hold on peaceeeeeeyi want to see!
hold on peaceeeeeey
the VORTEX. this thing is amazing. sometimes i get scared after i smoke a full bowl. the smoke is super smooth.
now..its acrylic right? are there any sufficient cleaners to get that horrid bong stink out of the acrylic? ive had no luck with that...sure the tube can look clean, but it still smells so...used.....anyways the vortex DOES look neat, for a non glass jammy. if i pick up a purchased grav bong instead of a home made one, im going for a hamm glass on glass diffused grav bongclearish~ its kinda an ugly color and continues to get uglier. but i dont mind, i think it just makes it looks all the more scary. i like how it shakes the floor when its in action..
thats nice man ! , i just dont see the spot where you take the hit from tho ?now..its acrylic right? are there any sufficient cleaners to get that horrid bong stink out of the acrylic? ive had no luck with that...sure the tube can look clean, but it still smells so...used.....anyways the vortex DOES look neat, for a non glass jammy. if i pick up a purchased grav bong instead of a home made one, im going for a hamm glass on glass diffused grav bong
Take the ashcatcher out of the glass on glass joint, put mouth over joint, slide top down, inhale...exhale....nothin like glass when ya wanna taste your buds.thats nice man ! , i just dont see the spot where you take the hit from tho ?
now..its acrylic right? are there any sufficient cleaners to get that horrid bong stink out of the acrylic? ive had no luck with that...sure the tube can look clean, but it still smells so...used.....anyways the vortex DOES look neat, for a non glass jammy. if i pick up a purchased grav bong instead of a home made one, im going for a hamm glass on glass diffused grav bong