The Largest Street Gang in America - Everyone should watch this! Protect Yourself!

who is we?

I believe last year there was a shooting involving police and a 25 year old man who ran from police because he was on probation. It ended with him being shot by 4 cops over 11 times in the back for pulling, cops description, "a bat" on the police. There was never a bat, a weapon or anything on him. Each officer unloaded his full clip, putting over 30 bullets into a nearby bar and actually hitting another guy inside the bar.

The worst part is nothing ever came of this. The same police dept. did their own investigation the cops got off with nothing...

Now you can barely find anything about besides the family/friends related to the victim.

It's a joke, police rarely are prosecuted for anything. If they are they are let go with pay, wtf is that.
We see nice police officers helping people in cars on the side of the road all of the time.

I guess police are still decent human beings in the The Mystic Mountains.

I used to think having a "Fuck the police mindstate" was just a stupid, rebelious, childish way of trying to look cool, but this video reminded me of how fucked up alot of cops really are. And I wonder why im fucking paranoid. Fuck the Cops.
I have so more examples of abuse of power than I have seen officers willing to help someone in need of help.

Because thats all you hear about. Who wants to hear a story about a cop helping an old lady unlock her car door?

The media chooses what we hear and see, and unfourtunatly its all the BAD things cops do..
JR has an excellent point ,99% of a cops job is show , one % is go in that 1% rush adrenalin takes over and the vidio cameras are everywhere, 300,000,000 people in the us
Because thats all you hear about. Who wants to hear a story about a cop helping an old lady unlock her car door?

The media chooses what we hear and see, and unfourtunatly its all the BAD things cops do..
I can see why people would think that.

I go by first hand encounters. Police are trained assholes in my city.

Sometimes it seems like they would go out of there way to fuck with people and prove that they are the bigger badass.
We've all dealt with our fair share of douche cops. But think about it this way, how many douche's do you deal with in a day? My guess is alot. Cops are people. They have bad days too.

So who you gona call when someone jacks your car? You wont be bitching about the cops then..
We've all dealt with our fair share of douche cops. But think about it this way, how many douche's do you deal with in a day? My guess is alot. Cops are people. They have bad days too.

So who you gona call when someone jacks your car? You wont be bitching about the cops then..
What are the cops going to do? Go find my car? Hell no they would immediately look for an excuse to ticket me for letting my shit get stolen. I've seen it happen a couple times.
Bad cops need to be held accountable and because the lack of accountability we have and always have had what we have all just watched on video. Video that is very scary to the point that it puts fear into the minds of individual law abiding citizens. I fear the police more than I do a robber, if a robber breaks into my home I have the right to take his life if I feel threatened, if I feel threatened by a police officer what right do I have. I believe that bad cops deserve to be shot and killed for their fucked up actions, I know violence begets violence, but in the case that they are the one bringing the violence we as a people need give back violence if the law makers dont bring a change to police brutality. I have the right to bear arms to defend myself and my family, if that right to defend myself is due to a police threat, the old saying goes kill or be killed.
the first link video is fucking infuriating. police are suposed to help and protect people not shoot them when they have been critically injured in a car accident.
if police ever did that to anyone who i love and got away with i would slice there throats... they desirve worst its inhuman what some police officers have done.
i can not believe this shit. fuck the cops!!! Its time for people to stand up!!! everyone is so scared to stand up for whats right. if we all come together and stand up they cant take us all! things have to change but it can change with out people coming to together to start the ball rolling!!
"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
It's time for a revolution
By Madeline Crabb

America, wake up! Can't you hear the trumpet sounding reveille? It's time for a revolution!

In our representative republic, we are to be self-governing, which is done by we the people electing legislators who represent our views and beliefs in Congress. But over the past 50 years, representing American citizens has become less and less of a priority. Increasingly, legislators do and say whatever is necessary to get into office, and then they do and say whatever is necessary to stay in office. Indeed we are electing representatives-those representing their own desires for power and prestige. Moreover, many of these people willingly and knowingly undermine the will of the people and the Constitution. And I'm downright angry about this. Why aren't you?

For instance, World Net Daily reported an incident that happened last Thursday night when the House of Representatives was voting on an agriculture bill. Attached to the bill was one of probably many other bills that had nothing to do with agriculture. (This is how pork gets passed. The President does not have line item veto power, so legislators load bills with all kinds of extra goodies for their districts, or bills that wouldn't stand a chance of passing if they stood alone.) The bill causing a stir that night was one that granted food stamps to illegal aliens. Supposedly, Republicans had the votes to have that particular item deleted from the agriculture bill, but the Democrats did some fancy procedural footwork that caused the gavel to fall before all the votes were tallied, which means voting was ended. The Democrats claim this was just an accident, but there was no vote recorded on the congressional website. Hmmm.

Needless to say, there is going to be an investigation, but it's probably too late to change things now. What concerns me is that a representative of we the people suggested giving food stamps to illegal aliens in the first place. Then it is upsetting that almost half of the representatives voted to allow the bill to stay. In other words, about half of our elected congressmen want to give food stamps to illegal aliens, despite what their constituents have to say. Maybe they thought we would never find out.

Our federal government is continually trying to ram new and outrageous things down the proverbial throats of the American people. They are constantly trying to appease the rest of the world by leading us away from national sovereignty and into the global community-from liberty and freedom to interdependence. They consistently allow illegal aliens from all nations, but particularly huge amounts from Mexico, to cross our borders-then give them even more rights and privileges than those given to American citizens, at the expense of the American taxpayers. (Worse yet, only two thirds of Americans are footing the bill because about one third pays no taxes at all.) Some representative government, huh?

As talk show host Michael Savage says, "Internal enemies are undermining our religion, schools, courts, military, media, and police." He contends this is happening because Americans "have failed our own democratic system by not being vigilant." I contend we've become fat, lazy, stupid, and even greedy, and have abdicated all responsibility for the preservation of our society to the enemies within-the cultural elite. We have blindly or selfishly voted these enemies into positions that will inevitably determine our fate-one in which we are slaves. It's time to awaken, arise, and act to restore our nation. That means a revolution. We can start in Congress by kicking the bums out. Do we have the will to fight? To anyone willing to hear..
We believe most "have failed our own democratic system by not being vigilant" enough to see past the charlatans.

Stupid Phuckers.

For All The Money In The World

The dislocation of reality
suffered by modern urban humans,
because they are in daily contact only
with non-living, inanimate, man-made objects
befalls, unfortunately, in its most acute form,
humans in positions of power
who should be bearing the responsibilities
for mankind’s weal and woe.

Yet what is real for them,
what they affect and what
reciprocally affects them
and what they think about continually
is influence and money
. . .
No wonder, then, that ecologists
are regarded as “nostalgic dreamers”
when they warm that cash in paper or metal,
even in gold itself,
or numbers in a bankbook or on a balance sheet
are mere symbols
and that the real necessities of life,
such as pure air and un-poisoned water
and uncontaminated soil
and an intact protective ozone layer
above the earth’s surface,
will very soon no longer be buyable

for all the money in the world.

- Loren Eisley


Hippie Tip:

We're Stupid Phuckers