
The type that come from other planets.

Anyone believe they have landed on Earth? Not that they don't exist as I believe they do, the odds of them not are too great. Actually believe though that they have landed on Earth? Or that they kidnap people for experiments?

We have to remember that all of the information against aliens is mostly derived from instruments designed to fail.

All of the spiritual writing on aliens talks about various realms of dimensions, and finally even science is having to move toward this understanding with quantum physics, an acknowledgement that the reality we have all subscribed to is not as we have always described it.

Everything is vibration.

If something is vibrating at a higher plane than you, you won't see it. You might feel it.

It is said that aliens visiting us exist on a different vibration; that even to be visible they must lower their vibration tremendously just to be seen.

We are still a level 0 civilization.

If they don't legalize it pretty soon, I'm not sure if we'll make it, but I hope so.
Well this settles it once and for all my homeless brother-in-law says he saw a ufo hovering over the high school. He also intends to travel at warp speed.
We have to remember that all of the information against aliens is mostly derived from instruments designed to fail.

All of the spiritual writing on aliens talks about various realms of dimensions, and finally even science is having to move toward this understanding with quantum physics, an acknowledgement that the reality we have all subscribed to is not as we have always described it.

Everything is vibration.

If something is vibrating at a higher plane than you, you won't see it. You might feel it.

It is said that aliens visiting us exist on a different vibration; that even to be visible they must lower their vibration tremendously just to be seen.

We are still a level 0 civilization.

If they don't legalize it pretty soon, I'm not sure if we'll make it, but I hope so.

Sounds like you have done your homework my friend:mrgreen:
General Douglas MacArthur stated,

"The nations of the world will have to unite

for the next war will be an interplanetary war.

The nations of Earth must someday make a

common front against attack by people

from other planets"

New York Times
General Douglas Mac Arthur, 1955.
i dunno mann, the universe is like a gagillion times what we know exists so... we most likely arent alone, i wouldnt mind if there were aliens, as long as they werent tryin to suck my brains out or anything...:-?
We have to remember that all of the information against aliens is mostly derived from instruments designed to fail.

All of the spiritual writing on aliens talks about various realms of dimensions, and finally even science is having to move toward this understanding with quantum physics, an acknowledgement that the reality we have all subscribed to is not as we have always described it.

Everything is vibration.

If something is vibrating at a higher plane than you, you won't see it. You might feel it.

It is said that aliens visiting us exist on a different vibration; that even to be visible they must lower their vibration tremendously just to be seen.

We are still a level 0 civilization.

If they don't legalize it pretty soon, I'm not sure if we'll make it, but I hope so.

You seem to have reached at least the level of clear, but I doubt you have have yet enlightened yourself to all of the various forms of Xenu. I personally, through much study and auditing, have attained Operating Thetan VIII.
Hold on, Art Bell has me on hold.

That's all sarcasm, I assure you. I simply couldn't resist; my apologies. "Level 0 Civilization", really? Do explain.
Yeah, in 1955. America was alien crazy around this period.

Probably because the government made the biggest discovery in human history around 1947, and the fact that the military was reverse engineering alien technology.

I suppose it was also because America was "alien crazy" when in the 80s, Ronald Reagan made three speeches that referenced an "alien threat".

According to a White House transcript, Reagan remarked that during his 5-hour private discussions with Gorbachev, he told [Gorbachev] to think, "how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries ..."
im afraid about aliens coming us and destroy us also, thats why i dont critisize armament development, the war is over only for the dead
im afraid about aliens coming us and destroy us also, thats why i dont critisize armament development, the war is over only for the dead

Who are you agreeing with here? Who else on this thread is afraid that aliens are going to destroy us?

If these aliens have been visiting us at will without being spotted by the masses, then they could destroy us anytime they liked. What's the point in being afraid?

We could really use their help now that the sun is getting hotter. Like a mass evacuation to mars would be a good start.
Who are you agreeing with here? Who else on this thread is afraid that aliens are going to destroy us?

If these aliens have been visiting us at will without being spotted by the masses, then they could destroy us anytime they liked. What's the point in being afraid?

We could really use their help now that the sun is getting hotter. Like a mass evacuation to mars would be a good start.
i know, if they can get here they sure can destroy us
but if we continue developing tecnhology now we can avoid our destruction later, maybe
my point was i dont think armament development is a too bad invest at all
i know, if they can get here they sure can destroy us
but if we continue developing tecnhology now we can avoid our destruction later, maybe
my point was i dont think armament development is a too bad invest at all

The way forward is peace, not war. We no longer need wars to fuel our technology drives, we have enough technology NOW to accomplish our future in the stars.

The sun is heating up, we are third in line, mars is 4th. It makes sense that we put all of our efforts into making mars a habitable place to live within the next 20 years. Land will be cheap.
The way forward is peace, not war. We no longer need wars to fuel our technology drives, we have enough technology NOW to accomplish our future in the stars.

The sun is heating up, we are third in line, mars is 4th. It makes sense that we put all of our efforts into making mars a habitable place to live within the next 20 years. Land will be cheap.
i clear, that im not pro-war i think peace is the way for most of the problems but at least we should have something to defend with against aliens, a more real-life problem, what if we have an asteroid about to hit us? nukes could save our asses
i clear, that im not pro-war i think peace is the way for most of the problems but at least we should have something to defend with against aliens, a more real-life problem, what if we have an asteroid about to hit us? nukes could save our asses

lol, nukes to destroy a comet?

Back in the 80's your president, Ronald Reagan invested billions of dollars into a programme named Star Wars. I believe these were satellites equipped with lasers that would fire upon anything we wanted them to as they came towards our atmosphere. Funding ran out and the project was closed down. Or was it? I've never believed that after so much money spent that they decided to just forget the whole thing, I believe they accomplished their goal and wanted to keep it quiet.

There are no aliens or magical creatures. Why? We don't need them. There are enough wonders to behold and we should spend our time searching for the truth, not making up stories or fuelling others' flights of fancy.
you said reagan, my president?? i know USA invaded Mexico many times and financed dictatorships with puppet presidents back in the XX century but calling reagan my president is too far