White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.


Well-Known Member
as this is the first time ive been on this web site its gona take me a little while to work evthing out so please stay tuned coz im going to put pics of my plants and g,rm in shortly...


New Member
welcome to rollitup bro. enjoy your stay and if you get stuck just ask. thats what big bro's are for.



Well-Known Member
im growing in 3- 20 litre nft tanks and using 2 x 400w hps.
i use advanced nutrients sensi grow/bloom 2part ferts and have most of there other products in the range..(costs a fortune lol)..

any1 with info on advanced nutrients please leave your comments and exchange info with me coz as all beginners we need a little help from time to time..
thanx in advance..

these clones are now in flower and as you can see in the pics there doin really well. i only vegged for 2-3 wks and im now flowering.
im only at the end of the first wk in flower and have another 7 to go.. will add more pics soon.

any comments , tips and info will be gratefully accepted.. thanx



Well-Known Member
in my g,rm there is 4 big bud and 4 white widow clones.. that big1 shouldnt really have been put in my tanks coz its a monster and will prob overgrow evthing in the tub lol.. others are now catching up a bit and are only 8 inches smaller.
a wk or 2 and they mite even off a little.
sumtimes i am getting a ph problem and dnt really know wots causing it..
jst say if i tested ph today and it was 5.6 tomorrow it would rise to 6.1-6.3????
i re-set the ph and the nxt day its gone back to the same high reading as yesterday.??? is this normal or is there a problem .???


New Member
alrite bro, as you know i had the same ph probs but i didnt get a proper answer to the same question so hopefully someone can help out here.


Well-Known Member
its just my mobile phone m8. u get that from the hps. im getting a digital cam shortly so ev1 can see my pics clearer and without the lines.


Well-Known Member
just gave second wks feed and evthin is hunky dory lol.. cf reading is 8 and ph is 5.6-5.8. temp is 70-80f which is fine and humidity is high -60-70%.

whats the best way to keep humidity down coz its causin mildew or powdery residue on sum of the leaves on my biggest bigbud afghani. ive tried takin the cold air feed frm outside , in the loft and from down stairs.. outside air seems to lower it alot but as its frosty outside i dont wana chance them getting too cold at nite when the lights are off n thats why im taking air frm dwn stairz at the moment..

any pointers would be appreciated thanx


Well-Known Member
the tub on the right hand side is being fed greenhaze grow/bloom 2 parter. i also use triple f which is a flowering booster and add it from the 14 day of flower till the 46th day. says it can increase yield by as much as 50%.

i dnt know much about this fert but will see how it goes against advanced nutrients products. (already its losing lol).
my plants that are being fed with adv nutes are almost twice the size.


Well-Known Member
here are my advanced nutrient feeding chartst.

if you think im doing ok or if you think im adding to much of one chemical then dnt hesitate to say.. any info is good info so share the knowlege ppl..




New Member
we want more pics lol.... have you got your clones sorted out bro ? cant wait to see them. good luck.



Well-Known Member
will be posting sum pics in the mornin bro lol.. took 14 cuttings from them and if any dont make it i will take sum more... i mite plan on growing more but will see what happens in the next few days.
i took 10 bigbud and 4 widow coz im starting to favour the afghan for its size n growth rate.
the white widow seems alot smaller n less bushy but im only 2 wks in2 flowering so things could all change..
will also post pics of my 11 day old white rhino thats doing really well in the (dwc ) bubbler i made out of a 12 litre bucket..



New Member
will be posting sum pics in the mornin bro lol.. took 14 cuttings from them and if any dont make it i will take sum more... i mite plan on growing more but will see what happens in the next few days.
i took 10 bigbud and 4 widow coz im starting to favour the afghan for its size n growth rate.
the white widow seems alot smaller n less bushy but im only 2 wks in2 flowering so things could all change..
will also post pics of my 11 day old white rhino thats doing really well in the (dwc ) bubbler i made out of a 12 litre bucket..

the bigbud x nl i grew last year got so big lol it took over my grow room. there wasnt any room for anything else in there, it was touching the walls on all sides lol. this pic was taken with still 3 or 4 weeks to go in flower lol, it got bigger and bushier than this but i dont have a pic. i still have some of the bigbud x nl seeds which i might work into my next grow if i can find a big enough space to grow lol.




Well-Known Member
i will appolagize for sum of the pics coz they were taken on my mobile and my lights are causing interferance..

as promised here are the pics of my cuttings 4 widow n 10 bigbud afghani. there all from female plants which ive been growing for a while now. they look really healthy and were took yesterday so ide say its a good sign that there still living but as you know only time will tell..

also here is pics of my bubbler system that i made myself from a 12 litre bucket. the white rhino ive got in it is now12 days old and is doing really well.. ive started feeding it today with the (sensi grow advanced nute) and hopfully it will flourish.. im only using a single flourescent 18w tube light as it will keep costs dwn and im just planning on getting it big enough to take a cutting so i can see wot sex it is.. hopfully its a female lol..

ive added more pics of my grow room for you all 2see and for only being 15 days into flowering i think im doing well lol.
the big one is still around 30 inches and rest are bout 20-24inches. they all have started to produce bud and heres hoping they make it to the end..

will be adding more pics in a day or two.

