Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

I've had all of the same problems and when i quit smoking for a week sure enough i could sleep well i could eat well my diarrhea stopped and everything was fine. when i started smoking for a week again it all started coming back, and was worse as soon as i didn't smoke.

These are sure signs of addiction in my eyes and i guess unfortunately i'm going to have to quit this wonderful habit
I have been having these stomach problems as well. I am 24 and have been smoking pot since i was 18 and in the last year I have developed a serious stomach problem. About 5 times in the last year i have gotten so sick that i would throw up 20 to 30 times each time it would happen. I would also have extreme nausea and eventually bad abdominal pain from all of the dry heaving, as well as extreme loss of appetite and lots of burping all the time every day. I have triggered these symptoms a few different ways the worst was from over exerting myself Wakeboarding and then eventually becoming dehydrated from not being able to hold down liquids, this time i had to go to the hospital an get an iv. Another time the same thing happened after a football game but i went home and threw up all night in the bath tub until i felt better 12 hours later. I also can not drink alcohol anymore or it will trigger this most times. The most recent episode was today witch is day tree of quitting marijuana. I was in town today and got hot sweats in the bank and threw up in the parking lot an my way to my car followed by a few more times on my way home. If i am able to get in a hot shower or better a bath depending on how bad it will go away in any ware from 2 to 12 hours depending on how bad. I cant be sure if this is marijuana related but i feel like it is even though i am having problems wile quitting. I have been a heavy user and always use a vaporizer and i have high levels of thc because i have very little body fat so can that make quiting that much worse. Any incite on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
I heard that you can get a parasite that lives on Cannabis and that causes stomach upsets, don't know the validity of the claims tbh
My diet is fucked because of been a stoner and eating anything but healthy ,not the actual weed itself, this has only recently started worrying me so now i plan on eating healthy while still being stoned, but giving in to the stoner cravings.
My diet is fucked because of been a stoner and eating anything but healthy ,not the actual weed itself, this has only recently started worrying me so now i plan on eating healthy while still being stoned, but giving in to the stoner cravings.

It's not just stoners mate. Convenience food is forced upon us by our busy lifestyles. Weed makes you relax then it's a trip to the Colonel on the munchies LOL. I have stopped eating healthy recently because I lost my job (you don't half notice a divide between the working and not working in the quality of foods etc.) Price for start, healthy eating chicken £5.00, processed chicken breats £1.99. Now I'm unemployed I know what I can afford :(
i worked with a kid who was diagnosed with blood cancer at 17.. when he was getting his chemo, he would leave the hospital and smoke a few bowls, it was the only think that could stop him from puking from the poison they were pumping in his body to kill the cancer.. smoking weed after chemo is very common as it is known to ease stomach pains, not create them.. look on any med site and they will list nasuea as something to use med mj for..
i agree, if it were an alergic reaction, you would have been having it years ago.. go to a gi specialist and see whats doing in there..
Hey Easy- whatever you do, don't go to the doctor so he can run some tests and help figure it out!!!!!! Sounds like an ulcer or bowel issues to me, caused by bad diet. Pot doesn't cause stomach issues, unless you're eating it. So, continue to suffer until u can't stand it amy longer- and then go see an internist for tests and meds.....
SSHZ you have worried me a bit with that post lol , i have been getting a bad stomach (comes and goes through out the day although somedays its normal) for a good 8 month now, i have always blamed it on unhealthy eating from being stoned 24/7. Sometimes i go from having a normal shite in the morning then have diarrhea by tea time, then the next morning im back to normal.
plus i get unbelieveable pains by about 12pm when i dont have any breakfast, (alot worse than a hunger pain that kinda feels like my stomachs hollow inside), but then when i do have something i feel sick cos of the pain . (does go when i have food though so could this just be a hunger pain amplified by being stoned ?!) . My doctors a fuckin clown , he asks me what i think i should take , honestly hes a fuckin joke, so i dont want to go there , plus hes a little grass lol hed prob blow me in for smokin the grizzy. - Any medics on ere ?!?! Help lol :!
This is the funniest fucking shit i have heard in awhile....

Oh pot is making my stomach hurt...Ha.Ha,Ha,Ha Fucking classic...

Thats why my dad smoked it after his chemo..Fucking Dumbass....

Hey Racer whats up bro...I am being a dick again..Ha,Ha,Ha
This is the funniest fucking shit i have heard in awhile....

Oh pot is making my stomach hurt...Ha.Ha,Ha,Ha Fucking classic...

Thats why my dad smoked it after his chemo..Fucking Dumbass....

Hey Racer whats up bro...I am being a dick again..Ha,Ha,Ha

not being a dick mind, i said the same thing in my post.. too funny.. my old helper had luekemia and he blazed everyday after chemo and said it was the only thing that helped..
activia yogurt for breakfast.
and stay away from consumable non-food items such as, but not limited to: hot pockets, anything made by hostess, pop tarts, mcdonalds and taco-bell.
I think it is kind of screwed up how everyone is just writing this off. I would like to say i am a strong believer in medical marijuana and the legalization of marijuana. I have my perscription and growing is my passion and the first thing i do when i wake up is hit my vape. That being said i too know cancer patients that marijuana is the only thing that helps them. I too would have argued this to be untrue for a long time but after doing some research there are more people out there having these problems and doctors have came up with a so called diagnosis called Cannabinoid Hypermesis Syndrom i am skeptical as well but it should not be over looked because my symptoms are exact to this syndrom so i am looking in to it. I know some people will say ulcers or gal bladder witch are possible i have obviously thought about these as well. Let me remind you Doctors do not know what causes ulcers as well as many other stomach problems, there is grey area we just don't know. I my self wish and hope it's not the weed but i am a very cerebral person and i think my body is telling me its from years of smoking and masking the problem by numbing my digestive track. I know this sounds crazy but there is always a few people who react to things differently listen to all the side effects of perscriptions they are selling on T.V. they are horrible but only a few people get them. And for the mold thing i am from northern cali and only smoke the best 10 out of 10. But something i have thought about are all of the nutrients used, i use advanced whole line. It is also possible i have an ulcer because i don't have insurance so i can't see a credible stomach specialist but even if i was found to have an ulcer it is possible heavy marijuana use over a long period of time could cause ulcers in a small number of people. Please keep an open mind and open this link I AM NOT BASHING MARIJUANA USE!!!
This is the funniest fucking shit i have heard in awhile....

Oh pot is making my stomach hurt...Ha.Ha,Ha,Ha Fucking classic...

Thats why my dad smoked it after his chemo..Fucking Dumbass....

Hey Racer whats up bro...I am being a dick again..Ha,Ha,Ha

Boo bastard hoo who gives a shit poor little cancer patient , fuck the cunt,

Thats the attitude you give thats what you get boy.:weed:
Taken directly from a published clinical result;

Migraine, fibromyalgia, IBS(Irratable Bowel Syndrome) and related conditions display common clinical, biochemical and pathophysiological patterns that suggest an underlying clinical endocannabinoid deficiency that may be suitably treated with cannabinoid medicines.
Actually, sounds just like Crohns Disease........... my wife lost part of her intestines from it. Gets worse a few hours after eating. Pain, cramps, the shitz. Ulcer would be more like sharp pain in exact same area shortly after eating- if it was that, you'd have been to the emergency room by now.