does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
and i'll say this just once more, it's a LOT easier to accidentally kill someone with a gun. a knife requires you to make a big action, you can kill someone with a gun simply by pointing to scare, finger slips, that's that, finger slips on a knife, big fucking whooooooo :D are you saying that if guns were banned, the US murder rate would be the same, just with knives not guns, course not, it would be crazy lower.

it's a lot easier to accidentally kill someone with a car than a gun, maybe we should ban cars?


stays relevant.
My brother just gave me his .357 Ruger GP-100

Because he bought a Glock .40 Cal

He's buying a WASR-10 today...

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
just out of intrest has anyone been shot? or does anyone know someone whos been shot?

Yes. i have been shot. Large caliber revolver at close range aimed at back of my head while sitting in a truck talking to the guy. I layed over about a 1/10 second before he pulled the trigger. Bullet went through my shoulder, ripped the hell out of the muscles and just barely missed turning my shoulder joint into bone/cartilage pulp. Put 5 rounds total into the cab of the truck but it was as I was leaving and they didn't quite penetrate the back of the seat after going through severasl layers of steel.


Well-Known Member
to Growtech

noooooooooooooooooooo, do not let him buy a wasr. Those suck dude, I have heard too many bad stories about those I can direct you to some better AK's, I'm in socal.


Well-Known Member
and secondly, i don't swallow any crap from my government thanks, don't even vvote as they're all a bunhc of wankers

Had to comment. By you not voting, you might as well not only hand them the spoon, but then bend over and get out the vaseline.

That is the craziest statement I've ever read.


Well-Known Member
And did the assault weapon ban work.No.....
Not many crimes committed with assault weapons anyway.
They want to ban the 10/22 in illinois.


stays relevant.
You better believe that Ruger is going to be sitting with the cylinder OUT and the quickload right next to it.

With the amount of pull on the GP-100, I think it is absolutely the safest revolver you could have to protect your home.

Now if the hammer is pulled back... You better be damned sure of what you're aiming at before you even put your finger on the trigger!


Well-Known Member
Any permanent damage? If not your lucky, my friend was shot by a .44 mag in the side of his back, bullet never touched the spine but the concussion alone left him paralyzed from the waist down.

Yes. i have been shot. Large caliber revolver at close range aimed at back of my head while sitting in a truck talking to the guy. I layed over about a 1/10 second before he pulled the trigger. Bullet went through my shoulder, ripped the hell out of the muscles and just barely missed turning my shoulder joint into bone/cartilage pulp. Put 5 rounds total into the cab of the truck but it was as I was leaving and they didn't quite penetrate the back of the seat after going through severasl layers of steel.


stays relevant.
to Growtech

noooooooooooooooooooo, do not let him buy a wasr. Those suck dude, I have heard too many bad stories about those I can direct you to some better AK's, I'm in socal.
He's pretty much got his heart set on it...

but um, tell me some better makes/models real quick... maybe I can reach him before he purchases it...

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Any permanent damage? If not your lucky, my friend was shot by a .44 mag in the side of his back, bullet never touched the spine but the concussion alone left him paralyzed from the waist down.
Not really so much. My joint aches when the weather act up and I've got full range of motion and probably 95 % strength. It withered up the inside head of my tricep muscle a bit too (nerve damage I guess). Only notice if I'm doing heavy lifting like overhead presses and such. Feels kinda tight then but ya I got off lucky as hell considering he almost shot me in the back of the head.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
GP-100 is my favorite revolver. My mom bought me one when I was 15 cause she owed me 500 bucks in wages. Told her i'll take a new pistol for 300. Lots of good times with that gun. Gave it to my dad and Wish I still had it.


Well-Known Member
they didnt future an america filled with wussies either.... when children are raised with and TAUGHT about guns, there are few issues. As i stated before, maybe its more of a southern thing, but i and most of the kids in my town were taught how to use guns at an early age; recieved my first shotgun at the ripe age of seven, and by nine, a friend and i would strap guns to our back and ride bikes to go hunt squirrel.

we were taught how to use and respect guns. most children today grow up in homes where if there is a gun, it is probably for "home protection", and never gets pulled out of dad's drawer or closet.... thus they dont know shit about guns except what they think they know from television and their own young, naiive minds..... and they blow thier faces off:shock:
Or maybe they smoke some pot and say nothing could hurt me and then blow their head off. LOL
C'mon I know you guys have seem that commercial.
P E A C E :peace:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Had to comment. By you not voting, you might as well not only hand them the spoon, but then bend over and get out the vaseline.

That is the craziest statement I've ever read.

haha, isn't it just :P but alas, we don't have an alternative to labour, they're all a bunch of tossers and i'll not give any of em my vote!

at the end of the day, so long as i have my bag of smoke, i couldn't care who is in charge, who is doing what, jsut so long as i can keep to myself :) but you are correct in that it's kind of just bending over and accepting what you get, but hey, i'd rather a good rape than have any of the available options in charge :D (on a complete off-topic side note, yet another govt funded study has been carried out, which suggests that drug busts are actuially bad for neighbourhoods, due to getting new dealers in to replace the busted, and turf wars ensuing, and to focus on other areas of crime, similar to what i've read here about the US stopping pointless raids, i just wonder how quickly the govt will do the opposit of the advice they're given :D

oh, and i've said this as well, a car is not designed to fire a bullet to penetrate flesh. that's just an accident. shit happens in that respect. a gun is being pointed at someone for a VERY specific reason, whether to scare or hurt, it's all about intimidation. that comes up from every gun owner, and i dont' see how y'all can't see how stupid the statement is. a gun may be a "tool" as you all try and argue, but at the end of the day it has a very specific use, which does not come upder commuting, cooking, the likes, well maybe cooking, but cooking some guys ass with lead! :)


Well-Known Member
I think that there are crazy people in this world, now more today than ever before, and that really scares an old hippie like me, But i dont even want to think about how bad it would be to get caught with a gun in the same house as i grow plants, im sure thats a pretty bad charge, But thats all the reason im 2nd Deg. black N Taekwondo


Well-Known Member
My neighbor down the street was a 5th degree black belt.He could not stop the bullet with his black belt.
Now he just wheels up and down the road.Point being he was sure he did nit need a gun for home protection.I think if he did,he would still be walking.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor down the street was a 5th degree black belt.He could not stop the bullet with his black belt.
Now he just wheels up and down the road.Point being he was sure he did nit need a gun for home protection.I think if he did,he would still be walking.

when i worked in custody for a local Sheriffs's Dept here in CA we had an instructor with 15 years under his belt of knife defense. Finally he had to put his training to the test when a man with a knife tried to mug him, the man had lacerations all over his body and was lucky to be alive, spent months in the hospital. Hand to hand combat can only help to a certain point. If your not within arms distance your likely dead. In my experience I would rather be attacked with a gun than a knife. Just wish we had ccw's here in CA :(
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