Was Darwin Wrong?

dont look at it as a whole, look at it as yourself. you are the most important person in your world. there will never be a complete conformity,someone will always have a problem with the way someone thinks and sees the universe. make yourself evolve and rise above this species. see into a new light
....and thats the problem, we all think like that, our so called evolving minds. We can change the way we think for the betterment of humanity if we wanted too but money and power is more important and that is why we will never see the stars!!!
....and thats the problem, we all think like that, our so called evolving minds. We can change the way we think for the betterment of humanity if we wanted too but money and power is more important and that is why we will never see the stars!!!

cus thats just the way it is,some things will never change.

a diamond is forever,cus thats the way it is,it will never change. when you look at the complex carbon structure and relate it to humanity then you will see that if you try to break a carbon bond you will break apart humanity
cus thats just the way it is,some things will never change.

a diamond is forever,cus thats the way it is,it will never change. when you look at the complex carbon structure and relate it to humanity then you will see that if you try to break a carbon bond you will break apart humanity
...and thats just sad for humanity!
Unsure about his other theories, but as far as I'm concerned his evolution theory was bullshit. No fossil evidence whatsoever to prove that we have infact evolved from single-celled organisms. Many evolutionists themselves have already came out and said his theory was bullshit, the others are like stubborn and closed minded old country doctors who have not kept up with the latest developments of science. Dismissed.
Unsure about his other theories, but as far as I'm concerned his evolution theory was bullshit. No fossil evidence whatsoever to prove that we have infact evolved from single-celled organisms. Many evolutionists themselves have already came out and said his theory was bullshit, the others are like stubborn and closed minded old country doctors who have not kept up with the latest developments of science. Dismissed.

there is clear evidence of very very early life (way before our god friends will have you beleive).

There are millions and millions of tons worth of fossil evidence that very clearly shows evolution.

Evolution is a clear fact (proven by our knowledge of genetics and human genome). Dog breaders and pigeon breaders have been 'practising' evolution for years - its evolution in front of our eyes my friend.
Dog breaders and pigeon breaders have been 'practising' evolution for years - its evolution in front of our eyes my friend.

thats not evolution,thats selective breeding,and it has its genetic flaws. selective breeding is not evolution,you are only affecting a small variety of a species,this does not benefit the species as a whole,so BOOYAH.

maybe evoulution could teach you how to spell better. its practicing,not practising
what does the advancement of medicine or charity groups (or politics in general) have anything to do with evaluation?

Western/European cultrues have imposed years of slave trade on Africa (politcal)

Advancement of medicine has left those behind because if they can't get the medicine for themselves why should we hand it out survival of the fittest right? Them dieing is okay according to Darwinism, because they are the weak. I am saying it is BS and they shouldn't be dieing due to this stupid way of thinking.. They're in a 'poverty trap' which goes against survival of the fittest, they would survive if the pre-circumstances weren't there and all the conditions for a bad life... Can you connect the dots or no?
Western/European cultrues have imposed years of slave trade on Africa (politcal)

Advancement of medicine has left those behind because if they can't get the medicine for themselves why should we hand it out survival of the fittest right? Them dieing is okay according to Darwinism, because they are the weak. I am saying it is BS and they shouldn't be dieing due to this stupid way of thinking.. They're in a 'poverty trap' which goes against survival of the fittest, they would survive if the pre-circumstances weren't there and all the conditions for a bad life... Can you connect the dots or no?

I think you have a massive misunderstanding. we're not discussing darwinism as a political policy. it's a process by which things change. Any political grievances you may have don't really relate to the topic of darwinism.

however if you're really trying to make a point how darwinism is false because there's people dying needlessly then i'd say that you're argument doesn't make much sense. since political ideas don't follow the principle of darwinism.
I smoke too much bud and have a hard time remembering exactally what my point is, so I'll leave it at that... However, I do remember reading about this and I was onto something... :joint:

Someone surely will know what I'm talking about LoL
Simple really, was he right or wrong?

Survival of the Fittests and Evolution... They go hand in hand in my book. Without one you can not have the other. The "fittest" already possess what is needed to adapt and prevail in the environment they live in, while the "weak" must evolve to compete, and survive with the elite/Fittest.

Question is has the human race learned anything from this? We constantly provide outside intervention to our ability to adapt/evolve through science and technology... is this how we now evolve? Is science a means to an end of evolution? Have we reached our peak as a species?

These are the questions I want answered... These are the questions I hope are not true bongsmilie
thats not evolution,thats selective breeding,and it has its genetic flaws. selective breeding is not evolution,you are only affecting a small variety of a species,this does not benefit the species as a whole,so BOOYAH.

maybe evoulution could teach you how to spell better. its practicing,not practising

My friend, I was pointing to reading as an 'example' of how evolution and genetics work. Species evolve over millions of years, the 'mixing' of different genetics comes up with different 'strains' of species, like evolution. It was an example to help explain the point.

any form of evolution has genetic flaws. Thats why we are all different.

Those of us who belive in god the creator often point to the human eye as something so wonderful that only god could create it. Well i think most people would recognisee that whilst the eye is a pretty amazing development of nature, it does have its flaws. For instance the human eye has a blind spot - perfect?? I dont think so.

and as for my spelling, thank you pointing that out, im dyslexic and from now one will ensure i always use the spell checker :))
I think you have a massive misunderstanding. we're not discussing darwinism as a political policy. it's a process by which things change. Any political grievances you may have don't really relate to the topic of darwinism.

however if you're really trying to make a point how darwinism is false because there's people dying needlessly then i'd say that you're argument doesn't make much sense. since political ideas don't follow the principle of darwinism.

well said, Darwin's 'theory' - now proven by our knowledge and understanding of genes - was never meant to be used for political arguments. Its an understanding of how the nature works. Its not about leaving people in Africa to die (becuase thats what Darwin said), its a basis for understanding nature and why things change or die off.

My final point: If God created the world in 7 days, around 6,000-10,000 years ago, what happend to the 4 billion years before God? We know for a fact that the earth formed around 4/5 billion years ago (there a numerous atomic clocks that all point to roughly the same date).

If you truly beleive in god and his creation of everything, do you honestly beleive that planet earth is just 6,000 years old???
well said, Darwin's 'theory' - now proven by our knowledge and understanding of genes - was never meant to be used for political arguments. Its an understanding of how the nature works. Its not about leaving people in Africa to die (becuase thats what Darwin said), its a basis for understanding nature and why things change or die off.

My final point: If God created the world in 7 days, around 6,000-10,000 years ago, what happend to the 4 billion years before God? We know for a fact that the earth formed around 4/5 billion years ago (there a numerous atomic clocks that all point to roughly the same date).

If you truly beleive in god and his creation of everything, do you honestly beleive that planet earth is just 6,000 years old???

Please do not start another "Do you believe in god" Thread...We all know how that went :-?

...Truth is that religion was created with no factual basis of the earth and how she operates. Religion is only a tool for the mind. Not the earth. Darwin explains the nature of life, not nurture.
Darwin was wrong about his of a "tree of life" concept to explain the evolutionary relationships between different species.
Humans starving other humans or wrecking the planet doesn't really count as evolution.

I find it odd that we humans think we are so highly evolved, yet any other species let the weak or malformed young die at birth to protect their species from weak genetics, except for humans.
Humans starving other humans or wrecking the planet doesn't really count as evolution.

I find it odd that we humans think we are so highly evolved, yet any other species let the weak or malformed young die at birth to protect their species from weak genetics, except for humans.

EXACTLY... Not to mention the 'weakest' of humanity breed MORE than the strong of humanity and we support it. Welfare etc... are all 'dodges' around Darwinism, our entire society supports the concept of 'protect the weak.' Can't get a job, we'll feed you. Can't support yourself, we'll give you money. Don't worry those who work, have jobs, and supply for their families will gladly fork over their hard earned money to support the dregs of society which according to Darwinism should be self destructing instead of thriving.

I hate humanity. :wall:

Yay socialism let's make sure ever weak gene is fully supported for future prorogation thereby insuring that humanity will one day be second to something like roaches.

well said, Darwin's 'theory' - now proven by our knowledge and understanding of genes - was never meant to be used for political arguments. Its an understanding of how the nature works. Its not about leaving people in Africa to die (becuase thats what Darwin said), its a basis for understanding nature and why things change or die off.

My final point: If God created the world in 7 days, around 6,000-10,000 years ago, what happend to the 4 billion years before God? We know for a fact that the earth formed around 4/5 billion years ago (there a numerous atomic clocks that all point to roughly the same date).

If you truly beleive in god and his creation of everything, do you honestly beleive that planet earth is just 6,000 years old???

where did i ever mention god? or religion? in anycase it doesn't matter what darwin intended, darwinism is way to describe how things change over time to better suit their environment. A political bastardization of darwinism is not darwinism and therefore can not be used to disprove darwinism.
I agree with becoming one with the universe;....etc etc, but is it happening? Todays world is not a nice place. You say our minds are evolving, that is true (just look at the last 300 years) but the world has become nasty, its in a bit of a crisis. Each country has something to offer to the world but people just dont see that. Until they do I dont believe, we as a species will reach the stars......We'll blow ourselves up first!

My belief is that Mankind's ultimate destiny as a whole is to use our growing technological knowledge to create our own mechanical super-species that is solar powered, self replicating, and can explore and populate the vast expanses of our galaxy. We will be the creators of a giant empire of powerful man-made beings which will bring peace, knowledge, and prosperity to the far reaches of our cosmos.