Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn


Well-Known Member
They did smarten up with the vests.But people will adjust and get stronger firepower or just start head hunting.


Well-Known Member
again im curious as to what the "labels" comment was about i really havent a fuckin clue.

A buddy of mine in Alaska used a company called Valjean, in Florida... to produce and label his chap stick for sale up there... just thought the coincidence was funny.


Well-Known Member
lol I just read more of the story in the op to.I would of shot his dumbass to if he pulled a garden hose on me in the middle of the night.
I still think the cops should of used bean bags like they did with hundreds of other situations like this.


Well-Known Member
i know that some of his actions must have led to it but really if you raid a house and accidentally harm a child nextdoor while the only person in the house you raided is on the floor undercontrol
well, you are the one to blame. they had to have known the number of people living their after six months of surveillance
There was NO FUCKIN WAY they could not have noticed. Funny thing trial time........guess how much evidence there was that I was selling out of the house...................................

FUCKIN ZERO !!! Not one bit of evidence. The only thing they had was me driving to other people's houses. I NEVER had people come by my house. In fact, it bordered on "unfounded warrant".

I got to plea out because the case was weak. The only fact that showed I was trafficking was the shit seperated out into weighed parcels. No video evidence of traffickin, never sold to a narc....nothing.

So in all that inactive watch time, they must have fallen asleep everytime her and her kid moved around out there. Thats what happens when you overload on doughnut carbs.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine in Alaska used a company called Valjean, in Florida... to produce and label his chap stick for sale up there... just thought the coincidence was funny.
yeah that is funny i had no idea.

its jean valjean from my favorite book!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they knew exactly how many people were there, the mother and kid included...
And they were going to flashbang then raid....that's why they were stacking at her door.

They HAD NO FUCKING CLUE she was downstairs. I nearly got shot in the head because I was flipping out trying to get it thru their thick fucking skullls......

holy shit, you would suit being a cop perfectly.

Fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit. Fuckstain.


Well-Known Member
yayyy!!! so beautiful, those french authors sure can go on though about off topic stuff, there is pages and pages on waterloo that seemed a lil unrelated.

you like proust? beautiful french author as well


Well-Known Member
And they were going to flashbang then raid....that's why they were stacking at her door.

They HAD NO FUCKING CLUE she was downstairs. I nearly got shot in the head because I was flipping out trying to get it thru their thick fucking skullls......

holy shit, you would suit being a cop perfectly.

Fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit. Fuckstain.

kinda sounds like "surveillance"... was code for six month long circle jerk


Well-Known Member
And they were going to flashbang then raid....that's why they were stacking at her door.

They HAD NO FUCKING CLUE she was downstairs. I nearly got shot in the head because I was flipping out trying to get it thru their thick fucking skullls......

holy shit, you would suit being a cop perfectly.

Fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit. Fuckstain.

Oh, they were going to flashbang, how do you know that?

I actually think you're lying, because if they were using flashbang entries, they would've done it to your unit, yet you never mentioned that... I think you just like making cops look worse than they really are.

As for the "Holier than thou" crap... you may be right in comparison to you... you admitted to being a cocaine trafficker, I think you should be shot in both knee caps and hung out to die for the damage you've done to other people's lives... the cartels you supported, probably have used kids as sex toys.

Edit: Still, we oughta meet for a joint or two when I head back up to Alaska! How far's Beaver Creek, YT from ya?! Remember this is just a forum and we'll all have difference of opinions and sometimes very passionate differences... that said there is not a soul on here who I've argued with time and time again that I wouldn't stop for and smoke a joint with, as I believe ganja transcends all forms of argument

yayyy!!! so beautiful, those french authors sure can go on though about off topic stuff, there is pages and pages on waterloo that seemed a lil unrelated.

you like proust? beautiful french author as well
Ahhh, you've reminded me that I long ago I told myself I'd read Proust's "In Search of Lost Time" as I've never read any of his books... thanks!


Well-Known Member
Oh, they were going to flashbang, how do you know that?

I actually think you're lying, because if they were using flashbang entries, they would've done it to your unit, yet you never mentioned that... I think you just like making cops look worse than they really are.

As for the "Holier than thou" crap... you may be right in comparison to you... you admitted to being a cocaine trafficker, I think you should be shot in both knee caps and hung out to die for the damage you've done to other people's lives... the cartels you supported, probably have used kids as sex toys.
I should be shot and executed for something I did in the past. Something I served my time for COMPLETELY incident free. Not so much as a parking ticket.

I started the story at the point of being on the ground, I was hit with flashbangs prior to being restrained. Her and her son were cowering downstairs, wondering what the hell was going on upstairs. They were in FULL TACTICAL gear. Of course they were going to. And if you think it would be any less traumatic for the fucking kid.

I went thru it.....don't give a fuck if you believe me. She and her son went thru it. I'm sure they don't care if a faggot stooly believes it or not.

Just keep living in your snitch, cop dick sucking world. People like you will be dealt with one day.

Was gonna show men being hung.........but thought this suited you better.


Well-Known Member
do you think it would be any less traumatic for the fucking kid.

I went thru it.....don't give a fuck if you believe me. She and her son went thru it. I'm sure they don't care if a faggot stooly believes it or not..
The past... this raid was in the past yes? This raid was because of your cocaine trafficking yes?

You shouldn't shit where you eat, simple point... you failed to follow that rule and people almost got hurt because of it...

Yet you wanted to lay all the blame on the police... which, as you know, isn't right.

As for the snitching world, wouldn't know a thing about it... whatever I have is mine and nobody elses... as for sucking a cops dick, that's a typical lame response to people who respect the police, you should also be quoting the 6 or 7 others in this thread who've stated their support for police and suggest they also suck off the police.

However, the offer for a few joints still stands, I edited my post that you quoted so I don't think you caught it... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, you've reminded me that I long ago I told myself I'd read Proust's "In Search of Lost Time" as I've never read any of his books... thanks!

i am only three volumes into it its wonderful. if you liked victor hugo i would definitely recommend.

its like looking at lives of actual people with every act and thought of their lives preserved perfectly in amber.


Well-Known Member
Oh, they were going to flashbang, how do you know that?

I actually think you're lying, because if they were using flashbang entries, they would've done it to your unit, yet you never mentioned that... I think you just like making cops look worse than they really are.

As for the "Holier than thou" crap... you may be right in comparison to you... you admitted to being a cocaine trafficker, I think you should be shot in both knee caps and hung out to die for the damage you've done to other people's lives... the cartels you supported, probably have used kids as sex toys.
Nah, he grew his own cocaine.


Well-Known Member
However, the offer for a few joints still stands, I edited my post that you quoted so I don't think you caught it... ;-)
You just said I should be shot and hung and all that ya wanna smoke with me......I get it.

You're mentally fucking challenged.

R U fuckin kidding me. I'll stick with my coke dealing friends that would never drop a dime on me. Or blame me for cops raiding and not doing their fucking homework.

She moved in after me. She knew me from before. She could have easily NOT moved in there. Life is life and takes people in many different directions and puts them in weird or bad situations.

The simple fact is, the cops could have done their job better. If they had, they could have got a conviction with a REAL sentence. All the "observing" or lack there of, could have been spent on getting actual footage they could use against me.

You would think.....

"Hey, we have to raid this place..............better get the floor plan"

"Oh's 2 legal suites...."

"I guess we should see who lives where......"

"oh, OK, this phone number cross references with this person who is NOT OF INTEREST. Shit, we got a mom and her kid there. We better figure this out"

That's what any professional would do who CLAIMS to protect and serve the public.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
lastmonth in dallas tx. the narcos were doing surveilance on a dealer. he gets in his car and drives off...they send in a patrol car to make a rolling stop, he stops then takes off ...the cop grabs ahold of the car (dumb ass move) ANYWAYS THE COPS GETTING DRAGED SO HE PULLS OUT HIS GUN AND STARTS BUSTIN CAPS KILLING THE DRIVER TURNS OUT THERE WERE 3 LITTLE KIDS IN THE BACK SEAT of the car that the police had (by their own admission) under surveilance. now sacota, i know your gonna spew off some shit about he shouldnt have ran and its true, but those fuckin police would rather risk the lives of those 3 kids instead of waiting and getting him later... now how in the fuck can you justify that mr. im so fuckin good. lets get your expert answer suck-o-ta