No Fucking Jobs Anywhere


Well-Known Member
those unions you seem to despise so much made america great. that's right. the reason americans enjoy the quality of life they do is because UNIONS refused to let the wealthy treat them like dirt.


not every public housing project gets to have dishwashers, lawns, and light fixtures. when did beverly hills get their own HUD??

i mean, the CEOs of the biggest companies in the US went on spending sprees, and started playing russian roulette with america's well being, they gave themselves more than 10 billion in bonuse the last 3 years.... living the really good life......all of this while running their companies into the ground, leaving their entire retained earnings accounts in the red, the economy of the US was going in the shit.... all made possible by the de-regulated state of the american financial system, coupled with the laxer application of the few laws in place by a republican administration............but no, that's not unnecessary... somehow, that's not excess, because it's a company doing it, and companies are holy.....

and you're fighting because the government spends .70 cents every once in a while to help a poor person illuminate their home.... somehow, the government helping the poor is wrong in your book....

you make me sad......

jeff f

New Member
those unions you seem to despise so much made america great. that's right. the reason americans enjoy the quality of life they do is because UNIONS refused to let the wealthy treat them like dirt.


not every public housing project gets to have dishwashers, lawns, and light fixtures. when did beverly hills get their own HUD??

i mean, the CEOs of the biggest companies in the US went on spending sprees, and started playing russian roulette with america's well being, they gave themselves more than 10 billion in bonuse the last 3 years.... living the really good life......all of this while running their companies into the ground, leaving their entire retained earnings accounts in the red, the economy of the US was going in the shit.... all made possible by the de-regulated state of the american financial system, coupled with the laxer application of the few laws in place by a republican administration............but no, that's not unnecessary... somehow, that's not excess, because it's a company doing it, and companies are holy.....

and you're fighting because the government spends .70 cents every once in a while to help a poor person illuminate their home.... somehow, the government helping the poor is wrong in your book....

you make me sad......
public housing where i am from doesnt come in high rises. it comes in one or two story, duplex, or detached single family. yes, you read that right. they ALL have yards, fences, beautiful bushes, freshly ppainted/siding. well taken care of sidewalks and the paving in and out is always fresh and beautiful.

plus they have their own handyman/men. i assume the 70cents your talkin about is for a lightbulb? oh, contrare my dear...nothing but top of the line flourescents for these hard working leech's....and heres the kicker THE HARD WORKING STIFFS OF THIS STATE PAY FOR IT ALL!

and you dont see anything wrong with this picture? wow, your dumb.


Well-Known Member
lol so five pages in and we've finally realized there is no shortage of jobs it must just be lazy people keeping the jobless rate so high.

jeff f

New Member

ten characters
maybe i should have said "yer" then you would have got it?

word, i have no idea what you are talking about.

there are fewer and fewer hard working stiffs to pay for this stuff. obama and people like him give us this BS. then they demand that working people pay for it. so the average working guy says, WTF. whats the point of working.....

why am i explaining this? do you honestly not get this? its simple stupit (i did that for UB) seriously, do you really not understand what i am saying?


Well-Known Member
maybe i should have said "yer" then you would have got it?

word, i have no idea what you are talking about.

there are fewer and fewer hard working stiffs to pay for this stuff. obama and people like him give us this BS. then they demand that working people pay for it. so the average working guy says, WTF. whats the point of working.....

why am i explaining this? do you honestly not get this? its simple stupit (i did that for UB) seriously, do you really not understand what i am saying?
it's just simple trickle up economics


Well-Known Member
intentional misspelling is not funny. grammar fails while trying to call someone else dumb? priceless:hump:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Yeah just lots of jobs out there....
Actually there are - a quick bing search shows me over 1,100 job (newspaper classified) listings in Anchorage alone.
Wanna bet that the ranks of Anchorage's unemployed is far and above that number? A quick parusal shows 11,000 unemployed as of November.
Why are these jobs still listed? Could it be that some just prefer to suckle instead of actually supporting themselves?

Already !


Well-Known Member
Actually there are - a quick bing search shows me over 1,100 job (newspaper classified) listings in Anchorage alone.
Wanna bet that the ranks of Anchorage's unemployed is far and above that number? A quick parusal shows 11,000 unemployed as of November.
Why are these jobs still listed? Could it be that some just prefer to suckle instead of actually supporting themselves?

Already !
or could it be that there are 10 people unemployed for every available job? 11,000 only counts the unemployed, it doesn't count all the other work seekers who are not unemployed through no fault of their own.



Global Moderator
Staff member
or could it be that there are 10 people unemployed for every available job? 11,000 only counts the unemployed, it doesn't count all the other work seekers who are not unemployed through no fault of their own.

Simple math would show that if there are 11,000 persons activly seeking employment there would not be 1,100+ jobs being advertised. Which by the way is a misleading number as any intelligent person knows a newspaper is the last bastion in the employers search for competent help. Word of mouth & professional networking satisfies a very large percentage of new employment, my guess would be somewhere in excess of 50%.
And I'm not really sure what is meant by "work seekers whom are not unemployed through no fault of there own". That would be the people that are currently employed increasing the GDP of this great country.
Thats the catagory I live in.


Well-Known Member
Simple math would show that if there are 11,000 persons activly seeking employment there would not be 1,100+ jobs being advertised. Which by the way is a misleading number as any intelligent person knows a newspaper is the last bastion in the employers search for competent help. Word of mouth & professional networking satisfies a very large percentage of new employment, my guess would be somewhere in excess of 50%.
And I'm not really sure what is meant by "work seekers whom are not unemployed through no fault of there own". That would be the people that are currently employed increasing the GDP of this great country.
Thats the catagory I live in.

(category 1) 11,000 people in the ranks of the unemployed (meaning out of work through no fault of their own and collecting unemployment insurance)
(category 2) recent college grads, HS grads, people out of work through no fault of their own that are not collecting UI, people out of work through some fault of their own, discouraged workers re-entering the job market, people entering the job market for the first time for various reasons, people working multiple jobs and so on and so forth

facts are facts. there are about 5 people in category 1 for every available job nationwide. throw in the people in category 2, take into account the hr practice of not hiring the unemployed or see where i am going with this. you simply choose to regard these people as 'suckling off the teet' to fit your own worldview.

while i'm sure this holds true for some, i'm sure the vast majority would prefer the dignity of employment, not to mention the livable wage that comes with it. UI is not a glorious lifestyle, nor is it even 'suckling' as you have to pay into the fund when working and only get it if you are out of work through no fault of your own.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Actually there are - a quick bing search shows me over 1,100 job (newspaper classified) listings in Anchorage alone.
Wanna bet that the ranks of Anchorage's unemployed is far and above that number? A quick parusal shows 11,000 unemployed as of November.
Why are these jobs still listed? Could it be that some just prefer to suckle instead of actually supporting themselves?

Already !
I used Anchorage AK numbers.


..... even in the worst of times, this nation has been the single most charitable nation on earth. its people give a greater percentage of their wealth to causes around the globe ......
Hey, this maybe what needs to be addressed, the people in the U.S.A. need only concern them selves with the people of the U.S.A. I don't believe we should interfer with what other nations do to/with it's people. That's up to the UN. I am not saying it's not the humane thing to do but it never ends there. Just look at our "reasoning" for the war on Iraq. Half the time the "cause" is a cart full of crap sold on network TV. I'm just of the thinking that we as Americans do TO much for other nations, maybe those charities should be tabled for the duration of this prez.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no you didn't!

Oh but you did say you were from Anchorage, do the math, 1,100 jobs for 11,000 people?

No wonder, Sarah Palin!

Same state, same stupid.

jeff f

New Member
or could it be that there are 10 people unemployed for every available job? 11,000 only counts the unemployed, it doesn't count all the other work seekers who are not unemployed through no fault of their own.


you better stick to correcting grammar errors cuz thats just dumb.