...24 hours prior to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder


Well-Known Member
sadly blacks are more likely to commit more crime than whites.
it has more to do with socioeconomic status, years of segregation, institutionalized discrimination, racism, oppression, and the cycle of poverty.

if you really think that it is as simple as 'increased levels of melanin in the skin equates to higher crime rates', than you are too dumb to fix.

but hey, i'm sure you're talking point goes well at all your rallies, meetings and cross burnings, eh? do tell, do you guys still do lynchings?


Well-Known Member
Its not Martin Luther king day today I believe they call today james Earl ray day
celebrate an assassin, ignore the peaceful protester who fought for equality and civil rights for ALL americans.

you represent everything that is wrong with this country and by extension, the world.

not even close to funny.


Active Member
I'm disgusted by anyone who puts this man down. I'm white myself, and I can't be more embarrassed by my ancestry for the fact that a man like MLK had to come around. Of course, he didn't favor whites as much of blacks, he grew up being discriminated against, being told by whites that he and his whole race were worthless pieces of shit that couldn't piss in the same place as a white man. Stop continuing racism, were finally living in a more equal world, and today is a day to celebrate on of the greatest men in not just American History but the whole fucking worlds history.


Well-Known Member
It appears there are some around here who has opinions but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals. If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR own....you're simply spouting off shit....you fucking babies......you should be in Memphis celebrating ..........


Well-Known Member
It appears there are some around here who has opinions but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals. If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR own....you're simply spouting off shit....you fucking babies......you should be in Memphis celebrating ..........
I live in the South. Born and raised. What does where I live have to do with whether I'm racist or not? Bigotry isn't regional, it's taught and learned. It's obvious from your posts on the matter that you are a proud, racist redneck. You need to look to others to justify your fucked up feelings. In order to feel good about yourself, you need to trash others. MLK preached about equality for all men and women, not just blacks. He talked about resisting violence, and peaceful marches and protests.

Along comes someone such as yourself that would tarnish this man's legacy to justify your own racist heritage?

How white of you....


Active Member
It appears there are some around here who has opinions but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals. If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR own....you're simply spouting off shit....you fucking babies......you should be in Memphis celebrating ..........
I'm the most conservative mother fucker you'll find, and even I'm pretty damn racist, but I can appreciate a man who changed the course of this country for the better. Also, do you not remember Malcom X he could have been the leader of the black movement in the 50s and 60s if MLK was not around, and that would have turned out horribly for this country. Its the 21st century the civil war has been over for some time and the north won, get over it I know I was able to.


Well-Known Member
It appears there are some around here who has opinions
"have" opinions. please learn to conjugate verbs correctly.

but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals.
liberals don't exist in the south? explain the blue on this map then...


by the way, "elitists".

If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR own....you're simply spouinting off shit....you fucking babies......
so i have to be at least 41 years of age to have an opinion, otherwise i am just "spouinting" off shit? (whatever "spouinting" is....)

View attachment 1387486


Well-Known Member
so i post some statistics and now im in the kkk. WOW. How long are you going to excuse crime for a society because of slavery almost 150 years ago? There becomes a point where blacks can realize they need to stop the path they are heading for and change. Just cause your great grandparents were slaves doesn't give you the right to go rob, steal, and murder. The blacks are given every opportunity a white person has and even more thanks to (affirmative action). If people are going to keep giving them to right to abuse a past problem that America faced then they are going to keep doing it.


Well-Known Member
i am not putting down a race or MLK. I am just saying i know zero slaves and i know zero slave owners. The past is gone and everyone is on a equal platform, the past cannot be used as an excuse for problems you face. If you see it this way your going to go nowhere. If i asked anyone in America now if they personally knew a slave of slave owner the answer would be no almost 100% of the time. Quit dawning on the past and get the fuck over it.


Well-Known Member
so i post some statistics and now im in the kkk. WOW. How long are you going to excuse crime for a society because of slavery almost 150 years ago? There becomes a point where blacks can realize they need to stop the path they are heading for and change. Just cause your great grandparents were slaves doesn't give you the right to go rob, steal, and murder. The blacks are given every opportunity a white person has and even more thanks to (affirmative action). If people are going to keep giving them to right to abuse a past problem that America faced then they are going to keep doing it.
I stated that the source of your "study" is bigoted. I never called you a KKK member. Your statistics are flawed, because they come from a guy that believes in and preaches segregation. That fact alone makes your statistics worthless, because they are biased.

No one is allowing transgressions based on history. We have the largest prison population in the world, the majority of the inmates are black. How are they being allowed to abuse a past problem? And speaking of affirmative action, how does that even begin to make up for poverty, social ills and a ghetto life? Don't forget, a lot of us where alive when there was a black bathroom and a white bathroom.... I'm getting vibes that several of you would love to return to those days...


Well-Known Member
I stated that the source of your "study" is bigoted. I never called you a KKK member. Your statistics are flawed, because they come from a guy that believes in and preaches segregation. That fact alone makes your statistics worthless, because they are biased.

No one is allowing transgressions based on history. We have the largest prison population in the world, the majority of the inmates are black. How are they being allowed to abuse a past problem? And speaking of affirmative action, how does that even begin to make up for poverty, social ills and a ghetto life? Don't forget, a lot of us where alive when there was a black bathroom and a white bathroom.... I'm getting vibes that several of you would love to return to those days...

I was talking to UnlceBuck who said "but hey, i'm sure you're talking point goes well at all your rallies, meetings and cross burnings, eh? do tell, do you guys still do lynchings?"

Statistics are statistics they are either right or wrong it doesn't matter the view point of the author. The sources of the pdf come from reputable sources such as the FBI so it being made up is complete BS. Slavery is over, whites of later generations are paying a price for something I have no relation too. I did not own a slave nor take part in slavery. Why should I be punished. By the way who is this guy you speak of that preaches segregation and wrote this pdf i showed you?

Big P

Well-Known Member
if you take blacks as a group, and whites as a group and found out the percentages of racist blacks to racisit whites in each group. I would hazard to guess that a higher percentage of blacks are racist these days than whites, if not atleast an equal amount,

the pengelum has swung already, the student has already surpassed the "masta" if you will

im an arab not even from this hemisphere, I tend to trust blck skined people less then white skined people when it comes to money, if all I have to go on it sight.

this is what I have learned from the expiriances I have had in the regions where I have resided in america, and I can get you a shit ton of black people from my stoping grounds who would also trust a white skinned person first before a black person when it comes to money, if all you had to go on was sight.

this makes us smart & aware of our surroundings, not racist. it could just be that in our areas we have more problems with darkies than whities.

could be compleately different somwhere else.

and even though my above quoted thoughts are highly logical non racist and compeleatly correct.

I garantee there are several readers who are currently offended by my statments.

if sombody says to me I trust the arab looking dudes less than the white lookin dudes at the airport. I would laugh slap you five and say me too homie. me being arab this doesnt offend me it tells me you actually have a brain and a spine to back up that brain.


Active Member
i found it quite amusing that there wasn't even an authors name on the pdf file...looks like somebody made a paper for a journal (hence the absence of authors) and they never got published...


Active Member
why don't we take a look at how much money is given to predominately minority school districts as opposed to primarily white schools...


Well-Known Member
why don't we take a look at how much money is given to predominately minority school districts as opposed to primarily white schools...
Check out Memphis' dilema with city schools (black) trying drag down the county schools (white) by transferring their debt.....

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Honest to God this happened just today.

I was out having lunch and someone at my table said that lunch might be Hogmahs soup and I laughed and said maybe there'd be Okra in it. And the waitress said they weren't serving Oprah in any soup!?!