No method of dating is accurate that i know of, reason why is because the The starting conditions are unknown, and we dont know if the decay rates have always been constant. Now if we use dating methods for only a few thousand years yeah we can get pretty close
The bible doesnt say how old the earth is so we can only guess. If it was proven
to be umteen billion years old that would not hurt my faith. One thing for sure is God created it
If no method is accurate, why does the scientific community agree on the age of things like donosaur bones, or other geological discoveries?
Also, why would the time frame for determining somethings age depend on only a few thousand years? Are you saying that because we know of the atmospheric conditions back to a few thousand years and we have to "guess" the atmospheric conditions any later than that, the farther you go the less accurate the measurement?
If the bible doesn't say how old the earth is, then why are so many Christians sold on the idea it's 6-10 thousand years old?
What created God?