its enough if the grommet inst flush to cause a leaki've disconnected and reconnected, however i didnt see enough dirt/buildup to make me clean the grommet
im about to disconnect the chiller and dissect in a minute
should be a replaceable part!apparently the leak from below/under the chiller is being caused from the outlet leak as well.
i can see where it dripped from the top down to the bottom (nute salt residue evidence)
okay man i cleaned, scrubbed and reseated the grommets
its leaking from the white piece and only from the output side
any time brathanks for the help
sorry for thread clogging, i will delete
no offense to Stinkbud.... he's a good grower and all.....
however, i dont use stinkbud layout (too many moving parts and too tedious workings for my liking...not to mention he came out with his DIY way after i got into it) i build my own systems with the exception of the only prebuilt system i have which is the aquamist.
with that said..... they (nutes) arent system specific...they shall work with any system without discrimination.
moreover, im no fan of force air injection as it wildly fluctuates pH and EC by introducing spores and such into the nute soup.
for my aeration of my res' i just use mechanical force (waterfall, constant moving water) as well keeping my nute tanks at 65-68 for max DO (dissolved oxygen)
you may wonder why i brought up the air pump is cause House & Garden discourages use of air pump with their nutes.