God did not Create the Universe, says Hawking


Active Member
Why do you think this, and how do you know this?
I would assume the same way you feel the way you do- well studied theorist giving information about their viewpoint. Fun part about it is- no one knows for sure. To make a stand either way requires a certain amount of faith- in either science or religion.


Well-Known Member
Watch the whole lecture, easy to find.

There isn't really a way to know how it started because we are trapped from seeing before about 130million years after the Big Bang. It was all plasma and plasma is neutral to the particles that would let one observe the early universe. How it is suspected to start is even a mystery to me.

From what I can gather there was a nothingness, a void if you will, that is literally nothing. Well this nothing is the resolved universe, its what gives everything all of its weight. Because gravity is an inward force and the nothing, that is everything, is causing the universe to expand it results in a zero energy. Only if the energy is zero(zero point energy) does the universe act as a flat universe which will expand for ever only slowing infinitely reaching an asymptote as to its progression/size ratio.

Confused yet?


Evil Buddies

Ganja King
God is the prime creator of all u say the big bang created the universe but the thing that caused the bug bang created the universe. These astrophysicists mostly work on theories, when u present evidence that contradict their theories. They will deny it when the evidence staring them straight in the face. As most of what they talk of is there theory geusses your geuss about the universe is as good as anothers. Some not all of these professors are so set in there ways and narrow minded it makes them become stupid.



Well-Known Member
God is the prime creator of all u say the big bang created the universe but the thing that caused the bug bang created the universe. These astrophysicists mostly work on theories, when u present evidence that contradict their theories. They will deny it when the evidence staring them straight in the face. As most of what they talk of is there theory geusses your geuss about the universe is as good as anothers. Some not all of these professors are so set in there ways and narrow minded it makes them become stupid.

ahahaha stupid professors don't know shit like evil does.


Well-Known Member
God is the prime creator of all u say the big bang created the universe but the thing that caused the bug bang created the universe. These astrophysicists mostly work on theories, when u present evidence that contradict their theories. They will deny it when the evidence staring them straight in the face. As most of what they talk of is there theory geusses your geuss about the universe is as good as anothers. Some not all of these professors are so set in there ways and narrow minded it makes them become stupid.

...Serious man, again with this?

Learn what "theory" means in science.

If you come up with a scientific idea, that's all it is, an idea, a hypothesis, you then continue on using the scientific method, test some shit out, if it doesn't work, you start over with another hypothesis, but if it does, you finally graduate to theory. A theory in science doesn't mean the same as some regular person saying "I have a theory about _______". Theories are backed up by evidence and data.

And no, yours and my guess is not as good as a scientists. That is what they study, they spend their time working on, they get paid to do. You and I just bullshit on youtube and RIU... When it comes to shit like that, why kid yourself?

Similarly, you wouldn't go to a mechanic to get your plumbing fixed and you wouldn't go to a plumber to get your bread baked... see what I'm sayin'? They don't call them "experts" for no reason. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone whose claiming to be an expert in something is one, but for you to straight up discredit science or scientists for coming up with theories that contradict something you might believe in while presenting evidence to back them up is disingenuous.

Show me proof of any god. You said whatever caused the big bang created the universe... well, what "created" the thing that "created" the big bang? Hmmm smarty pants?
so YOUR god created the earth, then adam, then eve. Then they had kids and then there kids had kids with each other?
do I understand that correctly?


Well-Known Member
"When you understand why you reject all other possible gods, you will know why I reject yours."

For "god" to have created the universe it shouldn't be a flat universe because total energy wouldn't be equal to zero(there would be an external source of energy), and it wouldn't expand forever like a fractal, as the size of universe diminishes in speed of expansion, the complexity of the pieces will get more complex.

And technically Adam and Eve had kids then sent one of their kids to a city after murdering his brother, so there were other people, Adam and Eve were just so high they didn't want to leave the garden.

God is the prime creator of all u say the big bang created the universe but the thing that caused the bug bang created the universe. These astrophysicists mostly work on theories, when u present evidence that contradict their theories. They will deny it when the evidence staring them straight in the face. As most of what they talk of is there theory geusses your geuss about the universe is as good as anothers. Some not all of these professors are so set in there ways and narrow minded it makes them become stupid.



Active Member
"Because there is a law such as gravity"
Unfortunately our understanding of the graviton is very limited, which is one of most fundamental components of everything. When you can only see 3 walls how can you tell what kind of room you're in..?
Hawking is grasping for anything now. His vision of God is locked on the religious icon, not one that can be explained via science. His will wants to not believe in God and his mind follows suit. He has lost his true scientific approach. He is still brilliant by all means, but jaded nonetheless. Four decades of couch lock can dampen your spirits..


In another universe that is a trillion, trillion universes from ours, gravity may not exist. How can we apply our standards on something so vastly far from us that most have trouble comprehending just the distances involved?

Now, if you apply a 360 view of space, then on each plane, you can move another trillion, trillion universes away from ours and again in a 360 from any point within that distance.

If a trillion, trillion universes are nothing more than a mere scratch on the surface of existence, then imagine what can exist beyond that.

The existence of a Deity is a man-made theory based on so little real evidence that when blind faith is removed from the equation, it has no bearing on reality as we know it.

Sure, it's a comforting theory, a soothing blanket upon which we can rest our collective heads and use to cover ourselves to hide from the unknown, but when approached on a logical and factual level, the existence of a Deity is fantasy based on desire, not fact or physics.

Faith is useful to those who find use of it. Those who don't need the use of faith are immune to it.

From the beginning of our universe, there has been no "nothingness". If there is a passage of time or space within two points of existence, then between those points is distance or a space/time relationship that makes it "something". "Nothing cannot exist. Beyond "this" is "that"...forever.

Our minds, being limited by our minuscule knowledge of existence, can't possibly form an accurate opinion of existence in it's whole. You may as well try to get an electron from an atom of feces to explain String Theory to you.

Just relax and enjoy the trip. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Every time science investigates nature, it is found that even things that appear complex, when we look at their parts, the parts are simpler. Now if we imagine some sort of creator, that assumes that there is something more complicated than the thing that got created. To me that's a step backwards in explaining a philosophically satisfying model.
- Garret Lisi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Exceptionally_Simple_Theory_of_Everything

Rofl, I didn't understand a goddamn thing in that link you posted..

Maybe I'm a little too stoned...


Well-Known Member

Rofl, I didn't understand a goddamn thing in that link you posted..

Maybe I'm a little too stoned...
Very advanced mathematics with geometric points that appear to correspond to every known particle in the standard model and additionally has points representing particles that still haven't been discovered like the Higgs and graviton. The summary is that while investigating the E8 lie group he realized that this can be the single equation (for a geometric shape) for the Theory of Everything that has eluded physicists.

Watch Garret Lisi explain it himself http://www.ted.com/talks/garrett_lisi_on_his_theory_of_everything.html


Well-Known Member
Very advanced mathematics with geometric points that appear to correspond to every known particle in the standard model and additionally has points representing particles that still haven't been discovered like the Higgs and graviton. The summary is that while investigating the E8 lie group he realized that this can be the single equation (for a geometric shape) for the Theory of Everything that has eluded physicists.

Watch Garret Lisi explain it himself http://www.ted.com/talks/garrett_lisi_on_his_theory_of_everything.html

you made a wrong turn at the hash bar. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nah I don't buy it. I am not religious, but because gravity exists, everything exists?? That isn't brilliant to me at all. Thats a fucking cop out of epic fail. You can't get something from nothing and we are know wheres near understanding these things. All we have is extreme leap of faith like theories to figure out what happend before the big bang. Or why 90% of the universe appears to be missing.. when in fact we are probably just missing a key factor that we cannot comprehend or simply over looked.

This shit is beautiful my dude


Well-Known Member
Theory != Guess by the way.


Theory does not mean "guess" in science. There are also different degrees of "theory". For instance we have a pretty good idea about the theory of evolution, it is pretty much the accepted theory of how we evolved from primitive life forms to human beings. Same thing with the big bang theory. Both those theories have mountains of evidence to back them up.