More on Moore's "Sicko."


New Member
Moore's 'Sicko' is sickening

[SIZE=-1]Posted: July 12, 2007[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]1:00 a.m. Eastern[/SIZE]

[FONT=Palatino,]By Larry Elder[/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=-1]© 2007 [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Nearly 50 million "Americans" lack health care insurance. At least, director Michael Moore makes this claim in "Sicko," his new "documentary" about America's supposedly awful health care system. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Nearly 50 million Americans without health care insurance? For what it's worth, the Centers for Disease Control puts the number of uninsured at 43.6 million, and the Census Bureau at 44.8 million. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]First, understand that lack of health care "insurance" does not mean a lack of health care. Many emergency rooms, by law, provide medical care to anyone who walks in, whether an illegal or legal resident of this country. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Second, when Moore asserts that 50 million Americans lack health care insurance, he most assuredly includes some of the estimated 11 million to 20 million illegal aliens living here. Of people born in America, 86 percent have health care coverage. For non-citizens, only 57 percent have health care insurance. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Now examine those who lack health care insurance. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Nearly half go without health insurance only for four months or less, usually while between jobs. Others with employment could easily add health care insurance through their work for a very small premium. Many without health care insurance consist of young people (18 million uninsured are between the ages of 18 and 34) who consider themselves – given their youth and good health – unlikely to face large health care costs. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Over 14 million of the uninsured, according to the Census Bureau, live in households earning $50,000 or more annually. Over 7 million are in households earning more than $75,000 a year. These people could afford health care insurance, either out-of-pocket or by making minor adjustments to their lifestyles. A small number of the uninsured include criminals. Should taxpayers provide health care for them, as well? [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]"Sicko" followed the travails of Americans with health care insurance – their squabbles with their providers, denials of treatment by insurance companies, their dissatisfaction with the unwillingness of insurance companies to cover certain procedures. But according to an ABC News-Kaiser Family Foundation-USA Today survey, 89 percent of Americans with health care insurance say they are, in fact, satisfied with the quality of care they receive. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]To "solve" health care, Moore wants America to adopt a European or Canadian style of universal health care, or single-payer system. Does Moore really expect Americans to tolerate long lines for services, months-long delays for important, critically necessary operations and procedures, and the rationing that inevitably occurs with a government-takeover of health care? [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Canada? A recent government study said that only half of ER patients received health care in a timely fashion. Lindsay McCreith of Ontario was supposed to wait four months for an MRI, and then wait several months more to see a neurologist for his malignant brain tumor. But instead, McCreith – like many other ill Canadians – came to the United States for life-saving surgery. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]England? The country's socialist Labor Party now favors privatization and expects, within two years, to triple the number of private-sector surgical procedures. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]France? Nearly 13,000 people died in the summer of 2003. Why? The number suffering from the heat so overwhelmed the French health care system that hospitals simply stopped answering their phones and ambulance attendants told people to take care of themselves. The majority of the 13,000 died from simple dehydration. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]To address the "crisis" of the medically uninsured, Moore follows down the same dreary path of those who wish to improve America's education – ignoring the benefits of competition. Why, for example, do elective medical procedures – those not covered by health care insurance – become increasingly affordable? Cosmetic surgery procedures, nose jobs, breast implants, hair grafts, facelifts and vision-corrective eye surgery steadily decline in price. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]Stifling regulations, price controls and outright attacks on free-market medicine make things worse. A decade ago, an entrepreneur who operates a for-profit medical school in the Caribbean island of Dominica attempted to build one in America. He scouted the country and figured that Wyoming's doctor shortage created ideal conditions for a for-profit medical school. Compared to the national average of one doctor for every 441 people, Wyoming had only one doctor for every 642 people. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]But local doctors pounded the table, warning that the medical school would produce unqualified doctors. Never mind that 92 percent of students graduating from his off-shore medical school passed their U.S. basic level tests on their first try, a slightly higher rate than the U.S. and Canadian average. Wyoming doctors and the national accrediting agency for medical schools successfully fought the proposed school. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,]If you consider our current health care system "Sicko," just wait until Dr. Moore takes charge. [/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino,][FONT=Palatino,]HOT OFFER: See Larry Elder take on Michael Moore in his revealing DVD "Michael & Me"! If you'd rather order by phone, call WND's toll-free customer service line at 1-800-4WND-COM (1-800-496-[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Really Vi if you did the Numbers it cost more under our current system that it would if we went to universal health care....
Watch the Damned Movie before you start putting up the status quo bullshit.
It is apparent that the Status quo isn't working. What is it about 46 million of your countrymen that are uninsured and can not afford insurance don't you understand?
Don't even say they can go to the Emergency Room, More and more people are getting turned away from ER's... The recent death of a woman who was lying in the floor of MLK/Drew Medical center proves this point. Not only that, but now county hospitals are Billing patients then full well know can not afford the services, so this increasingly screws up their credit even more.

Larry Elder? Huh I've listened to his show.... I'm not impressed. Claims to be a Libertarian and yet he's right down the line with Bush Co.
Nice Try Vi.


Well-Known Member
Yes Vi I did read the Article, What Elder fails to note that with Premium, and deductibles that the price goes up. Status Que isn't working Vi. Something has to be done, 46 Million Uninsured Americans is unexceptionable period, end of story.


Well-Known Member
Yes Vi I did read the Article, What Elder fails to note that with Premium, and deductibles that the price goes up. Status Que isn't working Vi. Something has to be done, 46 Million Uninsured Americans is unexceptionable period, end of story.
You must be high because that last


Well-Known Member
Yes Denmark is one of the better Models of Universal Health Care, so is the Netherlands.. The French Model is Great but it is terribly expensive, but at least they get something for their Tax Money.


Well-Known Member
and Greenland, also Greenland is now the lowest producer of C02 b/c of geothermal energy.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious this guy didn't watch the movie .... it wasn't about people without insurance ..... it was about the people with it ....

...I watched it and it makes you ashame to be an American ..... I hear people that don't know what they are talking about boasting about how great the US and how better we are than the other countries .... well not so in health care ... that for sure ..:roll:
... there were people in the first part of the film with no health insurance .... a man had to choose between which fingers ... he lost two while using a saw .... you may have seen that part online .... then Moore takes a different route and starts to talk about those with health care ....
.... a couple had to move in with their daughter because of the cost of the co payments and medication .... they lost their home .... the guy has several heart operations and the wife got cancer ....
.... he interviewed a woman who had a tumor on her temple ... and the health insurance said it wasn't life threating and denied her claim .... she died .... the same with another woman who health insurance wouldn't cover the medication she needed ..... one woman had cancer and her insurance company denied her because they said she was too young to have cancer ....
.... they showed a young mother describe how she try to get help for her 3 year old daughter, but the insurance company wouldn't treat her at the nearest hospital ... by the time she got her to a approved hospital the little girl died .... the mother said she held her dead daughter in her arms and told her how sorry she was she could not get help for her .... that was sad ...
... another woman who work in a hospital husband got sick and needed a operation to stay alive .... they denied him the proceedure ..... she when to the board who made the final decision .... they claim smypathy, but that's how it goes ... the woman said if it were the CEO's wife that need the operation she would get it .... they said that's not true ... the woman said it was because her huband was black ..... she was white ... that they could easily denied him .... before her husband died she found him crying in the bathroom .... he said to her "why is this happening to me .... I'm a good person ... why? .... that was sad .... it seem nice guys do finish last .... :cry:
.... it turned out Nixon and Kaiser(sp) came up with a plan to reduce health care given to increase profit and it worked.
... Moore showed how H. Clinton back in the 90's tried to get universal health care be the insurance lobbist demonize Clinton and that was that .... it died .... now she get money from the insurance lobbists ....
.... Moore went on to talk about how they say the places with universal health care is not as good as the US ... he stated in Canada ... when to England ... France ... then Cuba ... all care was free ... many laughed when Moore mention the US and health care ... some looked shocked when they told them what health care is like in the US ... that if you don't have the money you don't get the care ....
... the most dramatic part was when Moore took a few of the 911 heros to Cuba because the US refuse to take care of their health care they desperately needed.
So the Cuba's fix them up proper ... the one woman they showed earlier who had cancer and had to live with her daughter went and the lady that could afford her medication that was one of the 911 heros went .... she was paying $120 for medicine she needed ... in Cuba it cost her $.05
The woman busted out crying when the doctor talked to her about her health instead of payment.
.... the end was something too seem that this blogger that spend all his time bashing Moore had to close his website because his wife got sick and he couldn't afford the health care and run the site too .... so Moore sent him a check for the $12,000 he needed anonymously and his website is going strong .... thanks to Moore .... here is a guy bashing Moore and it able to do so because of Moore ....that was rich ... and a noble thing to do.:blsmoke:

It was a good documetary .... the govenment must be thanking their devil/lord for television to keep americans dumbed down and uninformed :twisted: .... hey did you see american idiol? ..... otherwise there would be a revolution ....

I want universal health care damn it!:evil:

To comment on this film without watching it is stupid.


Well-Known Member
I think if you feel bad about being an American after watching I would like to be the first to welcome you to the real world :hug:, also now you know why the rest of the world hates us, enjoy it we only have it for afew more years.:mrgreen: :peace:


Well-Known Member

I've felt ashame long before watching this movie .... I know many in the world hate the US because of it's corrupt foreign policy.....


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen the movie yet, so I will not comment about it.I am a fan of Michael Moore, and have enjoyed his past movies.A lot of people say his movies aren't " fair ", and that they are " one-sided ". This may be true, but the truth is still the damn truth. I thought his rescent appearance on The Situation Room on CNN was friggin' fantastic..watching him sitting there tearing Wolf Blitzer a new one on his own show, asking him why the mainstream media dosen't ask tough questions to the government, and why they focus on useless shit while this country continues to crumble. + rep for Michael Moore for that.Now let's look at the issue of healthcare in the U.S. .The current healthcare system is flawed in that if you are rich, it's no problem- you can afford the best insurance,and deductables are not an issue.If you are poor,with no assets,no money, you are covered. You may not be able to pick your doctor, but you WILL receive treatment at no cost to you.The ones who are screwed are the middle class.If you have a little money, you will be forced to spend every last penny before you can get access to the same basic coverage that the homeless guy down the street gets to enjoy. Many folks work hard to buy and pay off their homes. They get a little older, andmoney becomes tight. They can't afford the 600$ a month for the insurance that the rich have no problem paying for, but because they own their home they get no help from the government......So they are forced to sell their home or borrow against it until it is gone before they get any help ( the help that their tax dollars have been paying for over the last 50 years..)

So let's break this down:

1.) If you are rich, everything is fine you can buy your way to excellent healthcare. Life is good.

2.) If you are lazy, and have never earned anything in your life, have nothing to show for the time you have spent on Earth, or if you have problems that have kept you from making a living and paying taxes, it's ok! Uncle Sam will pay for everything for the rest of your life! Life is good.

3.) If you have worked hard all your life, and have built up a modest but comfortable life for yourself by saving instead of spending, guess what- YOU ARE SCREWED!You will have to piss through everything you have worked hard for including your home before Uncle Sam will do so much as give you a damn band aid. Life is terrible for the middle class- the average American. THIS is what's wrong with our healthcare system.

The other major problem is the insane profits that companies receive for poviding healthcare.We need to take out some of the profit to lower overall csts..A pill that costs them 50 cents each ( including the cost of R&D ) they might sell it for 6.00 each or more. There are some pills that cost 50-100$ each or more.That is criminal to say the least.


New Member
I haven't seen the movie yet, so I will not comment about it.I am a fan of Michael Moore, and have enjoyed his past movies.A lot of people say his movies aren't " fair ", and that they are " one-sided ". This may be true, but the truth is still the damn truth. I thought his rescent appearance on The Situation Room on CNN was friggin' fantastic..watching him sitting there tearing Wolf Blitzer a new one on his own show, asking him why the mainstream media dosen't ask tough questions to the government, and why they focus on useless shit while this country continues to crumble. + rep for Michael Moore for that.Now let's look at the issue of healthcare in the U.S. .The current healthcare system is flawed in that if you are rich, it's no problem- you can afford the best insurance,and deductables are not an issue.If you are poor,with no assets,no money, you are covered. You may not be able to pick your doctor, but you WILL receive treatment at no cost to you.The ones who are screwed are the middle class.If you have a little money, you will be forced to spend every last penny before you can get access to the same basic coverage that the homeless guy down the street gets to enjoy. Many folks work hard to buy and pay off their homes. They get a little older, andmoney becomes tight. They can't afford the 600$ a month for the insurance that the rich have no problem paying for, but because they own their home they get no help from the government......So they are forced to sell their home or borrow against it until it is gone before they get any help ( the help that their tax dollars have been paying for over the last 50 years..)

So let's break this down:

1.) If you are rich, everythignn gis fine you can buy your way to excellent healthcare. Life is good.

2.) If you are lazy, and have never earned anything in your life, have nothing to show for the time you have spent on Earth, or if you have problems that have kept you from making a living and paying taxes, it's ok! Uncle Sam will pay for everything for the rest of your life! Life is good.

3.) If you have worked hard all your life, and have built up a modest but comfortable life for yourself by saving instead of spending, guess what- YOU ARE SCREWED!You will have to piss through everything you have worked hard for including your home before Uncle Sam will do so much as give you a damn band aid. Life is terrible for the middle class- the average American. THIS is what's wrong with our healthcare system.

The other major problem is the insane profits that companies receive for poviding healthcare.We need to take out some of the profit to lower overall csts..A pill that costs them 50 cents each ( including the cost of R&D ) they might sell it for 6.00 each or more. There are some pills that cost 50-100$ each or more.That is criminal to say the least.
Seems like you understand the situation. I wish more of us did.


Well-Known Member
Not just because of foreign policies also how hypucratical or government is, The Constution "Church and State must remain supered" The dollar bill "In God We Trust" also in the house of reps " In God We Trust".


New Member
Universal health care now! It is not a priveledge to have medical care if you are sick, it is a right!
So, health care is a "right," eh? How about housing, is that a right too? How about food, want to make that a right, med? If gaining a "right" means that you have to violate the rights of another to get that right, then its not a right at all. It's nothing but just simple theft.

In your minds, guyz ... where do rights originate from? Should rights come from the government? Where do our rights come from anyway? Would one of you geniuses answer that question please.

Also, I have NEVER been ashamed to be an American. Not even for one second of my life. If you find this counry to be so reprehensible, I'd suggest living elsewhere and leave us who truely love liberty alone.



Well-Known Member
I'm so ashamed that i do want to leave but my family is first and they don't want to leave, also for some reason and i have no idea why I want to help the government realize it's mistake and fix them I also would like this country live up to what shout out to be.:peace:


New Member
I'm so ashamed that i do want to leave but my family is first and they don't want to leave, also for some reason and i have no idea why I want to help the government realize it's mistake and fix them I also would like this country live up to what shout out to be.:peace:
Well, quite honestly, I'm saddened by the fact that you're ashamed of your country. If your wish were granted that the country live up to what its supposed to be, here's what you would have: You'd have a very small central government with very limited powers. The federal government would have remained chained by the powers of the people as enumerated in the Constitution. Every man would be responsible for himself, asking for nothing other than honesty from his fellow citizen. Each citizen would have the knowledge that our rights come from a higher power and not from the government. Each man would realize that expecting politicians to invent "rights" that come at the expense of another citizen is nothing more than legalized theft. There's more ... but I have to take my daughter out for her birthday dinner ... take care.



New Member
So, health care is a "right," eh? How about housing, is that a right too? How about food, want to make that a right, med? If gaining a "right" means that you have to violate the rights of another to get that right, then its not a right at all. It's nothing but just simple theft.

In your minds, guyz ... where do rights originate from? Should rights come from the government? Where do our rights come from anyway? Would one of you geniuses answer that question please.

Also, I have NEVER been ashamed to be an American. Not even for one second of my life. If you find this counry to be so reprehensible, I'd suggest living elsewhere and leave us who truely love liberty alone.

I stand by my health care should be a right, If that violates your right to hoard your money and be a selfish prick, then in the words of Dick Cheney, "Go fuck yourself"!