials and the flight components are RC off the shelf and the electronics need not be top secret but could be made closer to home, pick and place surface mount component machines are not that rare and making PCBs is not hard either. Ukraine has no shortage of electronics engineers, and this is simple stuff.



Well-Known Member
Another plank wing cheap drone, this one better constructed and designed than Andrew Newtons using foam poster board instead of cardboard. It probably flies like the bigger one and poster board comes in sheets that can make bigger wings and a plane in general than this. The thing is the cuts and grooves on the foam board can be done by machine and the flat pack assembled into an airframe buy low skilled volunteer workers and the other flight components don't cost much at all. 4'x8' sheets could be purchased in the EU cheap and the bigger ones punched out fast, parts are bought in the international market in bulk. For custom electronics, send the PCB design to Tiawan and they will populate it with components, solder it for you and test it too then ship them back by the boxload. The plane is made from common cheap materials and the flight components are RC off the shelf and the electronics need not be top secret but could be made closer to home, pick and place surface mount component machines are not that rare and making PCBs is not hard either. Ukraine has no shortage of electronics engineers, and this is simple stuff.

What? No kaboom landing? I got ripped off.


Well-Known Member
What? No kaboom landing? I got ripped off.
I was looking at the government site, this is new, they are responding to the changing situation because the drone industry will move elsewhere! There have been some changes I see since I was here years ago. Looks like the military value at least could be having an impact, you can't experiment and innovate if you are hamstrung with stupid regulations. Foreigners can now fly in Canada too, with a Canadian license.



Well-Known Member
Applies to RC planes too anything over 250 grams needs a pilot's license.

If your RC airplane or helicopter weighs between 250 grams and 25 kg:
  • You need to obtain a Basic RPAS certification to fly.
  • You need to register your aircraft with Transport Canada and mark it with the registration number.

I'll stay under 250g.


Well-Known Member
Here's a hawk who is either a democrat or an independent, he should know the idea is a long war to deplete the Russian army of its irreplicable equipment and make the place safe for a new Ukrainian airforce to operate. Dones of all kinds do a lot to make up for traditional air power and some things they do far better and with greater precision, much more cheaply too. If the Ukrainians had the means to destroy Russian rail bridges inside Russia on Ukraine's borders, the war would end pretty quickly with a Russian collapse. The more of their irreplaceable equipment they can destroy the lower the future threat they will pose the and the less they will be able to project power onto their weaker neighbors, not just Ukraine.



Well-Known Member
If your RC airplane or helicopter weighs between 250 grams and 25 kg:
  • You need to obtain a Basic RPAS certification to fly.
  • You need to register your aircraft with Transport Canada and mark it with the registration number.
Yep, but you would be amazed at what you can do for under 250 grams these days with an RC plane or even a drone. I have a license and a few planes registered, cost $5 a plane, keep the description general for a DIY and move it from plane to plane like a receiver. I recently saw a recent video by a Canadian FPV pilot flying out of visual distance to an avalanche, so something changed in the rules.

A guy called Mactac

Avalanche caught CLOSE-UP by FPV drone - Long range mountain surfing in 4k

Even made the news, so he's either legal or busted.

Moment of massive avalanche in British Columbia captured on drone camera