Was Darwin Wrong?


New Member
No, he wasn't wrong. Of course he had help. Alfred Wallace deserves about the same amount of credit. This was not one guys idea out of nowhere. Like all good science, foundations were laid out ahead of him. Others skimmed the surface and were close but it was Darwin who completed the picture and in the 150 years since, his "theory" has stood every serious examination. that's pretty darn good science when so many have tried to dismantle it. Like all great scientists, his works keep on chugging even though information he could not have possibly possessed at the time continues to validate him.

That's a bullseye. :peace:

P.S. Read up on Wallace if you wish, that guy was awesome and a real naturalist in the bush whereas Darwin was more provincial.

out. :blsmoke:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
he was right about evolution....or at least got us on the right track, it was better than the previous theories....god took a giant ball of clay and made us all...etc etc lmao


Well-Known Member
crackerjax is right.

the idea of evaluation had been around for much longer than darwin. More importantly the idea of inheritance was already around. Inheritance means that the offspring will take on similar traits to its parents.

Basically all darwin did was take a bunch of existing ideas and tied them together. He said that each creature in a given species will have some amount of random variation (minor mutation). Those specific variations that give a creature an advantage towards either survival or reproductive capacity will through inheritance pass that variation to it's offspring. The variation that leads to longer survival mean that creature has better chances of reproducing and the variations that lead to a higher reproductive capacity likewise lead to higher chances of reproduction.

Each generation of that species changes a little bit. So it may take dozens of generations for a specific variation to permeate throughout the species.

lets say that you have 100 cannabis plants. Now lets say that on average of 20 seeds they produce only 5 will survive, because the rest will be eaten by animals. (these are arbitrary numbers I know that they make a lot more with a higher survival rate but for sanity's sake i'm keeping the numbers small) Now lets say that one of those plants has a mutation that makes it taste bad. So when animals come by to eat the plants they eat the plants but learn that some of the plants taste bad. Now lets say that of the 20 seeds of the plant with the bad taste 10 survive because the animals left them alone. of those original 100 cannabis plants (99parents*5offspring each) 495 survive with the normal taste and 10 plants survive with the bad taste for a total of 505 plants. Now the bad tasting mutation takes up nearly 2% of the population. with time that number will grow.

That is basically what evaluation is.

We Love 1

New Member
Some people say that the aliens have been genetically manipulating organisms on planets.

Some were saying on TV that there might be all sorts of planets, in this galaxy, that have planets with humanoid aliens.

So what I'm saying is that there is intelligent design going on too. Like terraforming, and therefore engineering with intelligence/ intelligent design.

We all know that God has His purpose for everything. There could be colonies of people in space on other planets.




Well-Known Member
Some people say that the aliens have been genetically manipulating organisms on planets.

Some were saying on TV that there might be all sorts of planets, in this galaxy, that have planets with humanoid aliens.

So what I'm saying is that there is intelligent design going on too. Like terraforming, and therefore engineering with intelligence/ intelligent design.

We all know that God has His purpose for everything. There could be colonies of people in space on other planets.


Some could say that we are ALIENS in the flesh,wheres the missing link I ask you that directly links us to apes? We will know when the time comes to the great revealing. E.Ts are very real,till you see one of their vehicles in the sky,you will remain a skeptic. They are real. They were here when we were cavemen and they will return. The evolution of man has pretty much come to completion,it is our minds that are evolving,becoming one with the universe; becoming one with nature, becoming one with self.

We Love 1

New Member
Some could say that we are ALIENS in the flesh,wheres the missing link I ask you that directly links us to apes? We will know when the time comes to the great revealing. E.Ts are very real,till you see one of their vehicles in the sky,you will remain a skeptic. They are real. They were here when we were cavemen and they will return. The evolution of man has pretty much come to completion,it is our minds that are evolving,becoming one with the universe; becoming one with nature, becoming one with self.
Very well said. " Becoming One with nature, becoming One with Self". Like taping into a higher demension of awareness.

And yes I do believe We are aliens too. I believe its time We get Our space craft and explore the universe.

May God bring peace to Earth.




New Member
I think Darwin was right for the most part, I'm sure there are details of his theory that weren't exactly on target, but he had the right idea for sure.

Either we evolve or we perish.


New Member
in the end miss (waves), evolve or not, everything perishes (species wise). it's just a matter of time. Awww...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i guess its just a mtter of opinion and of course eveyone has one. me personally i think evolution is bullshit but thats just my opinion...no better or no worse than anyone elses so don't get offended. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Darwin was wrong, if he was right we should say fuck it to the starving africans and let them die in their own poverty trap.. If Darwin was right than tell that to the perfectly hard working people of Africa, getting cut down by malaria, AIDS, and all other misfortunate events.. Tell them that they're the weak and will perish... In reality European and Western cultures have fucked them over so hard that they cannot get back out of this trap... And we will say "survival of the fittest... let the 3+ millino die to malaria (even though its cureable).. let people starve, its darwinism." ...

Yeah, darwinism my ass.


Well-Known Member
Darwin was wrong, if he was right we should say fuck it to the starving africans and let them die in their own poverty trap.. If Darwin was right than tell that to the perfectly hard working people of Africa, getting cut down by malaria, AIDS, and all other misfortunate events.. Tell them that they're the weak and will perish... In reality European and Western cultures have fucked them over so hard that they cannot get back out of this trap... And we will say "survival of the fittest... let the 3+ millino die to malaria (even though its cureable).. let people starve, its darwinism." ...

Yeah, darwinism my ass.
what does the advancement of medicine or charity groups (or politics in general) have anything to do with evaluation?


New Member
I think you are confusing evolution with "survival of the fittest". Something by the way Darwin never said, but has been erroneously labeled onto him. Survival of the fittest does not mean one is inferior over another. It simply means that a species which adapts to its environment better than a competitor has a greater CHANCE of being successful.

Example: One set of people drink cow's milk which allows them to gain many more calories before slaughtering the cow for its meat SHOULD do better than a set of people which cannot process milk and can only slaughter the cow for one set of calories. This does not mean the second set of people are inferior. Of course everything else between these two sets needs to be equal.
This is one of the most misinterpreted axioms, which is usually used for political gain... i.e. Hitler. He was wrong as he was wrong about most everything.


out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Some could say that we are ALIENS in the flesh,wheres the missing link I ask you that directly links us to apes? We will know when the time comes to the great revealing. E.Ts are very real,till you see one of their vehicles in the sky,you will remain a skeptic. They are real. They were here when we were cavemen and they will return. The evolution of man has pretty much come to completion,it is our minds that are evolving,becoming one with the universe; becoming one with nature, becoming one with self.
my friend, there is no such thing as the missing link, the knowledge we now have of the human genome, means we can essentially reproduce Darwins famous 'tree of life' sketch. What i mean is that EVERY species sits perfectly on a faily tree. Humans are distant cousins to apes, we havent evolved directly from an ape.

Darwin came up with the idea - science has proved it. Shit man around 17% of our genetics are the same as a Daffodil


Active Member
I agree with becoming one with the universe;....etc etc, but is it happening? Todays world is not a nice place. You say our minds are evolving, that is true (just look at the last 300 years) but the world has become nasty, its in a bit of a crisis. Each country has something to offer to the world but people just dont see that. Until they do I dont believe, we as a species will reach the stars......We'll blow ourselves up first!


Well-Known Member
I agree with becoming one with the universe;....etc etc, but is it happening? Todays world is not a nice place. You say our minds are evolving, that is true (just look at the last 300 years) but the world has become nasty, its in a bit of a crisis. Each country has something to offer to the world but people just dont see that. Until they do I dont believe, we as a species will reach the stars......We'll blow ourselves up first!

dont look at it as a whole, look at it as yourself. you are the most important person in your world. there will never be a complete conformity,someone will always have a problem with the way someone thinks and sees the universe. make yourself evolve and rise above this species. see into a new light