overgrow with pigeons?


Well-Known Member
what if the pigeons digestive system improved chances of a female plant? jk this is a wacked theory. is as crazy as some of the 2012 theories

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Why? It's redundant. What's wrong with the current thread? :-|
to spread the info around overgrow with pidgeons isnt eye catching
get the peoples attention by using the same idea but with a crazy name like megan fox fucking a kangaroo u would obviously check that out


Well-Known Member
what if the pidgons digestive system improved chances of a female plant? jk this is a wacked theory

check the links i put in i didnt read everything but i did a google search like animals feces seed spread and read a little and it was talking about different germination rates with different species of birds.

Feed the pigeons bananas to increase female reate lol maybe




Well-Known Member
to spread the info around overgrow with pidgeons isnt eye catching
get the peoples attention by using the same idea but with a crazy name like megan fox fucking a kangaroo u would obviously check that out
Then why would you promote it to the people that are already aware of the idea ...because they are already in this thread? Just working on the ol' post count? :?


Well-Known Member
The capacity of seeds to germinate after ingestion by frugivores is important for the population dynamics of some plant species and significant for the evolution of plant-frugivore interactions. In this paper the effects of different vertebrates on seed germination of nearly 200 plant species are reviewed, searching for patterns that predict the circumstances in which germination of seeds is enhanced, inhibited, or unaffected by the passage through the digestive tract of a seed disperser. It was found that seed dispersers commonly have an effect on the germinability of seeds, or on the rate of germination, or both, in about 50% of the plants they consume, although the diversity of animal species tested so far is still rather low (42 bird species, 28 non-flying mammals, 10–15 bats, 12 reptiles, 2 fishes). Enhancement of germination occurred about twice as often as inhibition.


Well-Known Member
yea and btw
my thread has more hits hmmmmmm.
i wonder why???:o
Because you stole the op's idea for a thread, and copied it to the General Marijuana Growing forum which has twice as much foot traffic than Toke n' Talk does. :lol:
You've done this same thing in the past to other threads. You're nothing but a thread thief, bro. Plain and simple. :clap:
i know for a fact hemp seeds are put into bird seed and where i live there is no wild hemp so my initial thought would be its not as productive as a simple seed spread would be.
but every little helps!
we get through sacks of bird feed a year and only seen 4 hemp plants in the area and that was where the spilt bird feed from the feeders landed on the grass below...
i would settle for even hemp to be grown wild round here...


Well-Known Member
if i feed cannabis seeds to a pigeon, when the pigeon poops the seeds out ,will they still be viable and sprout?

Just a thought because if seeds are still good after going through a pigeon and coming out in pigeon poop this could be a good way to overgrow.

Get lots of seeds and feed them to pigeons that will poop them out wherever(or would this not work)

this video shows how easy it will be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3fhdfmmqi4&feature=related

- https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/222886-everyone-riu-listen-up.html

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i know for a fact hemp seeds are put into bird seed and where i live there is no wild hemp so my initial thought would be its not as productive as a simple seed spread would be.
but every little helps!
we get through sacks of bird feed a year and only seen 4 hemp plants in the area and that was where the spilt bird feed from the feeders landed on the grass below...
i would settle for even hemp to be grown wild round here...
most quality brand seeds sold specifically for feed are sterilized first so people don't get a jungle under their feeder. cannabis seeds would be ready to go. i don't know if it would be as simple as feeding some pigeons, though. some birds would digest everything before they pooped, and some birds might crack the shell first.

what kind of birds hoard tons of seeds in their mouth at a time? i know blue jays are thought to be responsible for the spread of oak trees because they can stuff shittons of acorns in their beaks and sometimes they drop them while flying. counting on a bird to poop viable seeds sounds very iffy.
yes i also thought most bird feed was sterile but had a few sunflowers and a few hemp plants beffore growing under my bird feeders...


Well-Known Member
Even if they sprouted, I doubt they'd grow.. right?

If they just grew without watering and care, why would guerilla growers even check on their spots? Obviously they check on them because they'd die if they didn't.

Sorry to be a downer haha.. On a positive note, if wherever the shit lands at gets alot of rain water, then there might be a decent chance the plant would grow.