Threads that go against the basic principal of being a decent human being.

Should threads on dangerous chemicals that can lead to death be allowed.

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Well-Known Member
Week after week this site is bombarded by some of the most dangerous threads of any other pot forum on the internet, yet the adult population here sits on its thumbs & says nothing:confused:.

Generating advertising revenue by max readership is one thing but when we as a group condone these threads it gives us all a black eye,allowing these threads is not the act of a responsible adult to sit idle & watch.

The threads im talking about are well known,the threads where kids posing as adults ask about drinking mass quantities of cough syrup,smoke goofy plants that kill people,post threads about how many tylenol pm's they need to take so they can trip ect ect,these are the type threads i speak of.

This is the type garbage that im talking about,its called Datura or Jimson Weed & its deadly.

A very good clip showing exactly what the trip is like,plus showing the death it causes,its the 4the most deadly plant according to info in the vid,watch these kids loose it.

More info on this drug & how kiddies use it.

This guy in this clip hasnt came down for 2 years,he's a mess.

Should this garbage even be allowed on this site,if so why & what possible good can come from them ?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've tried're right, itcan be deadly...but I researched it heavily before I tried it, and so should others be able to IMO.If they come asking for info, and we see it and know about it, why not tell them what we know?They're going to try to find out in any way they can, so what better than speaking to actual people who may have hands on experience?
Week after week this site is bombarded by some of the most dangerous threads of any other pot forum on the internet, yet the adult population here sits on its thumbs & says nothing:confused:.

Generating advertising revenue by max readership is one thing but when we as a group condone these threads it gives us all a black eye,allowing these threads is not the act of a responsible adult to sit idle & watch.

The threads im talking about are well known,the threads where kids posing as adults ask about drinking mass quantities of cough syrup,smoke goofy plants that kill people,post threads about how many tylenol pm's they need to take so they can trip ect ect,these are the type threads i speak of.

This is the type garbage that im talking about,its called Datura or Jimson Weed & its deadly.

A very good clip showing exactly what the trip is like,plus showing the death it causes,its the 4the most deadly plant according to info in the vid,watch these kids loose it.

More info on this drug & how kiddies use it.

This guy in this clip hasnt came down for 2 years,he's a mess.

Should this garbage even be allowed on this site,if so why & what possible good can come from them ?

Big P

Well-Known Member
i didnt vote yet but you got a point pan, firstly it would be a great tradgety if somone died from somthing some asshole posted on a website, but also may cause legal problems for the site

however if we banish any information in here about these dangerous things, then we lose the chance to warn

what if in the top part of the hallucingenics forum, you could sticky a large warning thread in big red letters stating the danger of these frequently brought up highly dangerous "substances"

then let the arena be free. all we can do is lead them to water


Well-Known Member
I've tried're right, itcan be deadly...but I researched it heavily before I tried it, and so should others be able to IMO.If they come asking for info, and we see it and know about it, why not tell them what we know?They're going to try to find out in any way they can, so what better than speaking to actual people who may have hands on experience?
Agreed. I've tried Jimson too, but not without researching the hell out of the facts, and finding out which are the best methods for using it. It's like Stoney said, if the people on here are giving out tried and true information and other people are asking for it, give it to them. Knowledge is power...



Well-Known Member
I agree but people are dumb pan what can I do about it? Just let people post what they will just don't condone it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Agreed. I've tried Jimson too, but not without researching the hell out of the facts, and finding out which are the best methods for using it. It's like Stoney said, if the people on here are giving out tried and true information and other people are asking for it, give it to them. Knowledge is power...


so whats the verdict, was the shit fun?:mrgreen: was it to die for:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i didnt vote yet but you got a point pan, firstly it would be a great tradgety if somone died from somthing some asshole posted on a website, but also may cause legal problems for the site

however if we banish any information in here about these dangerous things, then we lose the chance to warn

what if in the top part of the hallucingenics forum, you could sticky a large warning thread in big red letters stating the danger of these frequently brought up highly dangerous "substances"

then let the arena be free. all we can do is lead them to water
You bring up a good point as well as an idea.

What im getting at is where do responsible adults draw the line in the name of free speach,were all breaking the law here for the most part & most of us agree that weed should be legal but i do think that we as a membership need to open our eyes.

I fail to see where the plus side of having these threads allowed on the site comes into play,what possible benifit does it offer to this site,its membership or the general public perception of marijuana users all over the world,we can point out in the threads that the stuff is deadly but children as a whole do not listen to most warnings,they learn from 1st hand experience not warnings.

More & more states are legalizing mj for varoius applications as well as states are drastically lowering punishments for possesion,even the history channel is playing programs with factual information about marijuana & why it was made illegal to start with.

IMO these threads & the people who support them are a black eye to the entire cause of the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana,its just more amunition for the other side to use as an example of marijuana being a gateway drug,and whats the real bitch of it is the whole gateway theory could be right in this case.

What if a kid comes here looking for info on growing & finds out how to take a drug that kills him,or never even thought about taking the deadly drug until others convinced him it was cool to take ? or after he takes it the shit leaves him in veg state for the rest of his life ?

Where do we draw the line in the name of the right to get high.


Well-Known Member
so whats the verdict, was the shit fun?:mrgreen: was it to die for:eyesmoke:
Well I mixed the leaves with some chronic, and this was back when I was like 14, so we're talking almost 10 years ago, but I remember feeling "extra" high afterward, but was never really sure if it was good weed, or it was the Thorny Apple that was doing it. But I definitely did NOT hallucinate or anything, like I had intended to. So, to answer if it's to die for? Well I'm still here, but I didn't jump at the opportunity to do it again. I had a lot of left over seeds that I pulled from the plant though, and I had read in one of my books that the seeds used to be taken a lot to receive the hallucinogens. Never had the balls to try them though, cuz, if I'm not mistaken, if you ingest too much it'll kill you. :-? Not really a fan of dying, especially when I was still a tender teenager without a scale to measure up the precise amounts of grams to ingest, so I definitely did the smarter thing by staying alive.



Well-Known Member
I agree but people are dumb pan what can I do about it? Just let people post what they will just don't condone it.
Its a bad deal all around for real, sure they can get any info they want anywhere on the internet but why do we have to be the ones supplying it to them ?

A good number of the supporters of those type threads are still children,a quick look at those type members other posts shows many of them are trying to hide light bulb grows from their parents in their bedrooms,is it nessacary to supply information regarding deadly pratices to these children from this site ?,they wont listen to the adults warning them,they will listen to the posts where people survived taking the substance & follow their lead.

Just look at recent threads on this site,one thread yesterday was about a kids highschool:o,its growingly aparent that a vast portion of the membership of this site are children who cant grow weed at home,these type kids are desperate enough to try & hide a grow from their parents which shows right off that they are not thinking clearly,desperate children do desperate things,what if one of them gets the information that kills them from this site ?

Nieve children are easily influenced all adults know & understand this,at some point adults should be able to open their eyes & say that we are aware of the great influx of children on this site & step foward & limit information posted on this site that could kill somebodies child.

Regardless weather their our children or not,sane adults are supposed to step foward when children are being put at risk & then do something to put a stop to it,not sit idly by while children participate in things that can kill them.

Turning a blind eye & allowing high school kids to post on an adult weed forum is one thing,pot is pretty much harmless but when the adult group turns a blind eye to possibly deadly situations that these children on this site are not mature enough to handle, nor have the life experience to make an informed decision about i feel its a direct irresponsible act of any adult.

Would any of the parents on this site be cool with their child learning how to take Jimsonweed from the other nieve children on this site,or from the very young adults that believe freedom of speech over rides all saftey issues & takes away any & all responsibility from the adult membership ?

Im sorry for the long posts but this is something i feel very strongly about,ive never stepped foward before on this site & brought up any issue with the vast numbers of children here,this issue is different,i cant remain silent while we allow children to discuss deadly topics,ive showed the thread in question to several other weed smoking adults including my wife & all said pretty much the same thing,wtf is wrong with this picture,its just a matter of time before some kid ends up dead using the info we allow & they are right,it speaks a very sad story about whats happened to the adult thought process IMO.


Well-Known Member
IMHO I don't think hard drugs should be talked about at all on this forum, but since I'm not the owner I keep my mouth shut. You're right though, the adults of this forum should not sit by idly and watch these kids fuck themselves up. If I got on a thread and told some kid not to smoke crack he would probably do it anyways, but at least my conscience would be clear. People that hand out information on this site may very well have killed someone by now, and never even knew it.
When I was younger I remember everyone told me to stay off acid, and coke and shit. I didn't listen and to this day I wish I would of. There's really only one way the kids will learn what's bad for them. But the choice of where they learn how to do the wrong things lays in the adults hands.
Why the fuck can't parents monitor there kids internet use? Then we wouldn't even be discussing this.
What kind of picture are we painting for LEO telling people how to chug Robitussin?


Well-Known Member
IMHO I don't think hard drugs should be talked about at all on this forum, the adults of this forum should not sit by idly and watch these kids fuck themselves up.
What kind of picture are we painting for LEO telling people how to chug Robitussin?
What a refreshing post to read,i'd about given up that any adult on this site gave 2 shits about children not being part of dangerous stuff on this site.This thread is too long for most to read or participate in though so it wont attract much attention.

Its really a shame that threads asking the membership if porno avatars should be allowed on this site would draw maximum member participation with hundreds of heart felt responses but a thread asking if children should be allowed to have access to threads talking about dangerous & deadly drugs that have proven to kill unsuspecting children garners allmost no responses from the membership,this says much in itself to me.

The fact that the membership here is worried about what kind of picture a porno avatar would portray to visitors to the site, yet the total unconcern about what type picture we paint to parents & visitors by allowing threads & topics that can lead to a childs death is sickening to me.


Well-Known Member
Natural selection!!
haha seriously.

We nerf the world enough.

They've been warned, and now nature can take it's course for a change.

The problem isn't people doing this kind of stupid shit, it's that more reasonable shit is still illegal so we will just keep on seeing more and more dangerous things like this. Get used to it.


Well-Known Member
The problem isn't people doing this kind of stupid shit, it's that more reasonable shit is still illegal so we will just keep on seeing more and more dangerous things like this. Get used to it.
I must be missing something here,are you saying that since kids are stupid we should get used to watching them pass around info thats proven to kill people & be ok with it ?

Hopefully i have this wrong.


Well-Known Member
I usually state facts as often as I can. To be honest when I see those threads I usually just ignore them. I really have little interest in any other drug, I just smoke weed and eat shrooms occasionally. If you find an underage RIU member they usually get booted quick by Fdd or we can always report them.
I understand where you are coming from Pan I'm just not sure what I can do about it besides report underage members. Anyone over 18 is free to act like an idiot in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm just not sure what I can do about it besides report underage members. Anyone over 18 is free to act like an idiot in my opinion.
Reporting underage members is a complete waste of time,i used to report them my ownself until i saw other underage members who were smart enough to keep their age secret reccomend that if they get banned to just come right back under a new username & keep their mouth shut.

The mods ban them & they come back 5 minutes later & start a thread about their high school under a different name,there is no way on earth the mods could ever put a stop to them using different usernames,but we should be able to put a stop to the threads in the first place.

All one has to do is look to see that this site is flat out flooded with teenagers & it truly is flooded,these are the majority of the members who are looking for this type information to start with,adults arent looking for Jimson weed or robitussin, its the children who cant afford to buy weed,then they see here how to get high from a common plant that grows on the side of the road in every state & bingo their trying it out.

The way i see it this site & its adult membership loose nothing from banning these threads,if we all take the approach of what can i do, then turn a blind eye to a situation that we know can lead to the death of one of these children here what does that say about us,what does that say about the membership & the site as a whole, this site & its adult membership stand to loose nothing by banning these threads,we only stand to gain from banning them.

Please dont think im singeling you out on this because im not,if anything i appreciate the fact that another member gives a shit enough about these kids welfare to take time to talk about it,the fact that this issue has not even drawn as much adult participation as a naked avatar thread has me shocked big time.

Thank you for saying what was on your mind & plus rep for every member who took part in this,no matter how you voted.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to say pan. Its like trying to stop kids from looking at porn, we just can't censor the internet. That is what makes it such a fantastic media. It is controlled by the people. What substances are acceptable to talk about though? I think the best thing we can do is jump in on these threads and let them know how dangerous some of these drugs can be. Not be condescending just offer the facts.
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