Confronting global warming is relatively easy, because it means confronting good Western capitalists and industrialists. Confronting Islamofascism is much harder, for some: because it means confronting Third World radicals, about whom good Westerners harbor all sorts of myths and hopes.
In the first place, I take exception to your referance to capitalists and industrialists as being good, good for what? Good for the capitalists I'd say, not so much for the rest of the planet. Yeah, they provide subsistance wages for a few workers, mainly so they can reap huge profits and be able to sell their goods in that country. Good for humanity, no fuckiong way. They are responsible for 99% of all the ills that the planet and it's inhabitants face right now, let alone what the future may hold. Capitalists with a conscience, a really rare bird, one without wings, that's for sure. I'd be OK with a modified form of Capitalism, one that is responsible to the planet and it's inhabitants. One that divided the profits with the workers on a predetermined scale, Making the workers part owners of the company, with a say in how it does business, and yes, the Idea men would get a larger piece of the pie. But we all know that will happen when pigs fly, capitalists pigs at that.