Well-Known Member
You cited the damn source! You don't know anything about the author or the American Rennaisance affair they host every year? Why would you toss out a pdf report, that excludes the author's or groups name or affiliation, without at least researching the report? You went to google and found the first thing that you thought supported your argument. The report was put together by a racist group that considers humans to be tribal, and needing to be with their own kind (color). Google your report and dig a little deeper.I was talking to UnlceBuck who said "but hey, i'm sure you're talking point goes well at all your rallies, meetings and cross burnings, eh? do tell, do you guys still do lynchings?"
Statistics are statistics they are either right or wrong it doesn't matter the view point of the author. The sources of the pdf come from reputable sources such as the FBI so it being made up is complete BS. Slavery is over, whites of later generations are paying a price for something I have no relation too. I did not own a slave nor take part in slavery. Why should I be punished. By the way who is this guy you speak of that preaches segregation and wrote this pdf i showed you?
I'm willing to bet you join the group, as they seem right up your alley. They view all of our woes as originating with the blacks. For every problem in society, they have an accussation against the black communnity. They are bigots.