Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

Wade Benz

New Member
Not to trail off on the topic at hand =P

Can't we all agree that the problem is much further underlying. i.e. Police training and proper engagement in potentially hostile situations. Perhaps it was a newbie officer who shot first whom was under-trained to deal with this incident, or a tired cop pulling a double-shift..., the problem goes much deeper than the actual incident..., the one consistent on here as that you've all showed incidents of cops doing bad things, so its universal, not just in America, so this widespread problem is rooted in something much bigger than we all care to comprehend...
Take for instance the "teachers" ie, the Police Academy and their policy's and procedures on engaging potentially hostile/armed civilians, but then again, I'm sure those policy's were drafted by the Congress whom wanted to make our streets safer because of the INSANE amount of guns on the streets of America (since... I honestly don't know when, before my time), not realizing in fact they are harming future potential police forces whom tailor their training to deal with HOSTILE America, not passive America. Or do we blame the Government that first allowed civilians to bare arms (fucking Lincoln was it?), b/c if that wasn't the case, then likely, this any many other deaths would not have happened.

It's not like America's going to get invaded from foreign countries anytime soon, so, the gun laws should have been changed way back when America finished WWII and the potential for invasion has pretty much never existed since, but since, the gun laws have not changed, so as they continue to flow into the streets of America through legal means, meanwhile policy's and law's have been re-written in many different arms/branches of government (security guards, homeland security, private security firms, drones surveying the border of USA/Mexico) to deal with and react to situations involving firearms. It's like we're battling a disease with a slight variation of the same disease instead of trying to find an antibody.

So, perhaps a dumb officer shot first and the others followed suit, as a gang does..., but the blame stems from a source rooted much deeper than the police that shot the innocent man.

We all know majority of the police are good people and humane, just like some of us growers and connoisseurs and then, just like us growers and connoisseurs, we have our bad-apples, but in the case of the bad-cops, they're ability to abuse their power &/or fuck-up and kill somebody, far exceeds that of someone whom is taking part in an illegal grow show and therefore is far from humane and he/she/they should be held accountable for his actions. The humane thing to do is first and foremost, tak responsibility for their actions and be sympathetic IN THEIR FUCKUP, then explain why it happened. Not immediately hop to the defense and offer no condolences, how does that do anything but create more animosity and more of a rift between the people and the badge? Oh, and that cop's that fired their pistols, should stand trial. That is Just and fair.

It's all about protecting the institutions man, sadly so.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
wow sir long post im sure its great,but now were talking about coke and wife swapping, lohan and and airplanes. ill read it now.


Well-Known Member
@ answer your question......

Here's how I would take you out with my vac truck if I knew you were in a car near me.

Run into the side of ya.....that's a given. Then I would get out, with a 10 lb sledge, smash your window in and fuck you up a little. Then.....I would open the back gate, throw your ass in there. Then seal it up and throw about a 10 lb vacuum on the tank. If that didnt kill ya....I would find the nastiest, bumpiest road I could find, and hit it doing about 60 mph. Let you bounce off the baffles for a while, the whole time your head swelling up from lack of pressure.

Then I'd tip the tank straight up, crack the wing nuts on the door then release the pressure. If the sudden change in pressure doesn't pop your skull, hittin the ground and 3000 lb gate might hurt.

Then, I would get my buddy to show up in a pressure truck with a tank full of caustic. I'd throw your ass in there, and enjoy the show. You would be dead shortly after that.....but the fun part is still to come.

After a week or so, after you've liquified, I would throw the pressure truck in gear, tie onto a wellhead, and start pumping. The last noise I'd hear from you would be your teeth rattling down the tubing.

They might find bits of ya 650 million years from now when the next evolution of man decides to drill for oil.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Please use better reading comprehension skills... I was talking hypothetically... stating that had he fallen off and called off the pursuit, the driver more than likely would've continued to drive like an idiot until he wrecked and killed everyone in the car.

HOWEVER, since the cop DID kill the driver, the car stopped safely, and 3 kids + a cop are alive due to his actions... bravo!
no sacata, he created the danger by grabbing the car. are you so fuckin STUPID you cant read ? jeesh, is every body in your family as dumb as you. stupidity breeds stupidity and youre the grand prize of the breeding program, sure wish i could reach thru this intertube and bitch slap the stupid out of you...


Well-Known Member
@ answer your question......

Here's how I would take you out with my vac truck if I knew you were in a car near me.

Run into the side of ya.....that's a given. Then I would get out, with a 10 lb sledge, smash your window in and fuck you up a little. Then.....I would open the back gate, throw your ass in there. Then seal it up and throw about a 10 lb vacuum on the tank. If that didnt kill ya....I would find the nastiest, bumpiest road I could find, and hit it doing about 60 mph. Let you bounce off the baffles for a while, the whole time your head swelling up from lack of pressure.

Then I'd tip the tank straight up, crack the wing nuts on the door then release the pressure. If the sudden change in pressure doesn't pop your skull, hittin the ground and 3000 lb gate might hurt.

Then, I would get my buddy to show up in a pressure truck with a tank full of caustic. I'd throw your ass in there, and enjoy the show. You would be dead shortly after that.....but the fun part is still to come.

After a week or so, after you've liquified, I would throw the pressure truck in gear, tie onto a wellhead, and start pumping. The last noise I'd hear from you would be your teeth rattling down the tubing.

They might find bits of ya 650 million years from now when the next evolution of man decides to drill for oil.

usually when i find myself fantasizing about things like this i go mix a drink. for a few drinks you are in that peacefull midland of drunkeness where you wish no one harm, before all the desires to kill people come back with those last few drinks :(.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
and yes benzino i agree there needs to be a better way. maybe cops can show up in robot gear. walk up to the guy and confront him.


Well-Known Member
hmmm robo cop would never conveniently misplace his dash cam either.... i think you are on to something mongo


Well-Known Member
usually when i find myself fantasizing about things like this i go mix a drink. for a few drinks you are in that peacefull midland of drunkeness where you wish no one harm, before all the desires to kill people come back with those last few drinks :(.
That is the worst thing I could do.

And he did ask if I would kill him with my vac truck, so I just elaborated on how. That would be one of the most merciful ones I could come up with.

I could throw him in a tank with H2S gas, let him pass out, then revive him. I could just sit in the tank with him, and just before he actually dies, I could give him the extra mask I would be carrying. I could do that as long as I least until his brain jellified. I could even use SABA rather than SCBA. Constant air supply, so I don't have to exit the tank and recharge/change out air tanks.

No one ever said I was stable......


Well-Known Member
wow i am both excited and frightened. are you gonna get high as fuck then build a robo cop?

cause that will either turn out perfectly or he will destroy us all.


Well-Known Member
That is the worst thing I could do.

And he did ask if I would kill him with my vac truck, so I just elaborated on how. That would be one of the most merciful ones I could come up with.

I could throw him in a tank with H2S gas, let him pass out, then revive him. I could just sit in the tank with him, and just before he actually dies, I could give him the extra mask I would be carrying. I could do that as long as I least until his brain jellified. I could even use SABA rather than SCBA. Constant air supply, so I don't have to exit the tank and recharge/change out air tanks.

No one ever said I was stable......
alchy no helpy?

that sucks balls i cant get mad about shit when im drunk. its all a joke.

and im always drunk, so im a fairly happy person now i can afford to be always lit.

thank you micky C

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
usually when i find myself fantasizing about things like this i go mix a drink. for a few drinks you are in that peacefull midland of drunkeness where you wish no one harm, before all the desires to kill people come back with those last few drinks :(.
lol, first post,...cops kill a drunk and you suggest getting drunk, ha-ha, its enough to sober a drunk man up,lol(hick-up)

Wade Benz

New Member
and yes benzino i agree there needs to be a better way. maybe cops can show up in robot gear. walk up to the guy and confront him.
no problems then, fuck the drunk guy could have tossed the sprinkler hose at the cop's head and things would have still be kosher, maybe they would have even joked about it afterwards....