Ok I am ready step back in the dumb fuck arena. Here are some of your points and my responses
“He has resorted to attacking American citizens, calling them tea baggers and has gone on a world tour to apologize to the world for our past.”
Please provide one article or video where obama called them teabaggers. Media and pundits may have done that but I have not seen Obama say anything like that. I have no problem with him apologizing for some of our past actions. No person or country is perfect. America to me is about as close as it gets but perfect it is not.
“He said his government would be transparent, and that he would include everybody in the decision making. So far, nothing has been transparent, he tried to sneak the healthcare bill past us, not giving us time to read it, and he himself admitting he hadn't read it. How could you support and try to pass something when you don't know what is involved?”
I agree with you on this point but its not new with Obama nor am I sure he is to blame. Very few congressmen/women read the patriot act for example and that was under Bush. I blame the congress and senate more than bush or obama.
“The democrats have locked the doors on republicans, and are up for no debate. They have a goal in mind, and will go through with it wether the American people want it or not.”
I think they are trying to work with republicans more than most presidents work with the other side. I remember when bush won he actually said “I have political capital and I am going to use it” meaning i dont care what anyone else thinks. That was especially apparent with the war in Iraq. Its hard for either of us to prove our point in this case because we are not there and in meetings listening to what happens.
“He has gone on more trips than any other president in history, and has accumalated the largest deficit in American history.”
Yes that is true but at least he is going to places to work and not play. Bush spent more time on vacation than any president and this was with 2 wars and economy tanking to name a few.
"Bush on track to become the vacation president," Julie Mason headlined in the August 9, 2007, edition of the Houston Chronicle:[1]
"On Thursday, Bush left for a weekend in Kennebunkport, Maine, and his family's summer compound, Walker's Point. On Monday, he heads to his Crawford retreat, where he has spent all or part of 418 days of his presidency, according to Mark Knoller, a CBS News White House correspondent and meticulous record-keeper.
"...The presidential vacation-time record holder is the late Ronald Reagan, who tallied 436 days in his two terms. At 418 days, and with 17 months to go in his presidency, Bush is going to beat that easily."
"Bush has spent more than a year of his presidency" at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. On August 19, 2005, "he broke Ronald Reagan's record of 335 days for America's most vacationed president and went on to take the longest presidential vacation in 36 years," Dale McFeatters wrote August 8, 2006, in a ScrippsNews editorial.
“His plans are rooted in marxist ideology.”
I disagree.
“Where in the constitution does it say that the government has the right to take from certain individuals and give to others? “
Man I have been getting screwed for years!!! I make more than my sister and I pay a higher tax than she does. I have been for years. As far as I can remember we have always had a progressive tax system. I didnt know it just started 9 months ago.
“That somehow raising taxes and passing policies that would devastate the average American is good for us. “
Which taxes have been raised and policies passed that have devastated the avg American?Which ones if not passed or implemented will do this? As for as taxes go, he is just going back to be very close to what Reagan had in place.
“but you have to look at the much bigger picture. like Obama's past and who and how his ideal were shaped.”
I have no problems with his past and what I have seen so far of his ideals.
“something like 14% of the entire 1 trillion for the stimulus has been spent. go look at when the majority of this money is to be spent and notice how it's all right around 2010 and 2012 elections. but didnt obama say that if we didnt pass the stimulus that we'd be in a situation we might not be able to get out of if we didnt take action? didnt he say that unemployment wouldnt pass 8% if we didnt pass the stimulus? and now they're out there lieing about jobs created by the stimulus and then after further investigation, the numbers turn out to be a "gross exaggeration."
Bush is the one that started the sky is falling and that if we dont do something then all hell would break lose. It was enough for Mccain to intrerupt his campaign. Yeah unemployment has gone higher and he always won't be right. He has said multiple times that jobs and unemployment rates are not close to where they should be. Bush wasnt always right either. “Mission Accomplished” and “We will be greeted as liberators” were a bit wrong and exaggerated too. My point is that if you expect someone to always be right then let me know when you find that utopia.
“and here's something to chew on. why does this administration not consider someone who shot 13 US soldiers dead in the name of islam and allah an "extremist" but they consider peaceful protesters extremists!!! what the fuck is that? the administration is afraid that the country is starting to wake up to their shell games.”
This is what I saw all over fox. I understand the anger and frustration at such senseless killing but why the need to shout from the rafters this was in the name of islam or allah? People were murdered. Will it come out that this was a islamic extremist? Very likely but why the need for it to be immediate. Things like columbine and virginia university happen and i dont hear people wanting to call them extremist. To me they are crazy. The data they have that hasan had been communicating with terroists happened before obama was president so why didnt the previous admin take action? Dont get me wrong on this one. I am deeply saddened by the deaths and injuries of the people there. I still have 3 family members in the military. An investigation is underway and if they have evidence this was an al qaeda like attack them fine... call him an islamic extremist.
“how did we survive all these years without health insurance and become the strongest power in the world????? “boggles the mind how we could have even done it without healthcare” “so since jesus time there has been no healthcare right? but now we should give it to everyone when our country is on the verge of fucking bankrupcy???????????”
Not since Jesus... We have healthcare it just doesnt work real well. I would love it if rather than having govt healthcare if we could just go to a doctor or hospital and pay a reasonable fee. But that is not the case and private insurance companies are just going to keep denying treatment or serivce while they raise your premiums if you are one of the ones that has insurance. Those that dont have insurance will continue to use the ER for more minor things and drive costs up. Bankruptcy is ok when spending billions on a war in Iraq? Are you against heath reform completely or just against gov run?
“ok and so im guessing life sucks for poeple without healthcare? or does life suck because your sick? i got nothing to do with why you got sick, maybe you ate too many lard burgers and your fat ass heart couldnt take it, thats your fault”
Lots of people get sick because of lifetsyle and fate. Its not your fault I agree. But sometimes its not theirs either. But I dont drive...should i pay for your roads. Another doesnt believe in war should they pay for your wars? Crucify my beliefs, its your right, but I do believe everyone should be able to see a doctor when they are sick and not have to loose their life savings because of it. I actually liked one of the ideas for healthcare reform where they were tossing around the idea of taxing junk food like alchohol and tobacco. People like Beck and Hannity went nuts saying dont tell us what to eat. My take is they are not telling you what to eat but rather if you are going to things that are going to cost tax payers down the road then you can payer a little higher sales tax now.
“love live america, but fuck you dumb fucks that wont take the time to look into things. youre like the people who just go out and buy a car without doing any research and then realize that you bought a lemon a couple months down the road. do some research on these people!”
Ok. Now proceed to calling me a dumb fuck.