Importance of direct sunlight??


New Member
It sounds about right. you may want to spend a day there and do a bit of measuring just how many hours it does get. Don't forget that depending on when you plant the sun will be moving across the horizon (Earth wobble) and will get higher in the sky as Spring draws near.


Well-Known Member
Okay, interesting responses. I went scouting today, and found an area of state-owned land that I didn't know existed within 5 miles of my house. There are just some snowmobile trails on it, but it's not in a heavily populated area. Now it's winter and there's a few feet of snow cover so it's hard to tell exactly which areas will receive sunlight and which won't. But I def. came across spots where the evergreen cover was very sparse, and where I could look up and see lots of sky. Would this kind of spot likely get enough sunlight? I mean when the sun is low in the sky, it wouldn't shine directly on the area, but since it's a 20X20 foot area without tall trees, the sun would shine in anytime it was high in the sky. I think I might make a bed in a couple spots like that and try it out. Even if I get an ounce or two per plant it'll be worth it. Thanks again. And Crackerjax, it seems like you have expereince here, so does the kind of spot I described sound like it would receive sufficient sun? or would you need a much larger cleared area? thanks!
guess that's my que to take a hint and let crackerjax take over w/ the advice. lol
tho i will say that the spot(s) ur describing sound like a good one(s). there are a few places i've found that are like that (cept w/ cedar trees instead of pine).:peace:


Well-Known Member
guess that's my que to take a hint and let crackerjax take over w/ the advice. lol
tho i will say that the spot(s) ur describing sound like a good one(s). there are a few places i've found that are like that (cept w/ cedar trees instead of pine).:peace:
haha no man, I appreciate the advice from everyone. I think what I'm gonna do is just start my clones inside in March, and on a warm april day I'll trek out to my spot with my book and just spend the day there. If I get a sun burn, i've found my place! No, but spending a day in a spot would be the best and only way to find out how good it is. Thanks again for the help from everybody


Well-Known Member
Thats me in the woods kickin ass playin paintball. blending in pretty good huh?

My brother inlaw is going to let me plant 1 plant on their 20 acres this year.......shhhh my sister doesnt know. Gonna veg it indoors then transplant outdoors.
Ohhhhhhhh. Now the fog has lifted. I waas very high when I asked that, now I can clearly see that lol.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I am planning an outdoor grow soon. In FL. From March-Sep. And Im gonna expect that they'll be an average of 5ft. tall and harvest a qp per plant dry. Have a few spots, they seem pretty good candidates so far in all aspects. Some less private. Some less sun. Some less Ideal, etc.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
guess that's my que to take a hint and let crackerjax take over w/ the advice. lol
tho i will say that the spot(s) ur describing sound like a good one(s). there are a few places i've found that are like that (cept w/ cedar trees instead of pine).:peace:
that's because he's (cracker jax) right. plants getting some shade during the day will only benefit them. heat stress will do great harm to a plant and thus yeild will be sharply reduced.


New Member
im up in NC and i found a place where i assume will be good enough. itʻs in the suburbs but iʻm lucky that my mom is an outdoorsy person so she wanted woods in the backyard. (not more houses) so i have about 200 yards of woods between my house and the others BUT there is also a stream that passes almost 70 yards out back. itʻs hard to describe but when the tractors and trucks were clearing all the land they left about a 25-30 ft clearance almost like a big nature trail. nobody dares go out there except me because of the brush.

So the spot i picked is about 20 yards away from the stream to prevent flooding right on the edge of the forest. The most important thing though that iʻve learned from reading a couple books is that your spot should be a south facing spot. i cleared a little bit of the brush but i should probably go back and do that but iʻm pretty confident in my grow op. weʻll see how it turns out when it warms up


hi,wanted to find out on a cure for white mold on my outdoor plants,mainly on the leaves, and im 25 days into flowering!


Well-Known Member
Instead of sitting out there all day. You could just go out there every hour for five minutes and take notes on how much sun it gets. That's what I plan on doing.