Well-Known Member
thenk you dont like Eddie Lizzards stand up comedy LOL just fucking with ya LOL
oh, you poor baby. it must be so tough being white in america, what with all the black on white racism.Sorry to even see a thread here devoted to such a racist.
it has more to do with socioeconomic status, years of segregation, institutionalized discrimination, racism, oppression, and the cycle of poverty.sadly blacks are more likely to commit more crime than whites.
celebrate an assassin, ignore the peaceful protester who fought for equality and civil rights for ALL americans.Its not Martin Luther king day today I believe they call today james Earl ray day
I live in the South. Born and raised. What does where I live have to do with whether I'm racist or not? Bigotry isn't regional, it's taught and learned. It's obvious from your posts on the matter that you are a proud, racist redneck. You need to look to others to justify your fucked up feelings. In order to feel good about yourself, you need to trash others. MLK preached about equality for all men and women, not just blacks. He talked about resisting violence, and peaceful marches and protests.It appears there are some around here who has opinions but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals. If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR're simply spouting off fucking should be in Memphis celebrating ..........
I'm the most conservative mother fucker you'll find, and even I'm pretty damn racist, but I can appreciate a man who changed the course of this country for the better. Also, do you not remember Malcom X he could have been the leader of the black movement in the 50s and 60s if MLK was not around, and that would have turned out horribly for this country. Its the 21st century the civil war has been over for some time and the north won, get over it I know I was able to.It appears there are some around here who has opinions but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals. If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR're simply spouting off fucking should be in Memphis celebrating ..........
"have" opinions. please learn to conjugate verbs correctly.It appears there are some around here who has opinions
liberals don't exist in the south? explain the blue on this map then...but some of those opinions show you don't live in the south or are among the so called eliteist/liberals.
so i have to be at least 41 years of age to have an opinion, otherwise i am just "spouinting" off shit? (whatever "spouinting" is....)If you didn't grow up in the 50's and 60's you don't have a valid point of YOUR're simply spouinting off fucking babies......
I stated that the source of your "study" is bigoted. I never called you a KKK member. Your statistics are flawed, because they come from a guy that believes in and preaches segregation. That fact alone makes your statistics worthless, because they are i post some statistics and now im in the kkk. WOW. How long are you going to excuse crime for a society because of slavery almost 150 years ago? There becomes a point where blacks can realize they need to stop the path they are heading for and change. Just cause your great grandparents were slaves doesn't give you the right to go rob, steal, and murder. The blacks are given every opportunity a white person has and even more thanks to (affirmative action). If people are going to keep giving them to right to abuse a past problem that America faced then they are going to keep doing it.
I stated that the source of your "study" is bigoted. I never called you a KKK member. Your statistics are flawed, because they come from a guy that believes in and preaches segregation. That fact alone makes your statistics worthless, because they are biased.
No one is allowing transgressions based on history. We have the largest prison population in the world, the majority of the inmates are black. How are they being allowed to abuse a past problem? And speaking of affirmative action, how does that even begin to make up for poverty, social ills and a ghetto life? Don't forget, a lot of us where alive when there was a black bathroom and a white bathroom.... I'm getting vibes that several of you would love to return to those days...
Check out Memphis' dilema with city schools (black) trying drag down the county schools (white) by transferring their debt.....why don't we take a look at how much money is given to predominately minority school districts as opposed to primarily white schools...