Was Darwin Wrong?

My belief is that Mankind's ultimate destiny as a whole is to use our growing technological knowledge to create our own mechanical super-species that is solar powered, self replicating, and can explore and populate the vast expanses of our galaxy. We will be the creators of a giant empire of powerful man-made beings which will bring peace, knowledge, and prosperity to the far reaches of our cosmos.

As crazy as that sounds I believe something similar. Solar powered humans (or hybrids) with better eye sight, smarter brains, (taller), wings and anything good wanted.

But I believe its all Gods plan because it is written "all things work together for those that love God".


As crazy as that sounds I believe something similar. Solar powered humans (or hybrids) with better eye sight, smarter brains, (taller), wings and anything good wanted.

But I believe its all Gods plan because it is written "all things work together for those that love God".



As much as I would love to believe that...
and I am on no way saying you are wrong.

But how would that happen......I mean with the events recently.....It seems to me we are going down and at a very rapid pace
we don't really go /down/ constantly. I mean, we're going down right now, but that's only temporary. for the most part humans have made consistent progress since their evolution (yes I believe in that.)

I think most of darwins theory's are correct as they can be singularly applied to most any situations involving evolution. most arguments I've seen here as far as 'darwin's wrong' ended abruptly at 'wrong'.

so pretty much if you want to say he's wrong I'd like to hear a better theory, not just a different theory about aliens or some nonsense that has a .04% chance of being reality.

do remember, humans are ridiculously creative and we have a habit of believing EVERYTHING we create. isn't it far more likely, religion was one of those creations blown out of proportion?

regardless of that, there are some consistency's here, we are conscious, we are creative. with the two of these combined, you get many different belief's and ideology's that may sway the masses of whoever invests in them.

there are so many diversity's in mental habits and thinking that so many people are just /built/ to follow, and so many people are just /built/ to lead. add creativity to the mix, and you have tyrants and insane rulers who have large armies of followers.

I mean, this is a sort of a ranting of course, but truly with these sorts of consistency's in history, its pretty easy to conclude that religion was created by man. where we started is a mystery, but I think physics is getting closer and closer to solving such problems, maybe in the future religion will be proved to be untrue . . . for now, I'm going to enjoy my life without all the fake lines.
Until we unhinge ourselves from myths (religion) man is going nowhere. Only when reason and humbleness can be combined will a new age for man be possible. Religion prevents us from both.

out. :blsmoke:
Until we unhinge ourselves from myths (religion) man is going nowhere. Only when reason and humbleness can be combined will a new age for man be possible. Religion prevents us from both.

out. :blsmoke:

:wall::wall::wall: Please do not turn this into another religous debate.

IMO the modern "humble attitude" is far off the deep end. We baby the weak, and for what reason? So they can have more weak offspring? lol, we act as if the human race is on the verge of extinction, by trying to protect every human life, when really we should be showing the "weak" how to survive, and let the sick DIE. We do the opposite. We let the weak ride on the backs of the strong, and we make TRILLIONS off the sick. ..The world is a big place, but how long until we basically "eat ourselves out of house and home"?

Thing is with what hitler, stalin and every other redicoulous extremist has done to "cleanse" society has ruined how we view darwinism, or the theory about the survival of the fittest. How in the hell can we let the weak die off when we feel sorry for every living creature on this planet? ...civilzation needs to wake up before its too late (which was probably 30 years ago btw)
You are obviously not familiar with Darwins theories, else you would not have posted that.

Any thread about Darwin will inevitably turn into a religious discussion since it is mainly thumpers who doubt one of the strongest scientific theories ever produced.

It is religion which draws man at the the center of things, where of course man does not belong. Until that is realized and reason is coupled with the new worldview, man will not progress further.

out. :blsmoke:
God? ..really? LMFAO ...yeah religion is whats wrong with the world. How about people are selfish and dont give a fuck about one another any more. Thats whats wrong with society, No one fucking cares about anyone but themselves. Can you say naive? pffttt
I agree with Jax, it's nearly impossible to discuss evolution without religion being dragged into it.

I also agree with Jax about religious hysteria causes the brunt of world problems.

Humans have contaminated their own species. We help the weak and malformed live, tainting the genetic pool. There is no going back. I personally believe that we've reached an "evolutionary peak" of sorts and now we seem to be "de-volving" for lack of a better word.

Yes there are still really smart people out there inventing stuff, but if you look at the human population as a whole, we've peaked.

there is clear evidence of very very early life (way before our god friends will have you beleive).

There are millions and millions of tons worth of fossil evidence that very clearly shows evolution.

Evolution is a clear fact (proven by our knowledge of genetics and human genome). Dog breaders and pigeon breaders have been 'practising' evolution for years - its evolution in front of our eyes my friend.

didnt it turn out that the devil planted them there? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

People need to wake up and realise that religion is what is slowing us down. fucking wars etc going on over an absolute load of bollox, why people cant see the concept of religion as RIDICULOUS ill never know.

BUT the fact of the matter is compared with 100 years ago the amount of god followers has MASSIVELY declined. This can only be a good sign and hopefully it will decrease twice as much in the next hundred years till there are only muslims left and we wont tollerate their fucking antics.

If religion did not exist darwin's theories would not be theory

they would be FACT

we really need to stop avoiding hurting people's feelings.

out. :blsmoke:
Actually I would have to disagree with that statement as well except for different reasons. Evolution is not still a theory because of religion. It is because we use a system of methodology in science which is not deterred by outside forces such as myths and superstitions. One of the reasons thumpers abhor it.

Yes, religion exists much to our detriment. At least with the cult based ones (Islam & Christianity).

out. :blsmoke: