Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
yeh man i started some in regular paper towels, took like 2 days to germ, i planted them and they grew... a week later i germed a couple more, but this time i placed in cup of water overnight, then put in paper towl... germed super fast and outgrew 1 week old plantS!


Well-Known Member
thats nuts!! thats why I am part of this site... for little hints and secrets like that! awesome thanks!


Well-Known Member
Seed cracked but no tail yet... should I drop it into some soil? Or wait for a tail?


Well-Known Member
OK well I left it over night again and woke up this morning and there is a tail now... so I have to go to the Hydro store after work and get a few things anyways so you will see the first seed in Soil or possibly in hydroton... just don't want to grow unknown male/female in hydro... so I am thinking soil. :)


Well-Known Member
I am leaning twords soil cause if it is a male I dont want to keep it in my closet (Hydro) setup with the females... at least I can pull him out and harvest him for pollen so I can keep my own seeds from now on. :)


Active Member
I'm excited, hope to see some pics of a sprout soon! ;) I'd love to watch either a soil or a hydro grow, and to be honest I've been really interested in hydro lately. Seems like soil's super finicky these days - so many complaints in the MJ plant problems forums (often about consistently faulty soil mixes, although there are certainly good ones out there :)). You gotta constantly keep up with hydro, and damage occurs much more quickly than it does in soil (in soil it could take a month for some problems to become apparent, but it varies a lot). At the same time, you have much more control with hydro, you know exactly what your plants are getting and when.

Once you have the whole system down, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that, as long as everything's been maintained, your plants are getting exactly what they need - and you can watch the root system for any damage, super handy. Plus, hydro often allows for a sick a** root system, and plants grown in hydro with the same size root system as one grown in soil will have more foliage than the soil-grown one, comparatively, given that the plants in either have been kept healthy ;).


Well-Known Member
:) yep! I will be posting pictures tonight! this one will be in soil because it was a "Reg" seed freebie so I dont know male or female... so I will keep it separated from the known Females. :) pics tonight though for sure!


Well-Known Member
you ask and shall receive... I know its boring but its what I do... LOL sorry I completely got complacent and didn't take a picture of the germed seed... the tail was about an inch long though... that's what I get for leaving it in there all day I guess haha I am going to see how this goes... should be a fun ride! I will have more pics this weekend. Work is just killing me.

Soil I picked

Soil in container

Seed in soil!


Well-Known Member
So I have a few questions... this soil.. can I water it with the same solution and ph at my hydro stuff? Also how long can I keep mixed nutrient water in a 1 gal jug? Thanks!! Also set a Buddha seeds red dwarf fem auto to germ the way mattman recommended. So ill put it in paper towels tomorrow after work.


Well-Known Member
So working late today which does not excite me... sooo I will be doing another late update tonight. Sorry guys.


Well-Known Member
So working late today which does not excite me... sooo I will be doing another late update tonight. Sorry guys.
what up dsam, see everything is coming along nicely! I noticed you posted a question regarding pH... I posted a question earlier about how to monitor pH of the soil consistently without problems. Someone pointed me in the right direction... Dolomite lime! It buffers the soil at at pH of 6.8-7.2... so when you pH your water and add it, it will not go above or below this range!


Well-Known Member
what up dsam, see everything is coming along nicely! I noticed you posted a question regarding pH... I posted a question earlier about how to monitor pH of the soil consistently without problems. Someone pointed me in the right direction... Dolomite lime! It buffers the soil at at pH of 6.8-7.2... so when you pH your water and add it, it will not go above or below this range!
Awesome. What's the mixing ratio to soil with that?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if its the same with every product (bc of different brands and what not), but I do know that the stuff I purchased for my cactus, you just add 1 tablespoon/per gallon of soil used and mix it up..... If you already have everything going, you can just lay it on top of the soil and give it a good flush. Really, I dont think adding that much more can hurt anything after doing a little research on the matter.

Also, not sure where your located, but here in the STATES, I dont have a hydro shop in the state im in, so I purchased my bag at lowes for $8.00, it was a 2 pound bag, so should last quite sometime. Haha and dont get scared when you open it... it literally smells like a fire is burning lol.... scared the shit out of me because I opened it and layed it on my bed, came back in my room and almost had a panic attack.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha yeah I am in the state with no states around it. And we have some awesome hydro shoes guys are super helpful and friendly. Can't wait to get home and move that seed over to a paper towel... its been soaking since last night.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha yeah I am in the state with no states around it. And we have some awesome hydro shoes guys are super helpful and friendly. Can't wait to get home and move that seed over to a paper towel... its been soaking since last night.
Awesome, you will see those things explode 4 sure... Make sure you get your pH stuff figured out ASAP though, pH probs have ruined my stuff in the past, and when they are seedlings, they are much more susceptible to damage.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait!! I put the seed into the paper towel and I could see a tail forming under the skin of the shell! totally stoked!