The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

I just think putting fluoride in the water is pointless and a waste of money/time. It would be right up there with me insuring a rock in my front yard.
Depends on what type of rock it is.... I mean a limestone with marble would be worth the insurance
That's bullshit, I've seen first hand what happens to a city without fluoride in the water.

I think I can safely say you have no idea how to substantiate that comment, or you would do so.

I drank well water through my childhood. When I go to a dentist for the first time, they generally think I am not from the area. If you look at different areas with and without fluoride in the water, the only real conclusion you will pull from it is this: On average, people in higher income areas have better teeth because they have better hygiene. On average, the people with higher incomes live in nicer neighborhoods served by better systems. A major portion of rich people have city water due to where they live, and most cities have fluoride. Also, most toothpaste has more than enough fluoride to do what fluoride does. This means that people who have bad teeth probably suffer from bad hygiene and it has nothing to do with water.

Name any major city that doesn't put fluoride in their water, and prove your point with tooth decay surveys or anything that proves your point what so ever?

Then: Please explain why the government has the right to medicate you? It would be akin to them craming tyenol down your throat every day.
Its too bad I am on my shifts. I missed all but the last question or so. Ill have to watch it tomorrow.
you really didn't miss much. i was reminded why i seldom bother to pay attention to speeches and debates, they only say what is expected of them.