Watering Schedules


Active Member
Get a PH/moisture reader, they're real cheap. Alternatively, I like to just lift the pots by hand and test the weight ~ if they feel really light, I water, simple.


Active Member
It always seems light to me; what does the significance of the PH metering to the water mean. Sorry, new to this stuff.


Active Member
You need to monitor your ph ~ PH should be 6.7 -7 for soil and 5.5-5.8 for hydro. Any more of less can affect the growth and health of your plants. PH is important!


Active Member
You need to monitor your ph ~ PH should be 6.7 -7 for soil and 5.5-5.8 for hydro. Any more of less can affect the growth and health of your plants. PH is important!
I noticed in one of the last posts you placed you spoke of a 'moisture' meter is that the same thing as the PH meter?


Active Member
They come as separate meters but I have a combined version which turned out to be very cheap ~ kills two birds with one stone yadayada


New Member
Wow! Another coincidence! One of luda's favorite places to copy and paste from!:dunce:

We know it's you luda!;-)
I have told you already i am NOT luda so stay away from me or i will report you for harassement.
You are a joke and a bad asset to the site. What a disgrace. Do you want me to follow you around and troll you ?????


Well-Known Member
I have told you already i am NOT luda so stay away from me or i will report you for harassement.
You are a joke and a bad asset to the site. What a disgrace.
Go ahead and report me bro. I'll be waiting patiently.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Wow! Another coincidence! One of luda's favorite places to copy and paste from!:dunce:

We know it's you luda!;-)

whats wrong with copying and posting some info? i really dont see anything wrong with it, as long as its helping and giving some good info by all means do it.
as far as watering goes i normally dip my pinky finger about an inch or more into the soil to check for moisture or i use a popsicle wood stick and dip it in and check. just like checking for a cake to see if its done.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with copying and posting some info? i really dont see anything wrong with it, as long as its helping and giving some good info by all means do it.
as far as watering goes i normally dip my pinky finger about an inch or more into the soil to check for moisture or i use a popsicle wood stick and dip it in and check. just like checking for a cake to see if its done.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with copy and pasting information. What is wrong is members who've been banned multiple times for harrassing other members, giving false and misleading information with the sole intent of wrecking people's grows, coming back when they've been shown the door numerous times. There's a reason he's been banned so many times.:fire:


Active Member
I have told you already i am NOT luda so stay away from me or i will report you for harassement.
You are a joke and a bad asset to the site. What a disgrace. Do you want me to follow you around and troll you ?????
I'm kinda new but I smell 'bad blood' and I am not sure what "Troll" exactly is? That's not a threat is it? We should all try to get a long right and someone with only 14 posts should try even harder to get along, at least that's what I would do but then again I am nobody and am not really too smart. (lol)


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda new but I smell 'bad blood' and I am not sure what "Troll" exactly is? That's not a threat is it? We should all try to get a long right and someone with only 14 posts should try even harder to get along, at least that's what I would do but then again I am nobody and am not really too smart. (lol)
Exactly! Someone who just joined would normally go out of their way to fit in and make friends, not get all bent out of shape when there's a case of mistaken identity. I'm not that smart either bro.;-)


Active Member
There is more to it than that, it really doesn't have anything to do with cutting or pasting, I do a lot of that myself, it has more to do with who people are and nothing at all to do with moisture but I do understand what you are saying, LOL.


Well-Known Member
There is more to it than that, it really doesn't have anything to do with cutting or pasting, I do a lot of that myself, it has more to do with who people are and nothing at all to do with moisture but I do understand what you are saying, LOL.
As long as a person links the website they got the information from or cites the source there is absolutely nothing wrong with copy and pasting. There is a lot of info that is exactly what's needed for most situations. Why not take advantage of that info? Someone simply pointed out that this individual always copys and pastes from that website. Mistaken identity I guess.:roll:


Well-Known Member
just give him a chance will ya. i mean werent we all newbies at one point. if the info seems legit then its all good........ and i know what you mean doc111. those type of weeds we dont fuck with just pull them out. its all good 69. i guess now you know why he would be saying that. but if youre not "that" guy then its all good and keep on posting good links and trust me we will find out if youre a bad weed or good weed. its all about helping out with good and helpfull info. peace yall. and by all means dont take it as if i was attacking anyone. i just like giving people the benefit of the doubt.