
Well-Known Member
Thanks big purp, it's good to hear from you again! Always good to have your approval. Man I am hoping I have a good harvest. I have fallen into pretty deep shit on all sides of life lately and sadly this grow may be my only way out. I pray that I can keep everything together and just keep on keepin on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks big purp, it's good to hear from you again! Always good to have your approval. Man I am hoping I have a good harvest. I have fallen into pretty deep shit on all sides of life lately and sadly this grow may be my only way out. I pray that I can keep everything together and just keep on keepin on.
I know how you feel, bro. I was about $300 away from a down payment for a car back in June. Then I was hit by a car on my bicycle and didn't work for about 6 weeks so all of that money went bye-bye. And of course business at work has gone waaaaay down so I'm just barely scraping by. Sure, I could save myself about $200-300/month if I stopped buying weed, but my first harvest is still 5 weeks away! But it'll be all good after that since I'll be chopping 6 plants every 3 weeks. I'm hoping for about 1/2-3/4oz per plant in my little SOG setup.


Well-Known Member
Yea, this project started as a way to save me money and instead it took all of it. My first harvest should be in the middle of December. I have bought about $2k in weed for me and my buddies since this spring, those fuckers never paid up. I'm not buying shit until this harvest is done, hopefully they'll end up bringing some around for me.

The funny thing is that it's just a vicious cycle. You make money and want to spend more of it on your grow to make your grow better and bigger and the best bud ever all in the name of saving. Seems that sometimes it would have been cheaper to just buy weed hahha.

No where near as fun though. It's tough, but we'll make it through brother. I'm going back into work tomorrow and telling them to give me 4 or 5 shifts a week. I originally wanted only 3 so I had time to study but the fact of the matter is that I was dreaming. I never study, I would just waste my money smoking all the time, so I may as well work more, make more, and have less time to sit on my ass smoking. It also will make the few chances I have to sit on my ass and smoke that much better.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone

Hey infexion, thanks for stopping by man. The learning curve is definitely a bitch, but it's a lot of fun. To be honest, there is not too much that I would buy for the grow I have going now. The money tends to be spent on things that I am not sure if I need, but people tell me that it helps. Like right now, I think that I have subpar exhaust. That being said, I dont have plant problems, temp problems or anything like that. If I had money I would probably spend 180$ on an inline fan and do it up haha.

Just checked on them and everything looks great. I just spent a good half hour tediously bending and zip-tying and weaving and blah blah. SCROGing is turning into to being a lot of fun. I like that something I am doing is having a direct change in the natural processes of the plant for the better. Kind of like topping --> easy things make huge gains you know?

I just took a bunch of pictures of the new work I've done with them that will be uploaded in a minute or so.

I am still curious about the sex of these little ones. I am going to take some macro shots of the points and see if anyone can tell. I know what a male pre-flower is supposed to look like and even though I can't see one, I'm not necessarily seeing giant hairs either, ya dig?

So yea, things look good. Pictures on the way.


Well-Known Member
Alright, here is Day 4 of Flower for the little ones. Just wanted to show some of the new training that I did and possibly see if you guys can read the sex:

How are they looking?

Also, I am uploading pictures of Snow White Mother now. I just had a quick question. I know the general rule of thumb is 2 months before cloning from a mother, but are there exceptions? She is incredibly healthy with a ridiculously thick stem and great looking leaves. I was just wondering if I could start getting some clones working or if I should wait until the end of the month.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Alright, here is Day 4 of Flower for the little ones. Just wanted to show some of the new training that I did and possibly see if you guys can read the sex:

How are they looking?

Also, I am uploading pictures of Snow White Mother now. I just had a quick question. I know the general rule of thumb is 2 months before cloning from a mother, but are there exceptions? She is incredibly healthy with a ridiculously thick stem and great looking leaves. I was just wondering if I could start getting some clones working or if I should wait until the end of the month.
Looking good buddy, looking good - would love to help you on the early sexing, but that was something that I never bothered with - bought a cheapo microscope from Radio Shack and couldn't do it, so I've always just waited until I saw hairs or balls (not the preferred method, I know, but works for me).

As far as your mom goes, you can for sure take clones off of her - you could've cloned her weeks ago, based on how large she is now (of course, it depends on how many clones and how large you want them, so obviously that needs to be taken into account).

And Tmsculli, there's something to be said for making things work with less money - I've spent oodles and oodles of it with nothing to show so far (but I do have a lot of cool gadgets now:mrgreen:).

Keep on growing, I'm sure both of our little adventures will pay off big time, eventually.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Oh, and make sure you study - good grades in college are kinda important.

Also get an internship if you can this summer.

And don't do drugs or sleep with loose women.

That is all.


Well-Known Member
Bob, you're the man my friend. I love being the opposite of the stereotypical stoner. I graduated highschool top 20 out of 700 with straight A's and a 4.3GPA. I did extracurriculars out the ass and got into a very good University. Full time student taking 5 classes each semester while working part time and so far I have gotten Dean's List every semester. This semester is definitely my hardest, trying to keep above a 3.2 atleast but it is going to be tough. I went to an interview with JP Morgan Chase the other day for a summer internship so that looks a bit promising. I work hard and I play hard, I guess that's just how I roll haha.

I'm nervous to pop into cloning just yet because I don't know what to do with them to be honest haha. I want to have a semi perpetual deal going with a small amount, but I don't think I have the space to do it. I wanted to only do 2 clones at a time getting a harvest once every...month and a half or 2 months maybe? I honestly guess I haven't thought into it too much. I was looking around and found diggitydank's 3 gallon dwc tub and I think I may make one of those for my clones since they will take up such little space.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to setup my cloning? I could use pointers on timing, placement, setup etc.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I just got an idea. What if I were to use plastic containers that are relatively small like cups, or those plastic painting pails you can get really cheap. I could do one clone per with a humidity dome on top, and have an air pump splitting between the two cups. This way I don't need to make space for anything else or set up new lights because my box for my mother will have a bit of room for them in there.

Does this sound like it may work?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Bob, you're the man my friend. I love being the opposite of the stereotypical stoner. I graduated highschool top 20 out of 700 with straight A's and a 4.3GPA. I did extracurriculars out the ass and got into a very good University. Full time student taking 5 classes each semester while working part time and so far I have gotten Dean's List every semester. This semester is definitely my hardest, trying to keep above a 3.2 atleast but it is going to be tough. I went to an interview with JP Morgan Chase the other day for a summer internship so that looks a bit promising. I work hard and I play hard, I guess that's just how I roll haha.

I'm nervous to pop into cloning just yet because I don't know what to do with them to be honest haha. I want to have a semi perpetual deal going with a small amount, but I don't think I have the space to do it. I wanted to only do 2 clones at a time getting a harvest once every...month and a half or 2 months maybe? I honestly guess I haven't thought into it too much. I was looking around and found diggitydank's 3 gallon dwc tub and I think I may make one of those for my clones since they will take up such little space.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to setup my cloning? I could use pointers on timing, placement, setup etc.
Well at your age I certainly wasn't the opposite, but as I get older I am much, much more driven then I was before - I agree, work hard and play hard, get the most out of life - I've been playing "catch-up" for the last ten years to make up for the fact that my grades in college stunk and I didn't do any internships, and in an EXTREMELY competitive field like mine, not going Ivy and doing two or three internships at Goldman means you're WAY behind the curve.

Anyways, as far as your cloning question, give a little executive summary of what you're thinking, and I could certainly help you out with that - "perpetual harvest is my bag, baybay".

How long did you want to veg before flowering, how many plants can you flower at a time, how often are you looking to harvest, how many plants can you veg at a time - I think those questions just about cover it.

BTW, you might be the one to make it work, and I admittedly don't know dick about SCROG, but I'm not sure how compatible SCROG is with a perpetual harvest, and truthfully don't think it would work that great, based on my limited understanding.


Well-Known Member
Goldman meaning Goldman Sachs? A business man like myself I see? haha

You may have missed the middle post, I kinda answered your questions a bit. i think we posted around the same time.

Either way this is kind of what I'm looking for.

1.) I want to have enough smoke to chill on in between harvest for personal and some friends, maybe make a few bones, but far from anything serious. personal consumption is the main focus.

2.) Due to my limited space, I was thinking of only doing 2 or 3 plants at a time, but that could change because of veg times like you said. Since I have such a strong mother, maybe I could just go 6 clones, veg for a very short time, just until we get some roots and then start flowering. Eliminating the screen is a huge possibility. I did it this time for these ones since they are coming from seed and it is my first flower cycle. The last thing I wanted was the amazon in my closet and no where to put it, if you get my drift.

3.) The flower and veg thing is the main issue. In my Mother Box, like I said in my previous post, I may be able to veg indepent containers with a single clone each, but I would say no more than 3 at a time. If that seems possible, I could veg 3 at a time, move them to the flower site and flower those 3, take new cuttings and rinse and repeat. I feel like 3 plants may be the perfect amount for me.

4.) The when I would like to harvest deal is kind of up in the air. If I can get a big harvest and keep it airtight and fresh for a while, then I wouldn't need more than I have. Basically, since it is for mostly personal use, I just want to have some tree at all times haha. I never want to run dry staring at my plants every day like I do now.

take a glance at the post before the one above this which i post now. It explained the answers to those questions a bit before you asked them haha.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
All right, let's start from scratch - how large is your veg area and how large is your flowering area?

Because those are the two main constraints to what you're trying to do - in a perpetual SOG setup, four plants per square foot (with about a week of veg time) is a good number to go off of.

All the plant numbers and things of that nature aren't really relevent because you could grow ten small plants in the space it takes to grow one big plant, so let's go with pure area first - numbers?


Well-Known Member
Bob, I didn't want to quote myself and drag all the pictures in here as well, but my opening post for the thread has all of that info in it with pictures that may give you a better idea of what I am working with.

The thing is that I have the mother box which is obviously a veg area. Now, this being said, the remainder of the closet can obviously be used as either a veg or a flower area. I made it so that it is light tight so I am currently flowering in there, but I vegged them in that area since seed. This is basically where my dilemma and confusion kicks in.


Well-Known Member
got my shit and put it together, does this mean i can be a bubble head now hahaha.

Cheers for the advice wouldn't have done this if it wasn't for your comparison pics.

The only problem i have now is the air pump doesn't kick out enough power for my 12" air stone, better get to the shop and spend MORE money.



Well-Known Member
yay Craig! those are some hefty net pots you've got there my friend. One thing I noticed though, in picture #3, are those drip line outputs? If so, I guess you are trying to just not have those extra 4 dripping into nothing? I may be wrong, but since they are all outputs you will be pushing water into each other at those points. Not sure how much pressure that could create to maybe get a problem, but it may be something you want to look at. I would say cut 2" pieces of the hose that are plugged shut and put one on each port you don't plan on using. As far as the pump goes, which one did you get? the 60 gallon fish tank ones are usually okay for a 5 gallon bucket, but for something that size like what you and I are using, you would want 2 of those or 1 like 100 gallon air pump or something around those lines. Looks good though man, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
yay Craig! those are some hefty net pots you've got there my friend. One thing I noticed though, in picture #3, are those drip line outputs? If so, I guess you are trying to just not have those extra 4 dripping into nothing? I may be wrong, but since they are all outputs you will be pushing water into each other at those points. Not sure how much pressure that could create to maybe get a problem, but it may be something you want to look at. I would say cut 2" pieces of the hose that are plugged shut and put one on each port you don't plan on using. As far as the pump goes, which one did you get? the 60 gallon fish tank ones are usually okay for a 5 gallon bucket, but for something that size like what you and I are using, you would want 2 of those or 1 like 100 gallon air pump or something around those lines. Looks good though man, keep it up!
Ye man the pots are a little big, they only had 5" and i wanted 4. I am not the sort of person that can wait around for things. Even though i am having to wait around for those pissing seed's.

They didn't have a irrigation hub either so i bought that 8 way dripper, i blocked them 4 off cause i dont need them, the water comes out a little faster than i wanted but hey we will see what happens when i get the ball rolling. I can alway just let them drip straight into the water if i have too much pressure.

Cheers buddy.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, I just wanted to run some possibilities by you to make sure you have assessed them. Keep me updated brother.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I need some help. I have done a lot of research about cloning, but I'm not sure how I should set mine up with my situation I have going here. Bob and I went back and forth for a few posts above about it and didn't really come to any real conclusion.

What do I need to get cloning? Can I just pop them in some phed rockwool in a humidity dome and go for the gold? Do I need to have bubbles going, like meaning the air pump etc? I was thinking about taking two clones and starting them off in little cups as long as I don't need to air bubbles and such.

If any of you guys have a good idea please let me know
