Ocean Forest or Happy Frog


ffof sucks it burned my plants. i didnt do anything wrong to cause this,only conclusion is that it was the soil,this works for some ppl and alot of ppl agree with me
go with happy frog or light warrior, but dont listen to me beacuse i listend to ppl on here about ffof and fucked my plants.
but do some research before u buy,but eitherway i did research on ffof,said it worked and ueah,so just my expirience kid.
Wow. You just have to jump in on every thread about OF with your whining about how yo... er... Ocean Forest... fucked your plants up.

" I didnt do anything wrong to cause this..."
And how the hell do we know that? We don't! All we have is your word that 'you' didn't mess your plants up...so it must've been the Ocean Forest. Well, I believe that you believe that you didn't mess your plants up... but you might be fooling yourself. I've been watching you. Remember this other post of yours that I responded to but you didn't?
@the forum owna. i personally said fuck ffof i got brown spots and yellow leaves from this shit cuz i heard so many ppl say its good so i got me sum. same day i transplanted they started to turn yellow,spreaded out more,then brown spots i threw that shit away and got me some MG. and to the ppl who are going to talk shit,no didnt feed it nutes,my water is good so it was the soil and no im not a noob,doesnt take a genius to grow Mj
lol but you are a noob apparently, sorry, just really seems that way. Plants don't get fucked the moment you put them into a new soil, even if it was a hot one. I suspect what you really had was deficiencies or some other pH related issue from your previous mix and couldn't leave well enough alone\wait long enough for things to resolve themselves.

Plenty of people even claim to start seeds directly in OF without issue. Personally I start with a soil-less mix and transplant into OF, but either way I can say with a high degree of confidence: OF didn't fuck your plants up, especially if your plants were at least a couple weeks old when you transplanted them.
By your own admission you didn't even leave the plants in the soil for any real amount of time. Sounds like you freaked out because you didn't even know what was going on and OF was a good scape goat for you. But, whatever man.

Ocean Forest does work. Quite well. But you can't expect it to grow the plant for you and suck your balls, alright?

Black Gold/Sunshine Organic soil-less mixes are also decent, but keep in mind that they are soil-less and have no nutritional value. I use the Sunshine #4 to start seeds in, it's a good mix of sphagnum and coir with mycorrhizae as well.


Active Member
Some people claim that ffof burns seedling, I can tell you that this has not been the case in my personal experience using ffof. Maybe they had a super sensitive strain, maybe when they transplanted into ffof soil they killed their seedling because they didn't know how to handle the plant correctly.

We will never know, I don't agree with blaming a soil for your troubles unless you're 100% certain it was the culprit.


Active Member
I do not use FFOF exclusively, but have used it many times and have never BURNED anything in any stage of growth.....however I have recently begun starting clones and seedlings in a seed starter soil mix.


Active Member
i think im picking up some nice cheap soiless mix,and going to mix it with some ffof and perlite.what would be the best way to mix these 3(as in how much of each should i mix?)(i use 3 gal. pots) and @peacefulkid1992 idk wth your talking about man,i seen some grows on this site done with OF and some mix n the children were looking gorgeous


Well-Known Member
i think im picking up some nice cheap soiless mix,and going to mix it with some ffof and perlite.what would be the best way to mix these 3(as in how much of each should i mix?)(i use 3 gal. pots) and @peacefulkid1992 idk wth your talking about man,i seen some grows on this site done with OF and some mix n the children were looking gorgeous
yea i bet peacufulkid1992 was over-watering his plants thats y they were all fuked up or whatever, it wasnt FFOF it was him..anyways, if your ganna mix FFOF and perlite just buy a little bag of perlite..i personally put the perlite at he bottom of my pot so the water doesn't sit or soak at the bottom it just drains out..then i do 2scoops or so of FFOF then a scoop of perlite until my pot is full..but it's really up to you how u wanna mix it


Active Member
im on the advanced message and the blue dude with that j has a red boxflashin over him i dont know if im tweakin or thats just how it is hahaha well anyway,im psyched about using that mix,i bet the results are jungles lol:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Active Member
Roots organic or bio bizz are some quality soil bases. Ocean forest is too hot and grows crappy cannibus. The few that i suggested are used by pros is the cannibus cup...just some info to ease your mind a bit. If ya dont believe me.. Google supersoil and behold you will find the best brew (custom soil blend). If you want the real quality and are willing to go the extra mile to do so..look this shit up! Happy grows!!!


Well-Known Member
you need to do more research and learn how to feed your FFOF soil to get that A+ quality...quality does not come from the medium, it comes from the genetic traits of the plant..might be slightly better grown organically to


Active Member
Let me guess your one of those cash cropper douch bags. Your like the Mcdonalds of growing get fuckin real! Do you know what super soil is? How bout TGA Subcool? A grower who knows real quality also knows it takes breakin this shit down to every smallest factor to get those results. Not just genetics dipshit. Did you know that the levels of calcium and mag have to be the same in your water or else the mag binds with the nitrogen and locks it out. Go to school ass clown!!


Well-Known Member
Wow. You just have to jump in on every thread about OF with your whining about how yo... er... Ocean Forest... fucked your plants up.

" I didnt do anything wrong to cause this..."
And how the hell do we know that? We don't! All we have is your word that 'you' didn't mess your plants up...so it must've been the Ocean Forest. Well, I believe that you believe that you didn't mess your plants up... but you might be fooling yourself. I've been watching you. Remember this other post of yours that I responded to but you didn't?

By your own admission you didn't even leave the plants in the soil for any real amount of time. Sounds like you freaked out because you didn't even know what was going on and OF was a good scape goat for you. But, whatever man.

Ocean Forest does work. Quite well. But you can't expect it to grow the plant for you and suck your balls, alright?

Black Gold/Sunshine Organic soil-less mixes are also decent, but keep in mind that they are soil-less and have no nutritional value. I use the Sunshine #4 to start seeds in, it's a good mix of sphagnum and coir with mycorrhizae as well.
lol wow i got alot of haters here :D


Well-Known Member
Some people claim that ffof burns seedling, I can tell you that this has not been the case in my personal experience using ffof. Maybe they had a super sensitive strain, maybe when they transplanted into ffof soil they killed their seedling because they didn't know how to handle the plant correctly.

We will never know, I don't agree with blaming a soil for your troubles unless you're 100% certain it was the culprit.
dude it doesnt take a genious to grow pot bro, i been growing other plants since i was like 8. Idk why yall keep talking shit,just beacuse i saw the dirt is wack,
not impress by your performance or non of yall,very low and immature


Well-Known Member
Wow. You just have to jump in on every thread about OF with your whining about how yo... er... Ocean Forest... fucked your plants up.

" I didnt do anything wrong to cause this..."
And how the hell do we know that? We don't! All we have is your word that 'you' didn't mess your plants up...so it must've been the Ocean Forest. Well, I believe that you believe that you didn't mess your plants up... but you might be fooling yourself. I've been watching you. Remember this other post of yours that I responded to but you didn't?

By your own admission you didn't even leave the plants in the soil for any real amount of time. Sounds like you freaked out because you didn't even know what was going on and OF was a good scape goat for you. But, whatever man.

Ocean Forest does work. Quite well. But you can't expect it to grow the plant for you and suck your balls, alright?

Black Gold/Sunshine Organic soil-less mixes are also decent, but keep in mind that they are soil-less and have no nutritional value. I use the Sunshine #4 to start seeds in, it's a good mix of sphagnum and coir with mycorrhizae as well.
damn man u have no life then wow lol stop following me its pathetic really.like no joke


Yup... we're the ones who are immature and 'low' and I am 'following you' because I read threads on a forum I've been a part of for some time and sometimes call people out on their huge-pile-of-flaming-bullshit opinions. And instead of behaving like a rational adult human being you take it like a little bitch e-punk and actually PM me to tell me that I am 'ugly and deformed'... and yet I am immature?

Go back into mommies womb lil buddy you just has ta develop a bit longer.


What rats? You just aren't very intelligent buddy. And you aren't worth it, now I've got some weed to grow.


Well-Known Member
FF Ocean is a top grade soil. It has worm castings in it but I like to add a one gallon container of my own home grown worm castings per 1.5 cubic foot bag of FF Ocean and one gallon of perlite. I'm big into worm tea also using the Bruce Deuley worm tea method. Before I even use FF Ocean soil, I put it into a big Rubbermaid storage tote , and take my watering spout can and water the FF Ocean soil with pure worm tea that's been fresh brewed for 24 hours.

I let the watered FF Ocean soil sit in the Rubbermaid container for 2 weeks nice and damp but not soggy so the good microbes and beneficial bacteria can flourish throughout all of the FF Ocean soil. Then, I scoop out the FF Ocean soil from the tote container and put it into pots and plant my jiffy pucks which have 1 -to-2 inch tall seedling sprouts into the pots.

Some people say it's expensive , it depends on the person but I don't think $14.00 per 1.5 cubic foot bag is too much for FF Ocean soil when you just have a small closet size grow and are after quality herb. I feed my worms a mixture of pulp from my juicer every day of apple,celery,carrot,beet pulp and they make quality castings, and I make super great worm tea.

I've seen the Happy Frog in grow stores ,never used it but I'm a true believer on what FF Ocean soil can do. FF Ocean soil with a little extra fresh home made worm castings and perlite mixed in, and every other watering with fresh made worm tea, and up to 4 "weak" feedings with Earth Juice Bloom, that's all I use. The last 7 days before plants are cut all I give is just Ph'ed water. 3 gallons of PH'ed water ran thru each 3 gallon container to flush out everything. Between this method and FF Ocean soil I doubt I'll ever change to anything else.

When I die I wouldn't mind my coffin filled over with FF Ocean soil, just a cheap wooden coffin and all the extra money put into Fox Farm Ocean soil, that's how much I believe in Fox Farm Ocean soil.


Active Member
for some reason im feeling like ganjguy420 and peacefulkid r the same person,or theyre both in an exclusive club that hates OF hahaha


Active Member
lol wow i got alot of haters here :D
gtf outta my thread all you do is whine about how ffof doesnt work,than to top it off you argue with the pour dudes just trying to help me out so instead of me getting the info i need, im reading a bunch of post that say"foxfarm doesnt work,it doesnt take a genious to grow pot,but i still fucked mine up"...wtf man not cool