I'm sorry Great Britain.


Well-Known Member
Another point. The last 9 miss englands have failed to even place in the miss world competition. The last 9 miss usa's lowest placing has been a top-15 semi-finalist.
Then we have 3 5th places, 1 2nd, 1 3rd, two top 10's, and 1 top 15. So much for your women being more fuckable! ZINGOLA!


New Member
Obama didnt pick out the gifts for the english folk royality it was the obama administration that picked out the gifts... Obama is too busy to think about that shit

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
What does free dental care have to do with anything? Just because something is free doesn't mean you're proactive enough to get work done.

Oh and my Dental insurance is covered through my employer...I don't pay a dime. ZING!
in other words if you want or need work done you can get it for free i.e even a homeless person can get his teeth fixed.

the same goes for if you need to see a doctor or hospitalized its free, now if you get run over where are you going to go with out having a massive bill?

if your "proactive" enough you will get it done if its free or not. i know what one i will go for every time.

Oh and my Dental insurance is covered through my employer
thats called TAX and national insurance over here its taken out of your pay wether you want it to to be taken or not.


Well-Known Member
Obama didnt pick out the gifts for the english folk royality it was the obama administration that picked out the gifts... Obama is too busy to think about that shit

Aye kush...this thread has been officially hi-jacked...get with the times. lol

I kid.


Well-Known Member
in other words if you want or need work done you can get it for free i.e even a homeless person can get his teeth fixed.

the same goes for if you need to see a doctor or hospitalized its free, now if you get run over where are you going to go with out having a massive bill?

if your "proactive" enough you will get it done if its free or not. i know what one i will go for every time.

thats called TAX and national insurance over here its taken out of your pay wether you want it to to be taken or not.

I know how socialist countries work. I do live in canada. I work in the states and that's why everything is covered. Although dental is not included. I couldn't care less though. I'd rather be employed and taking care of myself than have a universal welfare program that everyone dips from.
If you're employed cool. If you're a leech fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Fuck all this american bashing shit. You motherfuckers love the U.S. Admit it.
Go on...every person who comes here loves it, and every person who leaves misses it. CHUUUUUUUUUUUCH!

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
i know hahaha some threads just move way too fast
yes its turned to shit, and i have better things to do with my time than my dicks bigger than your dick bull shit. women are women some fuckable some not so.. food is food eat what you want to eat drink what you want to drink smoke what you want to smoke and fuck what others say. I dont gave a flying fuck what color or creed you are.

i cant belive i got in to this shit.:dunce:

end of..................


Well-Known Member
LMFAO what is the queen of england going to do with an iPod? :lol: Be lucky if he old ass even knows how to turn the damn thing on. Funny stuff


Well-Known Member
yes its turned to shit, and i have better things to do with my time than my dicks bigger than your dick bull shit. women are women some fuckable some not so.. food is food eat what you want to eat drink what you want to drink smoke what you want to smoke and fuck what others say. I dont gave a flying fuck what color or creed you are.

i cant belive i got in to this shit.:dunce:

end of..................
You're bored like the rest of us. After all that is why we come here. If I wanted to deal with a serious issue I'd log off.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO what is the queen of england going to do with an iPod? :lol: Be lucky if he old ass even knows how to turn the damn thing on. Funny stuff
It took me 5 minutes to turn on my IPOD no bullshit. im standing there tapping the screen like a moron.


Well-Known Member
25 DVD's to Gordon Brown :lol: this gets even better then Michelle gives the Brown children models of the presidential helicopter. :lol: You are the richest most powerful people in the entire world and you still do your gift shopping at CVS the night before?


Well-Known Member
LMFAO what is the queen of england going to do with an iPod? :lol: Be lucky if he old ass even knows how to turn the damn thing on. Funny stuff
As I said before, Her Majesty already HAS an iPod! There are pictures of her using it, even. Also, she loves to play Wii Sports. There's an image for you!


Well-Known Member
As I said before, Her Majesty already HAS an iPod! There are pictures of her using it, even. Also, she loves to play Wii Sports. There's an image for you!
Nice . . . . so maybe that gift was not so out of place. Old lady can probably beat the shit out of me on Wii tenis