Iran Update...

correct me if Im wrong Johnny but I dont believe nuclear science patents are/were given are/were they? Mr Smith hereby applies for a patent to safeguard the splitting of an atom!
Which is why we are not talking about televisions. :lol:

We are talking about nuclear weapons. The development thereof, and the authority (muscle) to determine who may wield the ultimate (thus far) weapon.

There is no global patent office.
Out of all the SO called innocent civilians killed, How many did us troops actually kill.And how many where killed by some dumb fuck with a bomb strapped to them kill.
I think the later has killed more.
Out of all the SO called innocent civilians killed, How many did us troops actually kill.And how many where killed by some dumb fuck with a bomb strapped to them kill.
I think the later has killed more.
you count children as 'so called innocent civilians'...comments like that are very sad and reflect so badly on America as a whole! What about all the Innocent British army that you Americans so like to shoot at? Then try and cover up in court...
Out of all the SO called innocent civilians killed, How many did us troops actually kill.And how many where killed by some dumb fuck with a bomb strapped to them kill.
I think the later has killed more.

Irrelevant. American, western, presence in the region is responsible, directly or indirectly.
you count children as 'so called innocent civilians'...comments like that are very sad and reflect so badly on America as a whole! What about all the Innocent British army that you Americans so like to shoot at? Then try and cover up in court...

Like the ones wearing the bombs or help making them.Just like the little fuckers in Vietnam with shoe shine boxes huh.
Iran has it's own goals.

You "deniers" are simply playing into their hands.

Naive. They are fully supportive of manipulating your weakness.

It's quite apparent.
It seem to me that those of you on the left are annoyingly eager and almost desperate to give this barbaric Theocracy the benefit of the doubt.
This is truly befuddling to me!

They may indeed be working on a trigger device, but as Padaw has pointed out this has yet to be ascertained. But coincident to this news is the testing by Iran of their most sophisticated long range missile.

But there is a definite threat, an urgent one: the threat of a nuclear Iran, and the threat of rising, armed Islamofascism generally. I remember being at a particular Davos meeting where everyone was gravely concerned about global warming, saying we had to act now now now. A nuclear Iran and its associated menaces seemed to be an afterthought, at best. In other words, the wolf was at the door — but the world’s elites were looking past the wolf to some gauzy threat out in the blue.

I made this observation, at the time: Confronting global warming is relatively easy, because it means confronting good Western capitalists and industrialists. Confronting Islamofascism is much harder, for some: because it means confronting Third World radicals, about whom good Westerners harbor all sorts of myths and hopes.

Actually, our country is the only country that has ever used a nuclear device against another nation. It is a fact that we are the most feared nation on the planet. The corporate moguls have their way in just about every country they want. The few they don't, are put on the enemies list, to wit, N. Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. We back all types of dictators, despots and other undesirable leaders so our corporations can exploit the country, both in treasure and blood. The ones that won't go along are slated for war, sooner or later
Confronting global warming is relatively easy, because it means confronting good Western capitalists and industrialists. Confronting Islamofascism is much harder, for some: because it means confronting Third World radicals, about whom good Westerners harbor all sorts of myths and hopes.
In the first place, I take exception to your referance to capitalists and industrialists as being good, good for what? Good for the capitalists I'd say, not so much for the rest of the planet. Yeah, they provide subsistance wages for a few workers, mainly so they can reap huge profits and be able to sell their goods in that country. Good for humanity, no fuckiong way. They are responsible for 99% of all the ills that the planet and it's inhabitants face right now, let alone what the future may hold. Capitalists with a conscience, a really rare bird, one without wings, that's for sure. I'd be OK with a modified form of Capitalism, one that is responsible to the planet and it's inhabitants. One that divided the profits with the workers on a predetermined scale, Making the workers part owners of the company, with a say in how it does business, and yes, the Idea men would get a larger piece of the pie. But we all know that will happen when pigs fly, capitalists pigs at that.
Actually, our country is the only country that has ever used a nuclear device against another nation. It is a fact that we are the most feared nation on the planet. The corporate moguls have their way in just about every country they want. The few they don't, are put on the enemies list, to wit, N. Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. We back all types of dictators, despots and other undesirable leaders so our corporations can exploit the country, both in treasure and blood. The ones that won't go along are slated for war, sooner or later

Dropping the bomb saved Japanese and American lives. In the millions....
Dropping the bomb saved Japanese and American lives. In the millions....

You don't know that for sure, because you don't know alternative history. Just like I can't say it didn't, again, because I don't know alternative history.

They just tell you it saved more lives because it avoided the invasion. (again, always working with a false dichotomy, why again were there only two options?!)...

Don't even try to tack a number on it, that makes it sound even more outrageous.
You don't know that for sure, because you don't know alternative history. Just like I can't say it didn't, again, because I don't know alternative history.

They just tell you it saved more lives because it avoided the invasion. (again, always working with a false dichotomy, why again were there only two options?!)...

Don't even try to tack a number on it, that makes it sound even more outrageous.

I don't know about that. it is a fact that we would have invaded the Japanese mainland. And unless you want to put forth the implausible argument that Japan would have surrendered quickly, the lives lost would have been many times what they were.

Is there any enemy of America past or present that you aren't a fan of?
I don't know about that. it is a fact that we would have invaded the Japanese mainland. And unless you want to put forth the implausible argument that Japan would have surrendered quickly, the lives lost would have been many times what they were.

Is there any enemy of America past or present that you aren't a fan of?

Dude, get it straight, by not supporting some of the terrorist policies the US government has had, that doesn't mean I support whoever the opposition is. The world does not work in black and white like that. If I oppose Israeli tactics against "Hamas" within the civilian population... it's because I'm against unnecessary civilian casualties, not because I support Hamas' position...

The Revolution, I fully support the colonists.

WW2 I would have supported action against Hitler.

The vast majority of conflicts the US has been involved in was for expansion or control of resources. I do not support that shit.
Dude, get it straight, by not supporting some of the terrorist policies the US government has had, that doesn't mean I support whoever the opposition is. The world does not work in black and white like that. If I oppose Israeli tactics against "Hamas" within the civilian population... it's because I'm against unnecessary civilian casualties, not because I support Hamas' position...

The Revolution, I fully support the colonists.

WW2 I would have supported action against Hitler.

The vast majority of conflicts the US has been involved in was for expansion or control of resources. I do not support that shit.

Methinks the marxist protesteth too much. I say any enemy of America is a-ok with you. And despite your little denial above, I have NEVER seen you post anything to indicate otherwise. Saddam, North Korea, Chavez, Iran, Castro, all good. America - all bad. Admit it - you yearn for the destruction of America. You and most of this administration.
Methinks the marxist protesteth too much. I say any enemy of America is a-ok with you. And despite your little denial above, I have NEVER seen you post anything to indicate otherwise. Saddam, North Korea, Chavez, Iran, Castro, all good. America - all bad. Admit it - you yearn for the destruction of America. You and most of this administration.

Do you even know who Karl Marx was? I seriously doubt it, it's just a buzzword people like you use to describe anyone against your typical "American values", just like socialist, just like communist, just like terrorist... While you sit there without even realizing the military... yeah, the US military is completely socialized... I swear the irony never gets past you guys...

I yearn for the distruction of Corporate America.
Methinks the marxist protesteth too much. I say any enemy of America is a-ok with you. And despite your little denial above, I have NEVER seen you post anything to indicate otherwise. Saddam, North Korea, Chavez, Iran, Castro, all good. America - all bad. Admit it - you yearn for the destruction of America. You and most of this administration.
Throwing around the 'Marxist' diatribe again! Bullshit, see youself for what YOU are. Expansionist bullies! If you dont agree with US foreigh policy it doesnt make you an extremist. This argument is the most feable there is. Facts are what I base my judgement on, not political ideologies...
It's fairly common knowledge if one actually looks, that Japan planned on defending their homeland to the last citizen. US estimates were that it would have taken a million US soldiers to take it by force. The Japanese casualties would have been horrendous.

We saved both them and ourselves by dropping the bomb.

It still took two of them (atomic bombs). The military tried to make a coup upon the emperor AFTER both bombs had been dropped.

Read ur history books