Open letter to all I-5 motorists

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Well-Known Member
so you drive dangerously, pasing on the right, and you physically show your disdain, sounds like you're being a hypocrite to me :) and yes, you are the one that brought up 11mph and tried to smear iot at us, so why is 10 so much more righteous and correct and acceptable than 11? simply because you're not getting a ticket?
Thank you. He wants to force people to pass on the right...when you are not even supposed to camp on in the left lane to start with. No common courtesy whatsoever.


New Member
Still waiting for the quotes, guys. Show me the quotes, after all you claimed I said it.

By the way, the right lane is open again. You can pass anytime you want and start driving recklessly again.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You should go back and read this thread. If I encounter a motorist doing only 5 over in the left lane and not getting over, I wait for the right lane to open up and pass them. It has never taken hours for the right lane to open up. Have you ever driven a few thousand miles on the interstate?
how about that one? you state that if someone is SPEEDING then you will wait for the right lane, then overtake DANGEROUSLY, so that you can carry on SPEEDING faster than they were. yet you can't accept this as reasonable in any way when someone does this to you. maybe their honking and swearing because you're being an arsehole on the road not because they want to get past that badly...


Active Member
You should go back and read this thread. If I encounter a motorist doing only 5 over in the left lane and not getting over, I wait for the right lane to open up and pass them. It has never taken hours for the right lane to open up. Have you ever driven a few thousand miles on the interstate?
No, thankfully. this does change my opinion about people who camp in the left lane though. Before I thought they were just oblivious to the left lane being the passing lane, now I know (thanks to you) that some actually are aware of this, yet choose to be an ass about it. If anything good came out of this thread its this understanding


Well-Known Member
I don't think driving as fast as LEOs will allow is 'driving too slowly'. You are correct, I am just as much in the wrong as a speeder. The point is simply that I am not going to subject myself to the right lane and slow myself down so some asshole can blatantly speed.

As far as the fucker I jammed behind the truck, if he were in an emergency situation he wouldn't have slowed down to fuck with me. I stopped fucking with him once other traffic started approaching.
so it's ok for you to break the law simply because you don't want to be put out of your way?

i wish you luck.

I'll throw that charge of selfishness right back at you, along with alleging that you are unsafe and a danger to all motorists. Your speed is my business, we are both sharing the road and when you drive too fast you put safer folks in danger. Speed limits exist for a reason, and if you choose to ignore them, well, it'll come back around to you.
how can you say this about one law, but not the one you are breaking? dude.


Well-Known Member
Question for you: How did the state of Arizona determine to give people speeding tickets with their photo enforcement zones at 11 over? Did they just arbitrarily pull this number out of their collective ass? Or is 10 over the universal maximum acceptable speed?

i just had to google this, .....


[SIZE=-1]Why is the speed of light considered to be the universal speed limit, and would it be possible to ever exceed that speed with some advanced technology?

Asked by: Nakul Jeirath

[/SIZE] Answer

[SIZE=-1]Experiments performed against Relativity predictions have all supported Einstein's conclusions about the behavior of matter as it approaches the speed of light. Particle accelerators allow direct observation of extremely high velocities of very small masses, and have confirmed to high degrees of accuracy that mass increases as objects travel near the speed of light.

Unless an experiment one day disagrees with and overturns the Theory of Relativity, it must be concluded that no acceleration in the normal sense, regardless of power source, can overcome the mass increase that demands and infinite force to just reach the speed of light, let alone exceed it.

Modern Physics can only postulate travelling from point A to point B in less time than a light beam via non-conventional 'bending' of space itself via black hole-like distortion of space. Even if that technology could be realized in the distant future, one could argue that it would not represent 'speed' in the sense of travelling THROUGH space at greater than light speed.

i can make this whole thread just disappear for you. :wink:

all you have to do is ask. we won't hold it against you.

You didn't answer my question, where does AZ get the idea to ticket folks at 11 over? Just arbitrary?

So do we decide speed limits by mob rule?

Also, the folks on the highway who had a problem with me were BY FAR the minority. 99% of folks had no problem with my way of driving.
can you post a link to the source of this 11 mph rule?

cool that you took a poll while driving. how'd you do it? just a thumbs up, thumbs down as they blew past you?


Well-Known Member
i actually i see people that are going slow or on the phone that causes accidents...a lot of speeding accidents are in city areas (running light and what not) IMO not the interstate...u shouldn't have a license if you cant keep straight and drive if I'm going 100 or 75 i have the same amount of control...just move and keep it moving people like that really have no life so you want to fuck with mine...


Well-Known Member
no, thankfully. This does change my opinion about people who camp in the left lane though. Before i thought they were just oblivious to the left lane being the passing lane, now i know (thanks to you) that some actually are aware of this, yet choose to be an ass about it. If anything good came out of this thread its this understanding

i would have to agree..


Well-Known Member
So in your view, it is not the asshats that tailgate and speed recklessly causing the accidents, it is the dude driving an acceptable speed.

I understand how driving too slow is just as bad as driving too fast, but I just don't see it in this case. I drive 10 over in the fast lane. I would say it is the folks trying to drive as fast as they can who are more likely to be causing accidents.
They wouldn't tailgate you if you would move out of the fucking way!
Wow! your such a prick, i hope you get creamed by a semi and have to be scraped off the tarmac Dukeofbaja.

I cant believe you actually still believe in your retard-driving left lane stance (After everyone here is disagreeing with you and giving completely valid reasoning for it). If you ever drove in my area you would be creamed by a redneck with a truck that got way too pissed off lol.

DIAF thanks.


Well-Known Member
I'll throw that charge of selfishness right back at you, along with alleging that you are unsafe and a danger to all motorists. Your speed is my business, we are both sharing the road and when you drive too fast you put safer folks in danger. Speed limits exist for a reason, and if you choose to ignore them, well, it'll come back around to you.
By that logic, because you are technically speeding and breaking the law, you are also unsafe and a danger to all motorists by a legal standard. Maybe you really aren't, but that's not you're call to make when you get pulled over. I know 10 over is acceptable, but by your logic you are a hypocrite as well.

Would you be pissed if someone going 70 in the left lane didn't move over for you so you could go 80?? That's how people feel who like to go more than 80 when they are stuck behind you. Despite the fact these people aren't very wise to drive so fast, they feel the same way as you do and from a legal standpoint you are dead wrong to think you don't also have to move to the right lane temporarily.


New Member
so it's ok for you to break the law simply because you don't want to be put out of your way?

i wish you luck.

how can you say this about one law, but not the one you are breaking? dude.
[SIZE=-1]i can make this whole thread just disappear for you. :wink:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]all you have to do is ask. we won't hold it against you.[/SIZE]

can you post a link to the source of this 11 mph rule?

cool that you took a poll while driving. how'd you do it? just a thumbs up, thumbs down as they blew past you?
To answer each of your questions....
1) Is it OK for me to break the law because I don't want it to take longer to get home? No. Is it more acceptable or less acceptable to break the law by speeding instead? I would say less, as it is far more deadly and dangerous to other safe motorists.
2)How can I accuse someone of selfishness for breaking one law, yet not call myself selfish for breaking another law? I don't. I am being selfish by sticking left at 10 over. Speeders are being, in my opinion, more selfish by expecting me to accomodate their unsafe and deadly driving practices. I choose not to move right and possibly be slowed so they can go faster than LEOs allow.
3)No link for the 11 mph law, but go ahead and ask any Arizonan or just take a cruise through that state and see for yourself. 10 over = no ticket, 11 over = ticket. Or watch Speeders on TruTV or ask any LEO you may know. 10 over (in optimum conditions) is the maximum speed considered r&p by highway patrol and just about any other LEO.
4)The poll was unscientific, but I would say the one or two pricks that tailgated me unsafely every 20 miles or so were far outweighed by the 100 other cars and trucks I passed between their visits to my bumper.

Please do not make this thread disappear. I still stand behind my decision.

...your such a prick, i hope you get creamed by a semi and have to be scraped off the tarmac Dukeofbaja.

I cant believe you actually still believe in your retard-driving left lane stance ...If you ever drove in my area you would be creamed by a redneck with a truck that got way too pissed off...

Wow, a bit hostile for a marijuana forum, ya think? Board rules apply to everyone here. I count 2 insults and 2 death wishes. Hopefully you can pull a harvest soon, you need it, bud


New Member
Would you be pissed if someone going 70 in the left lane didn't move over for you so you could go 80?? That's how people feel who like to go more than 80 when they are stuck behind you. Despite the fact these people aren't very wise to drive so fast, they feel the same way as you do and from a legal standpoint you are dead wrong to think you don't also have to move to the right lane temporarily.
I do get pissed, I ran into 3-5 people doing 0-5 over and camped in the left lane. I simply waited until the right lane opened (never more than a minute or two), notched the cruise back up to 10 over, and passed. What I did not do, like a lot of the speeders like to do, is tailgate them. I cringe every time one of these asshats cuts me off to get right behind a semi where the driver of the semi can't see them.

Sure, from a perfectly legal standpointt, it is wrong for me to camp out at 10 over. But I like to think of it from the point of view of the highway patrol officer parked on the side of the road every so often. He will have an easier time writing a ticket to some speeding, tailgating asshole then someone 'impeding' the left lane by doing the maximum r&p speed. And since I also carry weed when I travel, this is agood thing.


Well-Known Member
I despise motherfuckers that take it upon themselves to "set the pace" in the fucking PASSING LANE. Get out of the goddamn way, asshole.


Well-Known Member
And as was pointed out earlier in the thread: SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. The law is not behind you on this, moron.


Well-Known Member
i drive the 5 all the time, i dont even care, i'm so high most the time.
i move over for someone going faster. i'll pass on the right if someone is refusing to move, and not even be mad about it.
i wont even give the guy/girl a second look.
they try to make faces, but my windows are tinted so black, they dont even know if i'm acknowledging or not.
some people have crazy ass road rage tho.
some of my boys be cussin n shit....

its not the end of the world. there's bigger problems going on somewhere im sure.
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