Gun Control

read this Coloradostate...

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Please notice that being armed is a RIGHT, not a privilege. Governments cannot take rights away, they are immutable. if your irresponsible with your weapons and cause someone to die that should not have, you will pay for it one way or another. no reason to get the govt involved they only make things worse.
while i do agree completely with you that it is a right, which is why people need to be treated as innocent before proven guilty and not barred from firearms even when they have done nothing wrong. but i do believe that those that have committed crimes which might not have involved death (armed robbery) should have less access to firearms. perhaps there should be a time limit to it (no guns for 10 years). but these people have proved they are not responsible enough to have this right, because they used their right to infringe upon other's rights.


Well-Known Member
i was in 84 to 87 my MOS was 19D i was with the first cav 2/7 .
i KNOW alot of soldiers that think alot like me. so you think im going to let the cops start booting doors in ..and putting guns in peoples faces to confiscate fire arms..shooting tear gas into peoples houses in gun fights with innocent people to take their guns and just sit and wait? you better go smoke some more weed, you should try kicking some ones door in and taking their shit. believe me in not the only one who will be pro active if some shit comes off..even close to something like that happens.
the ONLY part of our economy in a boom is gun sales.
the first three months of this year the american consumor purchased enough fire arms and ammo to arm both the armys of india and china.
these are ALL new gun buyers for the most part. guys like me have had our shit ready for years.since clinton tried his gun ban bull shit.
it sounds like the guvment might have a hard time with the american population.


Well-Known Member
KID i was wearing metal helmets when you were still in diapers .
in iraq it was very common in areas to go from one door to another .busting it in when familys were inside and pointing guns in their faces. most american soldiers are smart enough to know this shit is wrong right off the bat. but it is what they HAVE TO DO.
anyone starts shooting tear gas into my buddies home and rushing it with guns ..while his family is in the home deserves the very same thing..ONLY WORSE to happen to his family.
most soldiers in know of in iraq were very appoligetic about having to invade someones home..the home is sacred even in the american constitution.
cops violate peoples homes on a daily basis in this country. hen they start raiding homes for legal guns then they are the law breakers..they are the law breakers now.
any law contrary to the constitution is a null and viod law that i or no other has a obligation to follow.
when you have a illegal government you have no obligation to follow any law they make.
well put!!!!!! i could not have said it better.
i dont own a gun.i am to hot headed so i just keep a aluminum baseball bat and a machette next to the bed.
i will still fight for the right to have one. and if things get much worse ill arm up


Active Member
i was in 84 to 87 my MOS was 19D i was with the first cav 2/7 .
i KNOW alot of soldiers that think alot like me. so you think im going to let the cops start booting doors in ..and putting guns in peoples faces to confiscate fire arms..shooting tear gas into peoples houses in gun fights with innocent people to take their guns and just sit and wait? you better go smoke some more weed, you should try kicking some ones door in and taking their shit. believe me in not the only one who will be pro active if some shit comes off..even close to something like that happens.
the ONLY part of our economy in a boom is gun sales.
the first three months of this year the american consumor purchased enough fire arms and ammo to arm both the armys of india and china.
these are ALL new gun buyers for the most part. guys like me have had our shit ready for years.since clinton tried his gun ban bull shit.
it sounds like the guvment might have a hard time with the american population.

well with that, i can now say i respect you, tho we have difference in opinion on the SAME side of things ha, i was guess my contestment was more with allowing things get that far with gun control, but if it were to, than i think i would side with you, but leading up to said point there are many other routes we can take to avoid that from happening, once anyone crosses thr border with gun violence is when they have the clear and choice opportunity to take that action.


while i do agree completely with you that it is a right, which is why people need to be treated as innocent before proven guilty and not barred from firearms even when they have done nothing wrong. but i do believe that those that have committed crimes which might not have involved death (armed robbery) should have less access to firearms. perhaps there should be a time limit to it (no guns for 10 years). but these people have proved they are not responsible enough to have this right, because they used their right to infringe upon other's rights.
armed robbers are convicted felons, they lose the right to EVER own a gun, but then again most criminals buy stolen guns and theres plenty of them on the market thats the bad part@

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
most politicians do more than armed robberies in there life times but they have guns and power and much more. besides if every person was caught for everything they ever did wrong most people would be felons for various reasons. cops have guns and they break laws all the time. crimes are only crimes if you get caught or are poor or on the wrong side of the majority. the bad men will always have guns so its imperative that all good men do as well.


Well-Known Member
charleton hestons gun vault.

e are from an email going ’round. Don’t know if they’re real or not.

Even a flame thrower!
Update: Not Heston’s but still an impressive-as-hell collection.

9 Responses to “Charlton Heston’s Gun Vault”

on 17 Jun 2008 at 7:47 am # Jack A
This is the collection of Bruce Stern


Well-Known Member
George Washington: "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence."

i'm sure most of you people will disagree with me on this. but i think the government shouldn't take guns away from felons,( and the right to vote.) Seems like a right everyone should have. Think about all the possible "felonies" out there. You can no longer have a gun because of drinking and driving? doesn't make sense to me.

DWI isn't a felony. Class A/B Misdemeanor.

Also, if you take guns away from the citizens who have them registered and have the training, the only people with them will be the crooks who buy them illegally.

You can buy any gun, unregistered at a gun show, for the right price...

I am all about gun rights, but I am strongly for training and licensing of mainly hand guns. Too many idiots have guns for a 'cool' or 'wow' factor, rather than home protection or hunting.


Well-Known Member
DWI isn't a felony. Class A/B Misdemeanor.

Also, if you take guns away from the citizens who have them registered and have the training, the only people with them will be the crooks who buy them illegally.

You can buy any gun, unregistered at a gun show, for the right price...

I am all about gun rights, but I am strongly for training and licensing of mainly hand guns. Too many idiots have guns for a 'cool' or 'wow' factor, rather than home protection or hunting.
The gun show loophole is a Leftist/Progressive fantasy. You sure as hell cannot buy any gun at a gun show.

Buying a gun from a licensed dealer at a gun show is identical to walking into a store and buying from the same dealer. Same paperwork and FBI background check, but in a folding chair on a convention floor.

When the gun control freaks say they want to eliminate the gun show loophole, they actually mean private transfers.

Gun grabbers would have you believe that going to a gun show is the same as buying a gun from the trunk of a car in a dark, back alley.

Any kind of registration, or licensing, is the next step on the road to confiscation. Infringement. If the government knows who has the guns it will know where to start looking when it starts confiscating firearms in the name of Public Safety.


Well-Known Member
charleton hestons gun vault.

e are from an email going ’round. Don’t know if they’re real or not.

Even a flame thrower!
Update: Not Heston’s but still an impressive-as-hell collection.

9 Responses to “Charlton Heston’s Gun Vault”

on 17 Jun 2008 at 7:47 am # Jack A
This is the collection of Bruce Stern
Max this post makes absolutely no sense at all. Keep up the good work. :lol:


Well-Known Member
who owned it.. it is the most extensive machine gun collection i have ever seen in one place at one time.
worth millions upon millions.
most impressive .